Daily Briefs

‘OWI Defense Challenges and Practical Tips’ provided online

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan will present the Traffic Safety Training Program Webinar “OWI Defense Challenges and Practical Tips for the Road Officer Handling OWI Investigations” on Thursday, May 30, from 1 to 2 p.m. via Zoom.

Defense attorneys challenge Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) cases through every phase of the investigation.  It’s important for road officers handling OWI investigations to be familiar with these challenges and to use this information to sharpen their investigations and police report writing.

This webinar, presented by Michigan Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Kinga Canike, will explore some of the most common OWI defense challenges and provide road officers with practical tips that they can start incorporating in their next OWI investigation to help their case overcome any challenges the defense may raise in the case. The webinar will also cover police report writing and courtroom testimony basics for road officers.   

This course is approved for 1 hour of credit under PAAM’s recommended CLE Best Practice.

To register for this free webinar, visit https://michiganprosecutor.org and click on “training calendar.”  

Anyone with questions or in need of any assistance registering should contact Amy Gronowski at gronowskia@michigan.gov or at 517-643-2114.

‘Forensic Biology/ DNA Analysis’ explored in webinar

The Criminal Defense Association of Michigan will present a webinar on “Forensic Biology/DNA Analysis” Friday, May 31, from noon to 2 p.m.

The online program will be presented by Erich Speckin, forensic document analyst, ink dating specialist; and Julie Howenstine, forensic DNA expert, biological evidence examiner. Both are staff members of Speckin Forensic Laboratories, an international forensic firm specializing in consulting with plaintiff and defense lawyers involving issues concerning forgery, sequencing of entries, examinations of medical and business records for alterations, additions, rewritings, ink dating and paper, typewriting, facsimiles, photocopies, fingerprints, analytical and forensic chemistry, biological fluid ID & DNA, firearms and toolmark examination, shoe and tire prints, trace, toxicology, handwriting, crime scene reconstruction, cell phone forensic, mortgage fraud, “robo signing” examination and fraud, criminal forensic matters, and computer forensics.

Cost for the webinar is $80 for CDAM members and $100 for non-CDAM members. To register, visit https://cdam.wild apricot.org.

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