
Search Result

  1. Taking Stock: Disney stocks and mortgage deals
  2. Taking Stock: Disney stocks and mortgage deals
  3. Beyond borders: Firm sees M&A work as key to international growth
  4. Beyond Borders Law firm sees M&A work as key to ongoing international growth
  5. TakingStock: Cisco's reach from D.C. to Darfur
  6. Taking Stock: A real debt solution?
  7. Taking Stock: A real debt solution?
  8. State residents' tax burden declines over decade
  9. Earnout agreements focus of BLI program
  10. Taking Stock: The new standard of living
  11. Taking Stock: The new standard of living
  12. On Point: Right to work will reignite Michigan's economy
  13. Right to work will reignite state's economy
  14. County seeks to recover transfer tax payments from mortgage firms
  15. Taking Stock: Hhgregg
  16. Borders Group Inc. agrees to sell itself for $215 million
  17. REITs hold up despite housing market's double-dip
  18. TAKING STOCK: Hoodwinked by a trough of modules
  19. Earnout agreements focus of program at BLI meeting
  20. Taking Stock: Go for the gold?
  21. Problem-solver: Circuit Court judge to receive 'Champion of Justice Award'
  22. Problem-solver: Circuit Court judge to receive 'Champion of Justice Award'
  23. Expert advice helps with property tax appeals
  24. Warner Norcross and Judd achieves full partner
  25. Taking Stock: PennyMac and Zipcar
  26. New jury reform rules aimed at greater juror engagement
  27. Taking Stock: Hhgregg
  28. Taking Stock: ING uses caller ID
  29. Taking Stock: Go for the gold?
  30. The Firm: The billable hour: Dead or alive?
  31. Personal Finance REITs hold up despite housing market's double-dip
  32. A bit of history on law clinics and law schools
  33. Spinmeter Just don't call it raising taxes Obama, Dems skirt issue on tax hikes
  34. Snyder announces $1 million in legal services contribution
  35. Taking Stock- Disney stocks and mortgage deals
  36. Taking Stock: Is this the best price for a tobacco bond?
  37. The Firm: Client feedback even more important in today's economy
  38. Taking Stock: Condominium madness
  39. Taking Stock: IRAs or Roths?
  40. Utah 'Sister Wives' family to challenge Utah bigamy law
  41. Taking Stock- Go for the Gold
  42. Taking Stock-Go For The Gold?
  43. Problem-solver Circuit Court judge to receive 'Champion of Justice Award'
  44. Zillow soars in IPO debut
  45. Taking Stock: High-dividend-paying stocks
  46. Economy Low taxes, high health costs make U.S. choices tough
  47. On the Rise Court administrator took 'long road' to the top spot
  48. COMMENTARY: Planning in a world of unknowns
  49. LAW, MONEY, & ELDER LAW: To all young lawyers
  50. Taking Stock: Simon says you got stiffed
  51. Money Matters: Consider REITs as alternative investment
  52. Money Matters: Planning in a world of unknowns
  53. Policy to improve legal profession, advance justice adopted by Delegates
  54. Legal View: High court rulings reinforce free speech
  55. Money Matters: Big investment opportunity in copper
  56. A bit of history on law clinics and law schools: The 1960s saw a sea change in attitudes toward law clinics
  57. Mens Rea: 'Forensic uncertainty principle' can assist defense attorneys
  58. Firms look within to generate more business
  59. Money Matters: The end of the bond boom?
  60. Taking Stock: Condominium madness
  61. Wall Street How bad is it? Pawn shops, payday lenders are hot
  62. Dykema named top real estate law firm
  63. Firms look within to generate more business Idea was modeled after speed dating events
  64. Upside down: Once coveted marital home now albatross in divorce
  65. The Gold Rush is on again
  66. Wells Fargo to stop making reverse mortgages
  67. Statistics show income changes for Michigan attorneys
