At the Glance ...

ABA mobilizes to help survivors of Maui wildfires

The American Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division Disaster Legal Services Program is partnering with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and local legal aid offices to provide legal assistance to survivors of the Maui wildfires.

“The ABA is prepared to assist with the legal needs that so often arise after these natural disasters, including FEMA financial benefits, insurance claims and consumer issues such as contractor fraud,” said ABA President Mary Smith.

Hotlines are being set up to connect survivors who cannot afford an attorney with free legal services in qualifying geographic areas.  In addition to the services mentioned by Smith, attorneys will help with:

• Rewriting wills and other important legal documents destroyed or lost in the disaster

• Responding to price gouging, scams or identity theft

• Handling landlord or tenant disputes, or threats of foreclosure

Lawyers interested in providing assistance can consult the Disaster Relief Pro Bono Portal, an online resource with opportunities to address legal issues arising from natural disasters at

SBM webinar looks at cross-cultural issues

The International Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan will present the webinar “Managing Cultural Differences to Improve Results” on Thursday, Sept. 7, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

Guest speaker Nadine Henry will lead the coaching session on cross-cultural awareness.  

Henry has more than 15 years leading cross-cultural and cross-functional teams in multinational corporations.  In addition, she has more than 10 years of experience, facilitating individual, group and organization learning and leadership development.

To register, visit

Security tips for judicial officers offered online

The Michigan Judicial Institute (MJI) has scheduled a webinar entitled “Online Security Tips for Judicial Officers” on Wednesday, Sept. 13, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

This webinar will explore tips for judicial officers to manage their PII, and strategies to engage safely engage online.

Speaking during the webinar will be Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Qiana Lillard and John Muffler of Aequitas Global Security LLC

To register for the webinar, visit and scroll down to “Upcoming MJI Events.”


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