Daily Briefs

Schools partner for ‘Holistic Defense Initiative: Virtual Lunch Talk’ June 12

Wayne State University’s Law School and School of Social Work will present “Holistic Defense Initiative: Virtual Lunch Talk” on Wednesday, June 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Alumni, students, and friends are invited to learn more about the Wayne Law and School of Social Work partnership on the Holistic Defense initiative with speakers Dan Ellman, assistant clinical professor and director of Externships (Law School), and Athena Kheibari, assistant professor and holistic defense coordinator (School of Social Work).

Holistic defense is a multifaceted approach to legal representation that recognizes the many social and legal challenges that can drive an individual into the criminal legal system, and the collateral or enmeshed consequences that may result from an individual’s contact with the system. These potential consequences include effects on a person’s immigration status, housing and employment opportunities, access to public benefits, mental health and substance use, and the custody of children.

Historically, Michigan has long struggled to provide high-quality legal defense to indigent persons. Recently, though, a reform movement has swept the state with a particular emphasis on improving holistic services. Recognizing the ability to contribute, in 2021, Wayne Law and the School of Social Work unveiled the Holistic Defense initiative, a unique, interdisciplinary partnership in which law and social work students practice holistic defense at one of the initiatives’ placement sites, and study-related concepts in the classroom. During this virtual event, the presenters will discuss the concept of holistic defense, and share how Wayne and its students are making substantial contributions to improving client representation in the criminal legal system.

To register for the free online event, visit https://law.wayne.edu and scroll down to “Events.”

FBA to host Annual Dinner June 11

The Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, will host its Annual Dinner on Tuesday, June 11, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Westin Book Cadillac, 1114 Washington Blvd. in Detroit

The Annual Dinner will feature the presentation of the 2024 Julian Abele Cook Jr. - Bernard A. Friedman Civility Award, recognition and thank yous to the members of the federal bench, election of chapter officers, and social time with friends and colleagues.

To purchase tickets to the Annual Dinner, visit www.fbamich.org and click on “calendar.”

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