MJI sets probation officer/caseworker
certification exam
Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Order 1985-5 requires a juvenile [court] probation officer/caseworker to complete the Michigan Judicial Institute (MJI) certification training within two years of employment.
The examination is based upon information in the MJI Juvenile Probation Officer/Caseworker Self-Instructional Manual.
The exam is a computer-based application, but applicants must still pre-register to take the exam for only one time slot: 9 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4 p.m.
Closer to the exam date, applicants will receive additional information regarding accessing the State Court Administrative Office Learning Management System where the exam is housed.
To register, visit https://mjieducation.mi.gov and scroll down to “upcoming MJI events.”
The registration deadline is Friday, January 24.
SBM election info coming soon
Candidates will be required to submit nominating petitions to the State Bar of Michigan between Tuesday, April 1, and Wednesday, April 30.
Ballots will be emailed to all active members before June 1 and must be completed and returned by June 16.
Anyone with questions may email Marge Bossenbery at mbossenbery@michbar.org or Carrie Sharlow at csharlow@michbar.org.
CDAM schedules Hockey Game Day
The event will begin at 11 a.m. with a buffet lunch at McShane’s Irish Pub & Whiskey Bar.
At noon, a shuttle bus service to the Arena will start, which is included with ticket.
The Red Wings take on the Tampa Bay Lightning at 1 p.m. and the shuttle will return to McShane’s once the game is over.
Tickets cost $121 for CDAM members and guests and $136 for non-members and guests.
Visit https://cdam.wildapricot.org to register. Anyone with questions may call 517-599-2603.
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