Regional Michigan unemployment rates decline in March

Not seasonally adjusted jobless rates declined in 12 Michigan regions and remained unchanged in five labor market areas during March, according to data released Thursday by the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget.   

“Michigan regional labor markets recorded positive trends in March,” said Wayne Rourke, labor market information director of the Michigan Center for Data and Analytics. “Modest payroll job gains were observed in most metro areas over the month.”

Michigan regional unemployment rates ranged from 2.8 to 9.4 percent in March. Unemployment rate declines ranged from 0.1 to 1.0 percentage points, with a median decrease of 0.2 percentage points. The largest over-the-month jobless rate reduction occurred in the Detroit metropolitan statistical area (MSA).

Since March 2022, jobless rates rose in 14 areas, with a median increase of 0.3 percentage points. The largest over-the-year rate increase occurred in the Northeast Lower Michigan region (+1.3 percentage points). The unemployment rate remained unchanged in the Ann Arbor and Monroe metro areas.

—Regional employment totals up over month and year

Employment rose in 10 Michigan labor market areas over the month, with a median increase of 0.3 percent. The most pronounced employment increase occurred in the Detroit MSA (+2.3 percent). Three regions exhibited minor employment reductions between February and March, with a median decrease of 0.2 percent.
Fifteen Michigan regions displayed employment gains over the year, with a median increase of 1.1 percent. The Ann Arbor MSA demonstrated the most pronounced over-the-year employment increase (+2.6 percent).

—Regional labor force levels mixed over month, up over year

Total workforce levels advanced in nine labor market areas across Michigan, with a median increase of 0.2 percent. The largest labor force gain occurred in the Detroit MSA (+1.3 percent). Workforce levels decreased in seven metro areas over the month, led by the Jackson MSA (-0.5 percent). The Midland MSA was the only region to see no change in labor force since February.
Workforce levels increased in 16 Michigan regions over the year, with the most pronounced labor force advance seen in both the Ann Arbor and Niles-Benton Harbor metro areas (+2.8 percent).  

—Regional payroll jobs increase in March and over the year

According to the monthly survey of employers, Michigan not seasonally adjusted employment rose by 9,000, or 0.2 percent, over the month. The largest over-the-month employment gains occurred in the leisure and hospitality sector (+5,000).        

Payroll employment rose in 10 metro areas over the month, with a median job hike of 0.3 percent. The Flint metro area demonstrated the largest over-the-month gain in jobs (+0.7 percent). Only the Jackson MSA recorded a reduction in employment over the month (-0.2 percent).

Statewide nonfarm jobs rose by 75,000 over the year, or 1.7 percent. All 14 metro areas displayed job advances over the year, with a median increase of 2.1 percent.

—County unemployment rates down over month, up over year

Over the month, 64 Michigan counties exhibited unemployment rate decreases, while seven counties demonstrated rate increases and 12 county rates remained unchanged. Jobless rates rose in 75 Michigan counties over the year.


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