Shapero Cup

The 2024 Shapero Cup Moot Court Competition and Symposium took place Monday, February 19. The competition was held in courtrooms at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and the symposium was held at the Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse in Detroit. Teams of law students from University of Kansas School of Law, University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, University of Michigan Law School, Wayne State University Law School, and Cooley Law School competed.  After the competition, experienced attorneys conducted a demonstration argument on the same fact pattern for the law students to observe.  An awards ceremony concluded the event. On hand for the awards ceremony were (left to right) Sandra O’Connor, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Lisa Gretchko, Eastern District of Michigan; and Tom DeCarlo. The Shapero Cup Moot Court Competition and Symposium are named in honor of retired Judge Walter Shapero for his many years of outstanding service as a bankruptcy judge.

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