Suspension upheld for doctor in medical marijuana case

BALDWIN (AP) — The Michigan appeals court affirmed a two-year suspension for a doctor who approved nearly 22,000 medical marijuana certificates in a 12-month period.

An expert said it would have been impossible for Dr. Vernon Proctor to conduct exams, obtain medical histories and take other necessary steps for that many patients. He has an office in Baldwin, 75 miles north of Grand Rapids.

Proctor would have to see 60 patients a day, seven days a week, during a 12-month period in 2015-16, Dr. Phillip Rodgers said.

People seeking to use medical marijuana need approval from a doctor when they apply for a state card.

During a state hearing, Proctor disputed that he had approved 21,708 certifications but said it was more than 1,000, according to the appeals court's summary of the case.
The court found nothing to disturb the suspension ordered by a medical panel at the Bureau of Professional Licensing.


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