Counselor's Corner: The simple road to emotional, physical and spiritual health

Fred Cavaiani

Hold nothing against anyone in your life.

Let go of any resentments because they cover up our real feelings of pain and hurt, which need to be embraced.

Never embrace anger because it covers up what we are really feeling.

Anger and resentments stop us from the journey deeper into our inner self, which needs to be embraced so we can heal.

You can’t heal what you can’t feel.

Quiet time with God brings us into a positive experience of God.

Daily exercise allows our bodies to become relaxed and become open to a healthy way of living.

When we never engage in negativity, we experience inner freedom.

Criticizing others emotionally imprisons us.

Letting go of negative thinking and judgments of other people, bring us into a loving and positive relationship with God.

Negativity and happiness do not hang out together.

Rushing through life stops us from experiencing our kind and loving inner self.

Quiet time helps us open up to God and experience the emotional wounds that need to heal.

Inner freedom will result when we are kind and loving.

The peace and love of God enter our soul and psyche when we become quiet, when we feel our wounds and joy and when we engage and in kind and loving actions, words and thoughts.

It can be very simple to lead a happy if we stay simple, loving and reflective.

Physical exercise, kind words and thoughts, and quiet time with God seem to all be connected.

The embrace of tears can become the pathway to inner peace.

The greatest freedom and peace result from the experience of God in the present moment.

Love and kindness toward all make the world a gentle  utopia of love.

Bring love and kindness to your corner of the world.

Never engage in criticism of others but only engage in kindness and love and life becomes so meaningful.

Only in love and experiencing God will my soul be at rest.

Never worry about what will happen next. Only be concerned about the loving embrace of the present moment.

Inner freedom comes from a positive experience of God which is always embracing us.  

Each moment is meant to be an embrace of God and an experience of God.

Never worry about how others should change. Only be concerned about being loving and kind to everyone and everything you see.

 The road of life is meant to be a road of love.

There are no unimportant moments in our life because God is in every moment.

We are all on the road of life together, so be loving and kind to everyone.

God can take over our life in a peaceful and meaningful manner when we choose to be loving, affirming and positive.

No one has to change for me to find happiness except I have to change into a more reflective and kinder person.

In each moment of life, I am meant to experience God.

The more I embrace this present moment, the more my Faith and Experience of God can take over and lift me up into a profound and peaceful connection with divine love.

The love and peace of God is all around us.  I must allow myself to become aware of this.  

Always making the effort to be loving and positive will bring me into the love and peace of God.


Fred Cavaiani is a licensed marriage counselor and psychologist with a private practice in Troy. He is the founder of Marriage Growth Center, a consultant for the Detroit Medical Center, and conducts numerous programs for groups throughout Southeast Michigan.

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