SBM section schedules New Orleans conference

The State Bar of Michigan Real Property Law Section (RPLS) will host its 2013 winter conference — “Jazz, Jambalaya and Jeopardy – New Orleans, Katrina and Lesser Casualties” —  from March 14-16 at the J.W. Marriott in New Orleans.

Programs and workshops will cover such topics as “Louisiana Real Estate Law and Title,” “Legal Strategies in Michigan Cities and New Orleans for Reuse of Vacant or Abandoned Properties,” “Insurance and Indemnity in Real Estate Transactions,” and “Recent Developments in Michigan Insurance and Indemnity Law.”

The registration fee, prior to Jan. 15,  is $345 for Real Property Law Section members who are also first-time attendees, $395 for other Real Property Law Section members and $475 for non-section members.

After Jan. 15, the fees will increase by $75 for all registrants. YLS section members can register for $100 both before and after Jan. 15.

For registriation forms, visit

For additional information, contact Karen Schwartz at

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