Township fire millage renewal for 1.5 mills will be on August 6 ballot

By Bruce Rolfe

A 10-year Climax Township fire millage renewal of a proposal that was approved by Climax Township voters in 2014 will be on the ballot for Climax Township registered voters to consider in the August 6 Primary election.

Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

The proposal will ask voters if 1.5 mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value), 2014 through 2023 inclusive, and reduced by required millage rollback, should be renewed at and increased up to the original voted 1.5 mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of taxable value) to be levied for a period of 10 years, 2024-2033 inclusive, for dedicated funding of the Climax Township Fire Department. If approved the millage is estimated to raise $135,655.39 in the first year of the levy.

The millage provides a dedicated source of revenue for general operations, including maintenance of equipment, and training personnel to maintain operational readiness, enhance firefighting capabilities, and better serve the community’s safety needs.

The local fire department feels the millage renewal can help ensure that the department can attract and retain qualified firefighters to serve the community, assist with equipment upgrades and maintenance, and allow the local fire department to engage with the community through  outreach and education programs that promote fire safety and prevention.

In 2014 Climax Township registered voters approved a 1.5-mill, 10-year fire millage proposal, 177-151.

In 2003 Climax Township voters approved a 1/2-mill, 10-year fire millage proposal 260-195, with funds dedicated for the Climax Township Fire Department’s operating budget and improvements.

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