‘MSU Law in Detroit!’ For Interim Dean Michael Sant’Ambrogio, that says it all

Among those attending the Michigan State University College of Law alumni gathering were (l-r) Wayne County Treasurer Eric Sabree, attorney and DEI executive consultant Alison Nelson, and MSU?Law Interim Dean Michael Sant’Ambrogio.

When he met with nearly 50 alumni in Detroit this week, Dean Sant’Ambrogio spoke of the symbolic as well as literal importance of the Motor City to Michigan State University College of Law.

“Detroit is our home,” he said. “And our roots remain an important part of who we are today. Detroit College of Law’s values – its commitment to teaching a diverse student body and providing a top-quality legal education – are at the heart of who we are.”

Dean Sant’Ambrogio talked about plans to expand MSU Law’s presence in Southeast Michigan to support students, alumni and the local community.

“To enhance the reach of our clinics in Southeast Michigan, we’re beginning a new Criminal Appellate Defender Clinic – the first of its kind in the state,” Dean Sant’Ambrogio said. “And we are looking for an outreach and engagement center in Detroit that might serve as a resource for the community, our students, and alumni.”

Katie Pike, assistant director of Alumni Relations, said this event is the first meeting of alumni in Detroit in many years.

“It was so nice to gather together with alumni in Detroit, our birthplace,” Pike said. “Everyone enjoyed meeting with our dean and re-engaging with the College of Law. Our alumni are so important and we’re looking forward to the next time.”

Recent graduates as well as alumni from pre-affiliation came to reconnect and celebrate the bright future of their alma mater. Among the guests in attendance were Judge Sean Cox, ’83; Judge Craig Strong, ’73; Judge Adam Sabree, ’11; and Alison Nelson, ’90.

The event was sponsored, in part, by Eric Sabree, ’96; and Dickinson Wright.

The next alumni event is in Lansing on July 30. Look for registration details from MSU Law Office of Advancement.

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