Differing opinions seem certain to pin us against the wall of hate and distrust

Tom Kirvan
Legal News, Editor-in-Chief

When U.S. District Judge Avern Cohn was in his prime at the federal courthouse in Detroit, I was particularly fond of one of his sticky notes that he had attached to the bench.

“Be reasonable – do it my way,” the esteemed note-writer proclaimed in his best tongue-in-cheek fashion.

Most of us, I suspect, feel much the same, especially when we venture into the political thicket to express our opinions on the topics of the day, such as the lightning rod subjects of Ukraine, Canada, Greenland, Gaza, and the Gulf of Un-America.

Several weeks ago, after I wrote a column on the “slide toward autocratic rule” in the U.S., I received some salty feedback from several of our readers, taking me to task for being overly political in trying to make my point.

The critical comments, in many respects, ironically help illustrate the beauty of democracy, where those who have differing views enjoy the opportunity to freely express those opinions in the marketplace without fear of retaliation or retribution.

Such a mission can only be accomplished, of course, if we put our political differences aside and decide to engage in meaningful and respectful discourse, embracing the wisdom of legendary Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. when he wrote:

"The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.”

Which is why we welcome constructive criticism and differing ideas on how we express our opinions, especially if the views are articulated in an intelligent, rational, and respectful manner.

Along that line, it would be refreshing – dare I say even shocking – if the current Commander in Chief could refrain from hurling insults and stretching the truth virtually every time he opens his mouth.

It also would be remarkable if he would quit attacking our friends and embracing our enemies, giving dictators around the globe free rein to push their evil agendas.

My point, as an underlying theme throughout the recent series of columns, is to encourage political action and expression, and to make clear that the greatest threat to our democracy comes from apathy and inaction. If we as voters do our job by participating in each and every election, then we can be assured that the will of the majority prevails on such critical issues as climate change, reproductive rights, gun control, and freedom of expression. It also can help guarantee that elected officials are representing the collective voice of the voters, not the select wishes of an elite, deep-pocketed few that only have their special interests at heart.

Certain events of the past few years – most vividly the Russian invasion of neighboring Ukraine and the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol – should illustrate in graphic and tragic terms the high cost of preserving precious freedoms.

Those liberties were won on the battlefields during a series of costly wars over the past two-and-a-half centuries, where men and women of all political persuasions oftentimes made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their country.

We have been privileged to be born in a society that values the right of free expression, and has a tradition of tolerance and respect for the opinions of others, however controversial or extreme they may be.

But with privilege comes responsibility and a desire to work for the common good, a point best expressed by Abraham Lincoln when he said, “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.”

Or as someone else once said, “I don’t have a problem with differences of opinion. I do have a problem with the increased levels of hate as a result of the differences of opinions.”

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