Daily Briefs

Third Judicial Circuit Court ranks high on public satisfaction survey

A survey of 826 anonymous court users recently gave high marks to the Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan in Wayne County in several categories. Using a format that was administered in courts statewide, the Third Judicial Circuit surveyed users about whether the court was accessible, timely, and fair, and if users were treated with courtesy and respect by judges and court staff. The court users who completed the survey include parties to cases, attorneys, jurors, and others.

“The survey results display our efforts of joining forces to serve better together are working.  Even with a reduced staff due to vacant positions, we continue to place emphasis on serving the public,” said Chief Judge Patricia Perez Fresard. “This survey is our opportunity to get a report card from those we serve. The people of our community and their views are critically important in helping us make decisions on how to enhance court operations.”

“I am very proud of the hard work put in by our team at the Third Circuit Court as we continue to meet the needs of our constituents,” she added. “We are committed to continuing our focus on improving public service.”

Highlights from the survey include:

• 89% of court users strongly agreed or agreed that court staff were friendly and respectful.

• 80% of courts users strongly agreed or agreed that they were helped quickly.

• 78% of court users strongly agreed or agreed that they were treated the same as everyone else.

Visit the Michigan State Court Administrative Office Website for full survey results, available here:  https://www.courts.michigan.gov/publications/statistics-and-reports/public-satisfaction-survey/

“The information gathered from this survey allows us to look at each of our four locations and assists us when making management decisions regarding how to best serve the public.” said Executive Court Administrator Frank Hardester. “We want our court to be transparent, open, and accessible to the public. These results reinforce the court’s commitment to our mission, vision and core values.”

Developed with input from judges and court administrators statewide and tabulated by the State Court Administrative Office to insure accuracy, the survey enables courts to identify strengths, provide positive feedback to employees, and target areas for improvement.

The public satisfaction survey is part of a statewide initiative of the Michigan Supreme Court and the State Court Administrative Office to measure and report on court performance.

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