
    August 29, 2014


    1. Center honored with Hearts & Heroes award
    2. Navigator: Attorney helps guide insolvency clientele
    3. OCBA UPDATE: Practice law in paradise
    4. Southern Poverty Law Center president to speak Sept. 8
    5. Rochester Bar plans golf outing for Sept. 22
    6. Southern Poverty Law Center president to speak Sept. 8
    7. Rochester Bar plans golf outing for Sept. 22
    8. Southern Poverty Law Center president to speak Sept. 8
    9. Rochester Bar plans golf outing for Sept. 22


    1. ADR SPOTLIGHT - ADR and the Business Courts: Value added and innovation
    2. ADR SPOTLIGHT-ADR and the Business Courts: Value added and innovation
    3. ADR SPOTLIGHT-ADR and the Business Courts: Value added and innovation


    1. Q&A: How one U.S. factory owner fought cheap imports
    2. SEC adopts rules on loan-backed securities
    3. Q&A: How one U.S. factory owner fought cheap imports
    4. SEC adopts rules on loan-backed securities
    5. Q&A: How one U.S. factory owner fought cheap imports
    6. SEC adopts rules on loan-backed securities


    1. State can be sued over death of vet at vets home
    2. Lawyer can't drop case of mom of autistic teen
    3. Appeals court reinstates '77 murder conviction
    4. Court OKs dismissal of case tied to Arab festival
    5. State can be sued over death of vet at vets home
    6. Lawyer can't drop case of mom of autistic teen
    7. Appeals court reinstates '77 murder conviction
    8. Court OKs dismissal of case tied to Arab festival
    9. State can be sued over death of vet at vets home
    10. Lawyer can't drop case of mom of autistic teen
    11. Appeals court reinstates '77 murder conviction
    12. Court OKs dismissal of case tied to Arab festival


    1. Immigration judges' union wants independent court
    2. Immigration judges' union wants independent court
    3. Immigration judges' union wants independent court