  68. Online statements are 'lies'-- Cooley Law School sues New York attorneys and bloggers for defamation
  69. Taking Stock: Penny stocks
  70. Money Matters: End of the bond boom
  71. Legal View: The challenge of asking for damages
  72. The Firm: Legal outsourcing: The future of law?
  73. Legal Assistants Section will award scholarship for legal studies
  74. The Firm: Google Plus: The next big thing for small law firms?
  75. Stocks rally after Fed pledges low rates
  76. General Motors uncertain that U.S. auto sales will hit forecast
  77. The Firm: Be prepared for contingencies
  78. TAKING STOCK: Broker's Copano recommendation gets a thumbs up
  79. July is Juror Appreciation Month High court looks to educate public about value of jury service
  80. Michigan's retailers reporting steady sales in spite of unemployment
  81. TAKING STOCK: Borrowing from Peter to pay Peter
  82. Unintended consequences: 'Guantanamo lawyer' discusses Miranda exception for terrorists
  83. Eye on Lansing: Five questions for new liquor advisory committee
  84. TAKING STOCK: Variable annuity comes at a cost
  85. TAKING STOCK: Three cheers for Casey's
  86. East Lansing Where's the beef? Michigan State aims to find out with special barcode tags
  87. Money Matters: The end of the bond boom?
  88. Expert Witness: Rules are rules
  89. TAKING STOCK: Yahoos at Yahoo! souring company's investment potential
  90. Army vet can sue Rumsfeld over torture
  91. Federal magistrate says Detroit destroyed potential evidence in Tamara Greene case
  92. A look at leveraged exchange-traded funds
  93. Real Estate New-home sales fall, 2011 could be bad year Suffering housing industry hurting broader economy
  94. Money Matters: In some ways, investing is like cooking
  95. Legal View: Overseeing the discovery process
  96. Washington, D.C. Contractor accused of negligence in soldier deaths
  97. COMMENTARY: Pre-trial--#2 of the top 3 hearings you're likely to attend in a divorce
  98. Law firm specializes in counseling school districts
  99. Money Matters: Important proxy access measure struck down
  100. Consumer borrowing up in June by most in 4 years
  101. National Roundup
  102. Washington, D.C. Court case reveals details of secret flights Legal dispute between aviation companies led to revelation
  103. The Firm: There's value in those musty client records
  104. Mens Rea: 'Forensic uncertainty principle' can assist defense attorneys
  105. Class-action lawsuits could be costly
  106. Giving counsel: Company president offers special insight to Fed board
  107. Judge drops charges against men behind studio
  108. Divorce economically more difficult for couples
  109. Taking Stock: Broker's Copano recommendation gets a thumbs up
  110. Essay Reliving instead of remembering Sept. 11
  111. 9/11: We remember
  112. Consumer borrowing up for 10th straight month
  113. Of Mutual Interest In time of volatility: 8 revealing statistics for fund investors
  114. Technology After Apple's fall, is it time to buy or sell? Investors suggest holding but analysts recommend buying at a bargain
  115. Juror Appreciation Month: High court looks to educate public about value of jury service
  116. Professionalism: Honor helps frame career of attorney
  118. Taking Stock: Borrowing from Peter to pay Peter
  119. All the world's a stage
  120. Taking Stock: Broker's Copano recommendation gets a thumbs up
  121. Down on the farm-- Investors see big potential
  122. Businesses find ways to adapt in slow economy
  123. Detroit Neighborhood near river weathers economic storm Values of homes are down, but not as much as in other parts of town
  124. Lansing: State changing rules for food stamp eligibility
  125. Real Estate: In the U.S., two housing markets and two directions; Sales and prices are up for luxury homes -- but not elsewhere
