Man can be tried for courtroom attack

LANSING (AP) — A judge says there’s enough evidence to try a man caught on courtroom video trying to attack a Lansing-area prosecutor with a metal shank he had hidden in his sleeve.

Judge Louise Alderson ruled last Thursday that 35-year-old Joshua Harding of Okemos can be tried for terrorism, assault with intent to commit murder, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a weapon in jail.

The Lansing State Journal reports Harding wore shackles during his court appearance. He faces up to life in prison if convicted on the terrorism charge.

The Aug. 2 courtroom incident occurred while Harding was on trial for sexual abuse. The video shows a prosecutor eluding him at the last second while a police detective tackles Harding. Harding subsequently was sentenced to 19 to 38 years.

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