MAJ endorses Benson, Nessel

The Michigan Association for Justice (MAJ) has announced the endorsements of Jocelyn Benson for Secretary of State and Dana Nessel for Attorney General.

Benson is former dean of Wayne State University Law School and a national leader in election law and administration.

She is the author of  “Secretaries of State: Guardians of the Democratic Process,” the first major book on the role of the Secretary of State in enforcing election and campaign finance laws, and promoting fair, accessible, and secure elections.

“Jocelyn Benson is the most qualified person, bar none, to be Michigan’s next Secretary of State,” said MAJ President Brian J. McKeen. “She is an expert in election law and has spent her career fighting for transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in our elections. At a time when voting rights are under siege
in Michigan and throughout the United States, we need leaders like Jocelyn who will uphold and promote the fundamental principles of our democracy.”

A graduate of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University Law School, Nessel is managing partner of Nessel & Kessel Law, located in Detroit.

She is recognized as one of the premier litigators of LGBTQ issues in Michigan. Nessel spearheaded the precedent-setting case, DeBoer v. Snyder, which challenged the bans on adoption and marriage for same-sex couples in Michigan.

“Dana Nessel is a true champion of justice who will fight every day to protect the rights of Michigan citizens,” McKeen said. “She has a record of taking on the most powerful interests and championing what is right and what is good. Dana puts people first, and that is what we deserve from our next Attorney General.”

The Michigan Association for Justice, formerly the Michigan Trial Lawyers Association (MTLA), is a trade association of more than 1,500 plaintiff's attorneys and staff, with offices in Lansing.

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