  126. Legal View: A look at the pros and cons of home associations
  127. The Dark Side: Why bother with law review articles
  128. Taking Stock: That's the way the shares crumble
  129. Personal Finance Can frequent-flier programs work for you?
  130. Yahoos at Yahoo souring company's investment potential
  131. State Roundup
  132. Money Matters: A look at the second half of 2011
  133. Economy shows signs of growth after bumpy Aug.
  134. Discount retail stocks offer safety in down market
  135. Taking Stock: A tip sheet for successful investors
  136. New York Google-Motorola deal highlights patent arms race Trove of 17,000 patents will help shield Google from lawsuits
  137. TAKING STOCK: ETFs versus ETNs
  138. TAKING STOCK: For those of you with Apple shares: Sell, sell, sell
  139. Internal Revenue Service issues notice on 2010 estates
  140. Real Estate Mortgage default warnings surged in August Increase represents biggest monthly gain in 4 years
  141. Six mutual funds that take an edge off market volatility
  142. Of Mutual Interest 6 mutual funds that take an edge off volatility
  143. ABA sessions in Toronto resolve some issues, not all Annual meeting concludes with Kentucky attorney installed as new president
  144. Economy Broken Budgets Wall Street's ride compounds states' pension fears Nationwide, states have $689.5B in unfunded pension liabilities
  145. Expert Witness: Twelve Rules for Forensic Consultants and Experts
  146. Taking Stock: Don't panic - markets will stabilize
  147. Beluzo named 'Detroit Five Star Wealth Manager'
  148. TAKING STOCK: Don't panic - markets will stabilize
  150. Money Matters: The benefits and risks of closed-end funds
  151. Utilities funds deliver gains in declining market
  152. Real Estate Mortgage rates lowest in decades, but few qualify Record-low rates have done little to energize depressed home sales
  153. Government mulls expanding mortgage refinance program
  154. Technology U.S. gets chance to catch up on credit card security Rest of industrialized world is switching to 'smart' cards
  155. Taking Stock: Don't Panic--Markets Will Stabilize
  156. Traffic crashes come with hefty price tag
  157. West Park band shell-- Local co-founder of 'The Penny Seats' starring in spoof of Shakespeare
  158. TAKING STOCK: Is this the best price?
  159. Legal View: Unlocking hidden value in intellectual property
  160. California Gold fever sweeps through the criminal underworld All-time high gold prices fuel crime spree in the precious metal
  161. Unemployed facing tough competition: underemployed
  162. Your Money Even with price drop, gold ETFs still a good bet
  163. Taking Stock: For those of you with Apple shares: Sell, sell, sell
  164. Mexico Mexico cartel issues booklets for proper conduct
  165. Wall Street After 4 weeks of losses, stocks rise
  166. National Roundup
  168. Business Pfizer may sell animal health, nutrition units
  169. Summer months bring high rates of burglaries - is your home secure?
  170. Rhode Island Convicted art dealer claims poverty, asks for help
  171. Economy S&P downgrades Fannie and Freddie, U.S.-backed debt
  172. Ethics 20/20 Commission proposes to remove barriers
  173. Commentary: No. 2 of the top 3 hearings you're likely to attend in a divorce
  174. Economy Factory output mostly weak in August outside autos Retail sales unchanged
  175. Nearly 12,000 tax cheats come clean under IRS program
  176. Can't get relief: Economic news sours some investors
  177. One Perspective: What's in your portfolio ... of career skills?
  178. Taking Stock: Long-term investing in today's market a fool's game
  179. Real Estate Foreclosure warnings fall slightly in July Slowdown result of processing delays
  180. Money Matters: Want to be a better investor? Play more golf
  181. Stocks on long losing streak as the economy weakens
  182. Taking Stock: PennyMac and Zipcar
  183. County seeks to recover transfer tax payments from mortgage firms
  184. Washington, D.C. Judge allows American to sue Rumsfeld over torture
  185. Economy Many retailers report solid sales gains for July Analysts worry momentum won't carry over into back-to-school season
