Book authored by Climax teenager on sale on Amazon

(Photo courtesy of Kracker family)

Climax resident and Lighthouse Connections Academy senior Adrian Kracker recently wrote a book that is now available on Amazon to purchase.

Most students have hobbies. Some play sports or instruments, while others draw, cook or garden. With so many options to choose from, Kracker, who recently graduated from Lighthouse Connections Academy, elected to just do it all.

 “We’re very homestead-focused people,” said the 18-year-old. “We like to try things and become as self-sufficient as possible, which is how I became involved with blacksmithing, tree tapping for maple syrup and cooking.”

 Adrian also hand-mills flour, welds, conceptualizes designs through 3D printing and is learning to work on vehicles. Most notable of his hobbies is his passion for storytelling, which is represented in his published book, titled “The Realms Architect,” and video game, “Project Stardust.”

The book only took five weeks for Adrian to write. It was inspired by a dream and includes hints of magic.

 “I’ve written dozens of short stories beginning when I was in third grade,” Adrian said. “I have binders full of essays and ideas, but this was my first attempt at publishing.”

 Adrian’s father says that when his son began drafting the book, he had zero input. “It was all Adrian’s ideas from start to finish! He knew I was there to cheer for him and that was enough,” said his father, Shane Kracker.

 Adrian believes he has the time to invest in his hobbies because he attends Lighthouse Connections Academy, a fully online, public virtual school. He has had a flexible learning schedule for his entire high school experience, which has allowed him greater scheduling freedom to explore his passions while still prioritizing earning a high school diploma.

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