Federal court overseeing Flint payments approves settlement vendor

By Ben Solis
Gongwer News Service

The U.S. District Cour for the Eastern District of Michigan recently authorized a settlement distribution vendor for the partial settlement between state and local government and the people of Flint affected by the city’s water crisis.

An order signed by U.S. District Judge Judith Levy authorized engagement with Epiq Class Action & Claims Solutions Inc. to distribute funds to claimants in the partial 2021 settlement agreement in Waid v. Snyder (USEDM Docket No 16-10444).

The order was signed in response to a report and recommendation from appointed special master Deborah Greenspan, who said that the claims review process has continued since her last report on the matter in April.

“The claims administration team is primarily working to address reconsideration requests, finalize distribution of notices, and conduct due diligence procedures,” Greenspan wrote in the report. The undersigned is reviewing appeals (both on paper and in a hearing where appropriate and feasible). Although the final steps of the review process are ongoing, it is appropriate at this time to prepare the systems and procedures that will be necessary to issue payments.”

Greenspan went on to write that to achieve an orderly and efficient distribution process, it would be necessary for the court to assign a vendor now to get the ball rolling. Greenspan also noted that the Epiq was selected by the settling plaintiffs’ counsel after interviews with potential vendors.

“Epiq is well qualified to perform these tasks: Epiq has been providing services in connection with mass claims administration for nearly 30 years,” Greenspan wrote. “They provide services in every phase of a class action or mass litigation including notice, administration, lien resolution, and distribution. Their experience includes, among many other examples, serving as the administrator of the physical injury settlement and medical monitoring program arising from the Gulf oil spill, and administrative services for the Fire Victims Trust established as a result of the PG&E bankruptcy.”

Levy approved Epiq as the vendor this month based on Greenspan’s recommendation.

Court records do not show any other movement for the settlement funds to affected residents and minors, other than payments to various other vendors and law firms.

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