WBA Dinner

On May 25, the Women’s Bar Association (WBA), Oakland County region of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, hosted its Annual Dinner & Meeting at the Birmingham Country Club. Among those enjoying the event were (l-r) Jacqueline August, Kristina Bilowus, Janine Plourde, Nicole Gettler, Elyse Culberson, Stephanie Brochert, Rebecca Tetreau, Kelley Donnelly, Marissa Wiesen, and Kristin Fernandez. During the meeting, the Joan Young Judicial Excellence Award was presented to Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Yasmine Poles, the Evelyn ­Forrest Distinguished Advocate Award was presented to Nicole Wilinski, and the Sarah Killgore Wertman Scholarship was presented to Savanna Polimeni. The event also included the swearing-in of the new Executive Board for 2023-24.

Photo by John Meiu


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