  186. JPMorgan pays $211M to settle bid-rigging charges
  187. Real Estate Spring buying boosted home prices for 2nd month
  188. Economy Wealth gap widens between whites, minorities Analysis shows racial and ethnic impact of meltdown
  189. The Firm: The power of referral marketing
  190. Bodman lawyer delivers presentation at seminar
  191. Cooley Law School files suit to protect students, alumni and reputation
  192. Authenticity: An elusive key to successful marketing
  193. Illinois War hero turned mobster sentenced to 35 years Defendant fears conviction will keep him out of Arlington
  194. Oakland commissioners commend Bullard for fraud investigation
  195. THE FIRM: Don't bill for thank-you notes: Working with corporate counsel
  197. TAKING STOCK: Even Buffett can't stop Bank of America's buffeting
  198. Planned Parenthood of Arizona reeling as flood of new abortion restrictions set to become law
  199. California $1.3 billion award against SAP overturned in Oracle case
  200. Dream Cruiser gets call from county executive
  201. Wild swings in stock market knock out IPOs
  202. Law Life: Should lawyers offer prizes to use social media?
  203. Economy National child welfare survey examines recession
  204. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Summary of a Life Well Lived
  205. Counselor's Corner: Summary of a life well lived
  206. WHO pays for contingency fees?
  207. 'Advance planning' essential when accepting a contingency fee
  208. Real Estate Foreclosure activity slowed in first half of 2011
  209. Q&A with authors of 'Find Info Like a Pro'
  210. Divorce economically more difficult for couples
  211. TAKING STOCK: Cisco's reach from D.C. to Darfur
  212. Possible SEC move vs. S&P could be the first legal shot
  213. Home-buying season the worst in at least 50 years
  214. Of Mutual Interest Fund managers: Bleak outlook in European crisis
  215. Even Buffett can't stop Bank of America's buffeting
  216. Economy China urges global economic coordination Lambasts credit rating downgrade
  217. China takes a page from Oakland's economic diversification strategy
  218. Of Mutual Interest Utilities funds deliver gains in declining market
  219. Governor appoints State Building Authority Board of Trustees member
  220. Broken Budgets States cut home health services for seniors Aging and disability services have been reduced over past 2 years
  221. Court Roundup
  222. Taking Stock: Variable annuity comes at a cost
  223. ASKED & ANSWERED: Lynn A. Gandhi
  224. Legal People for September 26
  225. TAKING STOCK: Hammering out the dents
  226. Estate Strategies:Why automobile ownership is important
  227. Economy Economy grew at slower 1 percent rate this spring Economists: Economy teetering on edge of renewed recession
  228. Michigan retail sales data for July improves
  229. Five things to know about life insurance
  230. Chamber, Willis and Machnik partnering to present Pistons Coach Steve Moreland on Sept. 21
  232. Money Matters: In volatile times, investors shouldn't try to time market
  233. Some Fed officials sought more economic stimulus
  234. EXPERT WITNESS: Twelve rules for forensic consultants and experts
  235. Court receives funding to expand adoption program
  236. A look at the best options for stashing cash in this market
  237. Legal View: Combative lips sink ships
  238. Law professor spearheads a 'Chance at Childhood'
  239. Broken Budgets Cities, states back off bonds amid budget concerns Fewer public works projects another blow to economy
  240. NDeX president to advise Feds
  241. Giving counsel: Company president offers special insight to Fed board
  242. Reformist: Law professor honored for 'extraordinary' work
  243. Economy Trade deficit narrowed to $44.8B in July
  244. National Roundup
  245. Taking Stock: Medley Capital a golden opportunity
  246. Taking Stock: Hammering out the dents
  247. SBM recognizes attorneys with annual awards Robert Gillett is first recipient of new Access to Justice Award
  248. Of Mutual Interest Discount retail stocks offer safety in down market
  249. Going once, going twice ... sold! What trial lawyers can learn from auctioneers
  250. Personal Finance Investor anxiety Can't get no relief: Bad news about economic recovery sours investors
  251. TAKING STOCK: Medley Capital a golden opportunity
  252. Yahoos at Yahoo! souring company's investment potential
  253. On Point: A sound job description key to finding great applicants
  254. Settlement makes for friendlier skies Disabled fliers reach agreement with Delta Airlines, Metro airport over access
