MDHHS and Michigan 211 launch on-demand grief and bereavement support services and resources

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), in partnership with Michigan 211, has launched a new website dedicated to increasing access to grief and bereavement support services and resources.  

The website was made possible through a $490,000 grant to the MDHHS Division of Maternal and Infant Health from the Michigan Health Endowment fund. This funding also provided for grants to improve partnerships between hospitals, community-based organizations and hospice, and activities designed to address the critical need for support following the death of a mother or infant and to provide linkages to ongoing support for grieving families, communities and care providers. 

“There was a need for a statewide system to support individuals dealing with the loss of a loved one,” said Elizabeth Hertel, MDHHS director. “Each person’s?grief experience is affected by their relationship to the deceased as well as the circumstances surrounding the loss. This partnership offers on-demand access to a wide range of bereavement support services through 211 to help Michigan families navigate loss.” 

Each year in Michigan, 80 to 90 people die while pregnant or within the year following pregnancy, and 700 infants die before their first birthday.  

“The deaths of mothers and infants and the resulting grief can impact families and communities for generations,” said Jennie Pollak, Michigan 211 executive director. “Grief journeys are individual, lifelong and require ongoing assistance, including support immediately following a death. We’re honored to help navigate resources to support this journey.” 

Any member of the community, including bereaved families and health care professionals, will be able to access resources and services through the site or by calling 211. Individuals will be able to search for resources and services before and immediately following a death, including perinatal hospice, palliative care, burial and cremation services; financial assistance; mental health support; resources and services for maternal and infant loss; and resources and services for sudden loss. Users will be able to search for services by ZIP code. 

In addition, 211 specialists have been trained to assist callers in locating grief and bereavement services.