Patterson warns residents to be wary of phone scam

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson is warning county residents to be aware of a phone scam threatening unsuspecting residents with arrest for non-payment of federal taxes.

Patterson himself got a recorded message on his personal cell phone last Friday, threatening to send Internal Revenue Service agents to arrest him unless he called a number and arranged to clear up his phony tax debt.

“This is a fraud,” Patterson said. “This isn’t how the IRS operates. The IRS will never, never make a phone call and threaten to send an agent to your home to arrest you.
They will always send a letter explaining any issue or dispute they have.”

A county investigator got a similar call minutes after Patterson also threatening arrest. The investigator returned the call, used a fictitious name and social security number and was told he owed $8,000. The investigator asked if he could pay $4,000 of the debt. When the scammer said he would see if that was a possibility, the investigator
identified himself as a law enforcement official and the scammer hung up.

“These scammers are blanketing the area with this fraud,” Patterson said. “Do not believe them. If you get such a call, I encourage you to call your local police department or the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.”

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