  255. Authors offer a guide to investigative research on the web
  256. Authors offer a guide to investigative research on the web
  257. Personal Finance 5 things you need to know about life insurance
  258. Taking Stock: Is this the best price?
  259. Florida Deloitte sued for $7.6B in mortgage fraud case
  260. Real Estate Home-buying season the worst in at least 50 years
  261. Of Mutual Interest 5 things you should know about mid-cap stocks
  262. ONE PERSPECTIVE: Can someone explain the Wall Street protests?
  263. Attorney combines business, immigration law
  264. New-home sales fall, 2011 could be worst year yet
  265. High Court rulings reinforce free speech
  266. Taking Stock: Three cheers for Casey's
  267. Fund investments in bank stocks key to performance
  268. Legal Currents: Should lawyers offer prizes to use social media?
  269. Spring buying boosts home prices in U.S. cities
  270. Taking Stock: Strip malls are for stupids
  271. Taking Stock: Is this the best price?
  272. Patterson declares Sept. 11-17 Patriot Week
  273. Cooley Law files suit to protect students, alumni and reputation
  274. Taking Stock: Broker's Copano recommendation gets a thumbs up
  275. TAKING STOCK: That's the way the shares crumble
  276. New president of MAJ aims to preserve plaintiff rights --'Right to a jury trial in jeopardy every day'
  277. Neither columnist nor personal acumen substitute for high-volume money manager
  278. Taking Stock: Is this the best price?
  279. One Perspective: Michigan should lower its renewable portfolio standard requirements to zero
  280. Money Matters: Do all your homework before deciding to buy a house
  281. Law Life: ABA further examines lawyer ethics, technology
  282. Washington, D.C. AP review finds no WikiLeaks sources threatened Tens of thousands of confidential exchanges were released
  283. Authors Guild sues universities over online books
  284. TAKING STOCK: ETFs versus ETNs
  285. Oregon 4 Americans get pot from U.S. government Marijuana program grew out of 1976 court settlement
  286. Frontiers: Giving authors a chance to strike a better deal
  287. ASKED & ANSWERED: Jocelyn Benson
  288. New Mexico After FBI raids, artifact dealers slowly regain trust
  289. California Fight over Globes broadcast returns to court Foreign press association wants to overturn recent NBC contract with dcp
  290. Time to unseal Nixon's Watergate testimony, says federal judge
  291. Pre-trial: No. 2 of the top 3 hearings you're likely to attend in a divorce
  292. The Firm: Who pays for contingency fees?
  293. S&P downgrades Fannie, Freddie
  294. Personal Finance Default fears drove 401(k) investors from stocks Fear, uncertainty unsettle workers
  295. Taking Stock:Three cheers for Casey's
  296. Is this the best price?
  297. PulteGroup 3rd quarter loss narrows on lower charges
  298. TAKING STOCK: Long-term investing in today's market a fool's game
  299. County's Aaa bond rating produces savings
  300. Fannie Mae's 2Q loss widens, will ask for $5.1B
  301. Broken Budgets States struggle for financing to meet road needs The money and political will to fix America's failing infrastructure is missing
  302. Expert: There's value in those musty client records
  303. MSU Law Small Business & Nonprofit Law Clinic receives Inclusive Excellence Grant
  304. Home sales on pace for worst showing in 14 years
  305. Dual Purpose Attorney concentrates civic obligations on Poland and Israel
  306. TAKING STOCK: Except for a handful of telecom issues, 'P.U.!' to the EU
  307. Supreme Court to rule on lying about military medals
  308. TAKING STOCK: European markets worse off than our own
  309. Present day prohibition
  310. ASKED & ANSWERED: Mark Wayne
  311. Personal Finance A look at the best options for stashing your cash
  312. Drug evidence slipped into trial over police shooting
  313. Legal malpractice case ends in $857k verdict
  314. Tips for rebalancing fund portfolio now
  315. 'Power of the Purse' organizers hope for record turnout on Nov. 11
  316. Presidential Politics Romney using wife's story to connect with voters Friends and foes say Ann Romney makes her husband seem more genuine
  317. Collector's cache: Lawyer builds a treasured collection of memorabilia
  318. Appeals court backs verdict in home lost due to oil mess
  319. On Point: Housing subsidy on the chopping block?
  320. Honigman recognized among 101 'Best and Brightest' firms
  321. Lesser-known pharmaceutical company still offers a good dose of cash
  322. Personal Finance Fast-food stocks offer big returns in slow market Fund managers drawn by restaurant chains' simple business plans
