Couple tied knot in somewhat of a fairy-tale type of wedding

The wedding ceremony that united Mary Pat and Jeff Meyers four years ago was spiced by several light-hearted moments courtesy of the bride’s brother, Dave Kubiske, pictured in sunglasses and bow tie.

A bumper crop of Ohio corn framed the wedding day photo of Mary Pat and Jeff Meyers.

Sporting a fashionable headdress, Pat Kubiske was all smiles as she watched her daughter get married in 2020.

The bride and groom in a keepsake photo with the best man, Jeff's father, Carl.

By Tom Kirvan
Legal News

Mary Pat Meyers is part of what is lovingly known as a “Corona Couple,” the label attached to those wed during the depths of the coronavirus pandemic, the not-so-loving health crisis that nearly brought the world to a stop in 2020.

She and her husband, Jeff Meyers, exchanged wedding vows September 5, 2020 in an outdoor wedding with an assisted living facility and an Ohio cornfield as a backdrop. In other words, not exactly a dream-like wedding venue.

And yet, what the ceremony lacked in aesthetics, it more than made up for in terms of the joy and lasting memories arising from the nuptials.

“It was anything but conventional, but that made it even more special,” Meyers said of the COVID-19 wedding that will be forever imprinted in the minds of those who attended. “We did not know how long the pandemic would last, and wanted to get married, so with some ingenuity in collaboration with my siblings, we made it happen in a meaningful, but fun way.”

Fun, of course, was a word that was nearly banished from the dictionary during the pandemic, which claimed millions of lives around the globe and dramatically curtailed personal interaction. Large gatherings such as weddings were verboten or so severely altered to ensure that they did not become super-spreader events.

Which meant that the Meyers had to do some serious planning if their respective parents, both then in their early 90s, were to be included in the special occasion. In less than four weeks, the plans were set, she said.

“My mom (Pat Kubiske) was in an assisted living facility in Bryan, Ohio and would have faced two weeks in isolation if she had attended an event outside the residence,” Meyers explained. “We didn’t want to put her in a situation like that, so my sister Annette (Kubiske) went to work, getting approval from the administrator there to hold the ceremony in the courtyard where my mom could see from behind the window and Jeff’s dad, Carl, could attend as well. He served as Jeff’s best man, while my mom was the maid of honor.”

The ceremony took place on a sun-splashed day with only immediate family members attending, although residents of the assisted living facility were safely tuned in to the proceedings through the wonders of Bluetooth technology.

“It was a ceremony filled with laughter, as my brother Dave married us, describing me as a princess, quoting the ‘Princess Bride,’ among other choice comments,” Meyers recalled. “He was hilarious, and helped make it a wedding day like no other. It was perfect.”

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