Hearing set on proposed changes to court rules

The Michigan Supreme Court will hold a public administrative hearing on Wednesday, Nov. 20 as justices consider a number of proposed amendments to rules that affect courts and attorneys across the state.

The administrative matters on this hearing’s agenda are:

1. 2022-12 Proposed Amendment of MCR 7.118
Published at 513 Mich ___ (2024)
Issue: Whether to adopt a proposed amendment of MCR 7.118 that would clarify access to and service of certain records for parole board appeals.

2. 2022-25 Proposed Amendment of MCR 7.103
Published at 513 Mich ___ (2024)
Issue: Whether to adopt a proposed amendment of MCR 7.103 that would require that an appeal to circuit court be heard by a judge other than the judge that conducted the trial.

3. 2022-38 Proposed Amendments of MCR 2.625, 7.115, 7.219 and 7.319
Published at 513 Mich ___ (2024)
Issue: Whether to adopt proposed amendments of MCR 2.625, 7.115, 7.219 and 7.319 regarding taxation of costs in the trial courts and throughout the appellate process.

4. 2022-56 Proposed Amendment of MRPC 3.7
Published at 513 Mich ___ (2024)
Issue: Whether to adopt a proposed amendment of MRPC 3.7 that would clarify that in accordance with Const 1963, art 1, § 13, a lawyer can appear in pro per.

5. 2024-06 Proposed Amendment of MCR 3.306
Published at 513 Mich ___ (2024)
Issue: Whether to adopt a proposed amendment of MCR 3.306 that would prohibit a court from granting leave to a private individual who is bringing a quo warranto action that relates to the offices of electors of President and Vice President of the United States.

Speakers may appear by videoconference (Zoom); attendees who are not speaking may view the livestream on the Court’s YouTube channel.

Information About Speaking at the Public Hearing:

• The hearing will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. Speakers will join the video-conference meeting no later than 9:30 a.m. and will be called on by the Chief Justice.

• Speakers will be allotted three minutes each to present their views on each agenda item for which the person registered, after which the speakers may be questioned by the Justices.

• ***Please be aware that comments offered at a public hearing must pertain directly to an item on the public hearing agenda.***
Registration Information:

• To reserve a place on the agenda, please register online no later than Friday, Nov. 15. If you are not able to register online, you may e-mail or call the Office of Administrative Counsel at ADMComment@courts.mi.gov or 517-373-1239.

• A few days before the hearing, speakers will receive an invitation to participate in the Zoom meeting.

• Speakers must turn on their camera in order to participate in the public hearing.