  323. Georgia Former CEO accused of targeting churchgoers
  324. Consumer borrowing dropped $9.5B in Aug.
  325. Law Life: The value of having a mentor or coach
  326. New York Authors Guild sues U-M, other universities over online books
  327. State Supreme Court to hear oral arguments in arbitration jurisdiction case
  328. Freddie Mac reports Q3 loss, asks for $6B in aid
  329. Committee urged to maintain funding for civil legal services
  330. For investors, playing the market 'safe' can be risky
  331. TAKING STOCK: Getting father's money in 7 simple steps
  332. THE FIRM: Prevent runaway legal fees with proper planning
  333. Personal Finance AARP: Families provide $450B worth of unpaid care
  334. London Phone-hacking scandal heats up Rupert Murdoch spars with lawmakers in hearing before Parliament
  335. Economy Aging America Poll finds more baby boomers expect to have to work past retirement
  336. Texas Going once, going twice ... sold! What trial lawyers can learn from auctioneers
  338. Business Smart money is divided on Bank of America Bank has been crippled by losses from poorly written mortgages
  339. Economy Businesses ordered more long-lasting goods Overall factory orders, however, fell 0.2 percent
  340. Cautious consumers pull back on retail spending
  341. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Living with gratitude
  342. Opening a college savings plan? Know the options
  343. Economy Tips for a double-dip: preparing for a recession Recent data show families earning less, cutting back
  344. Asked and Answered: Jocelyn Benson discusses redistricting
  345. Economy Poll: Many boomers staying put Generation is worried about retirement
  346. Education College prices up again as states slash budgets This year, total outstanding student loan debt passed $1 trillion
  347. Many boomers staying put amid bad economy according to poll
  348. Judge says prosecutors cannot retaliate for trial
  349. In the U.S., two housing markets and two directions
  350. Association of Corporate Counsel to celebrate Value Champions
  351. Taking Stock: A crash course on skyrocketing insurance rates
  352. Expense of divorcing stresses couples
  353. Sixth Annual Howard Soifer Memorial Lecture: Lawyer/agent relationship explored by Mateen Cleaves and attorney
  354. Taking Stock: For those of you with Apple shares: sell, sell, sell
  355. Scalia claims judges 'ain't what they used to be'
  356. Except for a handful of telecom issues, 'P.U.!' to the EU
  357. Personal Finance Refinancing your mortgage? Understand appraisals
  359. Spring buying boosts U.S. home prices for 4th month
  360. Money Matters: Investors need courage in down times to see opportunities
  361. Real Estate Fannie Mae loss widens; asking taxpayers for $2.8B Company's rescue has been one of the most expensive government bailouts
  362. While the Fed fiddles, check out First Niagara and Synovus
  363. Of Mutual Interest Seven tips for rebalancing your fund portfolio now
  364. Fast-food stocks offer big returns in a slow market
  365. TAKING STOCK: Bolster a shaky retirement account with these 9 stocks
  366. Oakland County officials announce second annual 'Kids First Initiative School Book Bag Giveaway'
  367. End-of-the-year taxes: 8 tips to help you save
  368. 'True' cost of college soon just clicks away
  369. ONE PERSPECTIVE: Cutting Saturday delivery no answer to postal dilemma
  370. Influence Game Credit raters have significant lobbying clout Rating analysts could still slash the United State's credit values
  371. COMMENTARY: Meet and confer--The meat and potatoes
  372. Utah Scientist charged with stealing secret drug recipes
  373. Money Matters: Equity line help would lift housing market
  374. Wall Street SEC may recommend legal action against S&P
  375. A buyer's guide to choosing an investment vehicle
  376. National Roundup
  377. Family Law: Pre-trial--#2 of the top 3 hearings you're likely to attend in a divorce
  378. Giving counsel Company president offers special insight to Fed board
  379. MONEY MATTERS: Will economic growth follow confidence surge?
  380. To build business, try not writing like a lawyer
  381. Consumer debt is the real issue hindering recovery
  382. Taking Stock- European markets worse off than our own
  383. MENS REA: Uncertainty comes to Michigan
  384. Mad at bank fees? Credit unions get another look
  385. Counselor's Corner: The values beneath attitudes
  386. The Firm: Discussing fees needn't be like getting root canal
  387. A summer many investors would rather forget
  388. South Carolina James Brown estate was saddled by $20 million debt Turnaround could be in jeopardy as trustees challenge money manager's deal
  389. Never trust an advisor of the cloth
  390. Lansing State leaders skeptical of unions in budget fight Many believe unionized workers have had negative effect on communities' fiscal health
