Expert working group report promotes anti-corruption efforts in Central America

The American Bar Association’s Center for Human Rights and Rule of Law Initiative put together a select group of anti-corruption experts from across Latin America and the United States to develop effective approaches to the twin crises of corruption and impunity in Northern Central America.

Their conclusions, released Wednesday in a full-length report in Spanish and English titled “Building International Cooperation to Enhance Anti-Corruption Activities in Central America,” draw on lessons learned from previous efforts, including the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), and speak to urgent objectives, including the development of a new anti-corruption commission in Honduras. The report provides concrete strategies to challenge kleptocratic governance in Northern Central America.

The members of the working group agreed that there is a critical need for the international community to focus attention on the protection of at-risk justice sector personnel and anti-corruption advocates. In doing so, it recommends the use of targeted financial sanctions, restrictions on support from international financial institutions, and enhanced due diligence requirements for foreign direct investments to incentivize rule of law reforms and protect pockets of independence in the justice sector.

The full report in English can be read online at