Daily Briefs

Pictured with Deborah LaBelle (center) are Melissa Stowe-Lloyd (left), Cooley’s assistant director of the Center for Ethics, Service and Professionalism; and Cooley Associate Dean Joan Vestrand.

Attorney receives ‘Integrity in Our Communities’ award
 Thomas M. Cooley Law School’s Center for Ethics, Service and Professionalism honored Ann Arbor attorney Deborah LaBelle during the school’s “Integrity in Our Communities” series on Wednesday Oct., 24. LaBelle, who spoke to Cooley students prior to receiving the award, played an instrumental role in the recent ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court that requires the review of all minors who have received a sentence of life in prison. She is an advocate for the human rights of people in detention, the interaction of race and gender, and the rights of children in both the criminal justice and education systems.  LaBelle was the first American recognized by Human Rights Watch as a Human Rights Monitor for her work on behalf of incarcerated women and girls.

High court hears closely watched copyright case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court justices are weighing copyright protections for publishers, creative artists and manufacturers in a global marketplace in a case that has attracted the interest of Costco, eBay and Google. The outcome has important implications for consumers and multibillion dollar annual sales online and in discount stores.
In arguments Monday, a book publisher faced off against a Thai graduate student in the U.S. who resold the publisher’s copyrighted books on eBay after relatives first bought nearly identical, cheaper versions abroad.
The court seemed to struggle with whether it matters where the books were produced and first sold.
The justices’ answer to those questions is of enormous interest to discount sellers like Costco and online business like eBay and Google that offer good prices on many products that were made abroad.

WLAM-Wayne New Member Mixer Nov. 1
All are welcome to attend this informal event welcoming new members of the WLAM-Wayne Region. The event will take place at Wah-hoo in Detroit from 5:30-8 p.m. For more information contact Katie Zeiter at kzeiter@hotmail.com.

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