  391. Oakland County's AAA bond rating reaffirmed
  392. Is it time to give away the farm?
  393. THE FIRM: Make yourself indispensible through client connections
  394. Economy Energy costs push wholesale prices up
  395. Annual lecture features Mateen Cleaves and Jack Davis Lecture honors Howard Soifer, a 'great lawyer and a great man'
  396. Build a financial moat by investing in rivals
  397. TAKING STOCK: Deepwater drillers may be an exciting investment prospect
  398. Closed-end funds a worthy contender for the savvy investor
  399. Of Mutual Interest 5 Morningstar fund manager winners mired in slumps
  400. Wall Street The IPO market, an engine of job growth, stalls Companies thinking of going public are deciding it's just too risky
  401. Nation GOP candidates would cut federal judges' power
  402. Aim for Ruger when considering American gun stocks
  403. Economy Consumer borrowing up, but credit card use falls Americans grow more cautious about high-interest debt
  404. Analysis Is student loan, education bubble next?
  405. New York Law may not be on Muslims' side in NYPD intel case Surveillance program targeted Muslim neighborhoods
  406. National Roundup
  407. To The Editor: Cutting Saturday delivery no answer to postal dilemma
  408. Mississippi Life-at-fertilization initiative has hope in state Efforts underway to put issue on ballot in four other states next year
  409. State's retailers are expecting upbeat holiday, MRA announces
  410. State's retailers are expecting upbeat holiday, MRA announces
  412. Technology Apple gets no love from Wall Street for new iPhone Industry analysts say company did poor job of managing expectations
  413. ON POINT: A conservative and 'originalist' definition of the role of government
  414. COMMENTARY: Cutting Saturday delivery no answer to postal dilemma
  415. TAKING STOCK: Another amoral bank, another reluctant recommendation
  416. Personal Finance Returning veterans often face financial challenges Unemployment rate among Iraq, Afghanistan war vets is over 13 percent
  417. COMMENTARY: County seeks transfer tax funds from mortgage giants
  418. Bolster a shaky retirement account with these 9 stocks
  419. TAKING STOCK: Never trust an advisor of the cloth
  420. TAKING STOCK: Debt for dummies
  421. TAKING STOCK: Debt for dummies
  422. New York NYPD's brave new world Post-9/11 tradeoff: Security vs. civil liberties
  423. Flint Bozo Brigade Clowning is part of the program for some students
  424. George Strander's Annual Probate Court update
  425. Cooley officials decry lack of diversity in law school admissions
  426. Taking Stock: Never trust an advisor of the cloth
  427. Real Estate New-home sales fell in August for 4th month High unemployment is one factor preventing people from buying homes
  428. Taking Stock: A crash course on skyrocketing insurance rates
  429. Strip malls are for stupids
  430. State Roundup
  431. Pet Project Attorneys pen book about setting up trusts for pets
  432. Refinancing in divorce when you thought it was impossible --ICBA Family Law Section meeting
  433. Scalia: Judges 'ain't what they used to be'
  434. 2 firms recognized as model workplaces
  435. 2 tools for a mutual fund portfolio checkup
  436. Alaska Former resident sues to claim valued moon rocks State officials contend rocks were stolen from a state museum 38 years ago
  437. Open Door Policy? Paper explores law school admission policies, practices and diversity
  438. Washington China-bashing on campaign trail obscures real problems China is emerging as an increasingly prominent foreign policy topic
  439. Money market funds and risk in all the wrong places
  440. Wayne Law faculty votes to adopt SBM's Pledge to Achieve Diversity
  441. Low mortgage rates elude 'underwater' homeowners
  442. Strengthen your workplace with holiday activities
  443. TAKING STOCK: Columnist a Luddite when it comes to social networking - but not tech stocks
  444. Refinancing your mortgage? Understand appraisals
  446. Legal People for October 3
  447. King-size bookseller: Used and rare bookstore is Detroit institution
  448. European markets worse off than our own
  449. Dividend growth strategy can avoid traps
  450. TAKING STOCK: Neither columnist nor personal acumen substitute for high-volume money manager
  451. The Firm: Succession planning by the numbers
  452. Consumer prices dip 0.1 pct., as gas prices drop
  453. First new Wal-Mart bias suit filed after Supreme Court ruling
  454. Taking Stock: Bolster a shaky retirement account with these nine stocks
  455. Holiday season always a good time to make sure your financial planning is on track
  456. Economy China's comedown World economy needs China to slow growth gradually
  457. Uncertainty comes to Michigan
  458. The problem with 2011: Too much debt
  459. Settlement makes for friendlier skies: Disabled fliers reach agreement with Delta Airlines, Metro airport over access
