Theresa King named interim G-A High School principal

By Bruce Rolfe

Current K-12 Curriculum and Instructional Specialist Theresa King has been named Galesburg-Augusta High School Interim Principal for the 2024-2025 school year according G-A Superintendent Lindsey Newton.

In a letter to G-A staff, Newton said due to the most recent budget information from the state, the district has decided to take a fiscally responsible approach and has appointed King as the Curriculum Director and Interim Principal for the upcoming school year.

“Theresa King has been with our district for several years and has a deep understanding of our goals and growth. She knows the district and High School staff well, and her extensive instructional experience and familiarity will be invaluable during this transition. Additionally, she holds an Administrative Certificate from Michigan State University in K-12 Administration, further qualifying her for this role,” Newton said in the letter to G-A staff.

Newton adds King will continue her role as Curriculum Director, where she has been instrumental in developing and implementing curriculum standards, coordinating professional development for G-A staff, and leading G-A’s instructional improvement initiatives.

“Her dedication to enhancing our educational programs has had a significant impact on our district’s success. We are currently assessing what projects she can delegate and which she cannot. I am committed to ensuring that she does not take on too much and that our partnership will keep the high school in the right direction with as little change as possible,” adds Newton, who said King will still maintain coaching, grant writing, instructional rounds, and K-8 instructional supports that are in place.

Newton, who was recently named the district’s superintendent after former superintendent Wendy Somers retired, said she plans to be present at the high school as much as possible to support current building initiatives in place, staff meetings, assemblies, events and other activities. She adds Dean of Students Brian Dolph will also be taking on more responsibilities, “ensuring the smooth running of building events and supporting our staff and students daily.”

Terms of the contract were not available.

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