Daily Briefs

Lunch & Learn discussion to focus on victim rights

The Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan’s Victim Services Training Unit will host an online lunch-time discussion between and among victim advocates. The Victim Advocates Lunch & Learn “Lettuce Talk” will take place online Thursday, June 20, from noon to 1 p.m. via Zoom.

PAAM VSTU plans to offer victim rights related topics to prompt discussion. It also looks to this opportunity as a way to maintain community among victim advocates across Michigan. This meeting is for AG advocates and prosecutor-based victim advocates only.

To register for the online discussion, visit https://michiganprosecutor.org and click on “Training Calendar.” After registration is approved, participants will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom access link.

Anyone with questions may contact Alex McGowan at McGowanA1@michi gan.gov, Bill Dailey at DaileyB2@michi gan.gov, or Jeannie Wernet at WernetJ@ michigan.gov.

This training is supported by a Crime Victim Rights Award. This award was made to the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Victim Services.

Trailblazers Dinner slated for June 13 in Southfield

The D. Augustus Straker Bar Association will host its 30th annual Trailblazers Dinner on Thursday, June 13, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Westin Southfield Hotel, 1500 Town Center in Southfield.

In recognition of the continued struggle towards justice and equality in the legal system, the theme for the year is “Disruptors in the legal community: Fighting to redress injustice and inequality.”

The Trailblazers Awards Ceremony and Scholarship Dinner is the marquee event of the association and is used to honor outstanding individuals who have blazed the trail in the legal community and beyond.

The awards ceremony is also the gateway to award the A. Kay Stanfield Spinks Law Student Scholarship to law students dedicated to public service in Michigan and the Martin Luther King Jr. Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition scholarship to high school juniors and seniors. After dinner and presentation of the awards, current Straker President Tanisha M. Davis will provide closing remarks for the 2023-2024 bar year.

Tickets can be purchased for $85 by visiting https://strakerlaw.org. Sponsorships and ads can be purchased by contacting Mikai Jasmine Green at 313-367-6374 or email at mikaigreenattorney@ gmail.com.

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