Daily Briefs

Third Circuit Court co-hosts forum on ‘What to do When Stopped by the Police’

The Third Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan co-host a citywide forum spearheaded by S.A.F.E. – Serious Advice For Effective Encounters —?at the Detroit Public Library – Main Branch in the CSJ Friends Auditorium on Saturday, May 21 from 1-4 p.m. The citywide forum will educate attendees through a panel presentation and also provide practical resources to citizens when stopped by the police. The goal of the forum is to enable law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and defense attorneys to engage with students and the community at large about what is and is not the proper way to engage with police and help protect lives and safeguard everyone’s rights.

These programs are in response to the tragic and sometimes fatal confrontations between the police and citizens in Michigan and other states. These programs have the full support of the Wayne County Circuit Court. Chief Judge Robert J. Colombo, Jr., Executive Court Administrator Zenell Brown, and Deputy Court Administrator Richard Smart, along with members of the judicial branch, the Detroit Police Department, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office have participated as speakers and panelists.

S.A.F.E. is the brainchild of a local attorney, Robyn McCoy, working in private practice and also on staff at the Michigan Children’s Law Center. McCoy saw a need in her community and legal practice and took action. McCoy will moderate the forum of panelists, which will include Detroit Police Detective Brian Fountain, Detroit Police Captain Rodney Cox, Hon. Judge Virgil C. Smith, Hon. Judge Bruce Morrow, Criminal Defense Attorney Lillian Diallo and Police Misconduct Attorney Ernest Jarrett. The S.A.F.E. panelists will provide a short presentation and open the floor for questions from the audience.

The Michigan Children’s Law Center, The National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Community Social Services of Wayne County and the City of Detroit, and Department of Neighborhoods will support the forum and citywide presentation.

The Third Judicial Circuit Specialty Courts will be represented with informational tables for forum attendees.

The Detroit Public Library – Main Branch in the CSJ Friends Auditorium located at 5201 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48202 will host S.A.F.E from 1-4 p.m. The forum is free and open to the public.


I’ll, uh, be back: Court upholds conviction in 2-day car test drive

PETOSKEY, Mich. (AP) — A test drive might lead to a car sale. For a northern Michigan man, it led to jail.

The state appeals court this week affirmed the conviction and sentence for James Damberg, who drove a woman's car to Grand Rapids from Petoskey — a distance of 230 miles.

Damberg was gone for two days in 2014. The 2000 Pontiac Bonneville belonged to Gina Stephani, who had to pay to have it towed back to northern Michigan.

Damberg was convicted of using a car without permission. He told jurors that he and Stephani had never agreed on how long he could drive the Bonneville.

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