  460. Expert on law firm marketing advises 'finding your brand'
  461. Pennsylvania Sandusky charges bring focus on state sex crime laws
  462. 'Unstuck in Time' History professor at UDM writes book on Vonnegut
  463. TAKING STOCK: Getting father's money in 7 simple steps
  464. Asked & Answered: Jocelyn Benson
  466. Mester Family Endowment: Students awarded first scholarships
  467. Real Estate Average rate on 30-year mortgage falls to 4 pct. Low rates have failed to spur increase in home buying
  468. When is a contingent legal fee unconscionable?
  469. LAW LIFE: What do you really want? Create your own vision today
  470. Real Estate Section gets update on Michigan Tax Tribunal
  471. Columnist a Luddite when it comes to social networking - but not tech stocks
  472. Analysis Myanmar is country riven by graft, ethnic conflicts Country has begun to release political prisoners, work with opposition leaders
  473. Economy Pain of job crisis goes well beyond the unemployed Ailing job market is both a symptom and a cause of troubles
  474. Mich. wind farm critics can press case in court
  475. Taking Stock: European markets worse off than our own
  476. New methodology for protective estate tax claims
  477. No Title
  478. TAKING STOCK: Three techs and one eatery may double your shares
  479. Three techs and one eatery may double your shares
  480. TAKING STOCK: Best Buy ain't the worst buy
  481. ICBA introduces meet the judges event
  482. Estate Strategies: 'Tis the season to be gifting
  483. The trend can be your friend, if you embrace it
  484. U.S. builders spent slightly more during September
  485. Michigan retail sales data for July improves boosting fall expectations
  486. Taking Stock - Don't panic - markets will stabilize
  487. The meat and potatoes of meet and confer
  488. Real Estate Rate on 30-year fixed mortgage hovers at 4 pct. Rates have been below 5 percent for all but two weeks this year
  489. TAKING STOCK: While the Fed fiddles, check out First Niagara and Synovus
  490. Missouri New bail program earns kudos in St. Louis
  491. Klooster v City of Charlevoix: The Joint Tenancy Uncapping Exception Explained
  492. Expert on law firm marketing advises 'finding your brand'
  493. ESTATE STRATEGIES: 'Tis the season to be gifting
  494. Fed survey shows economy ended 2011 with strength
  495. Taking Stock: AllianceBernstein: Just Another Firm Getting Run Into the Ground
  496. A guide to administration's new mortgage-refi plan
  497. Nation College athletes press for major NCAA reform
  498. Broken Budgets Government job losses a growing drag on recovery More than half a million government jobs have been shed since 2007
  499. Paper explores law school admission policies, practices and diversity
  500. Taking care of business: WSU professor returns home to spearhead Small Business Enterprises, Nonprofit Corporations Clinic
  501. Open door?: Article explores law school admission policies, practices
  502. Taking Stock: Deepwater drillers may be an exciting investment prospect
  503. State Bar 2010 Economics of Law Practice Survey now available online
  504. Washington Ex-AIG CEO's company suing government over bailout
  505. Sixth annual Howard Soifer Memorial Lecture --features Mateen Cleaves and Jack Davis
  506. Taking Stock: If you'll be dead in a decade, don't go broke on your way out
  507. Money and Politics Americans frustrated by congressional stalemates Lawmakers struggle to reach agreement on payroll taxes hike
  508. ASKED & ANSWERED: N. Peter Antone
  509. Personal Finance A richer 2012: A monthly guide to maximizing money
  510. Business development companies: Solid investments for the rest of us
  511. TAKING STOCK: AllianceBernstein: Just another firm getting run into the ground
  512. TAKING STOCK: A couple steady issues perfect for the long haul
  513. Texas Couple can sue over dog's value
  514. Anti-bullying law takes effect, advocates vow to work toward strengthening it
  515. Preferred issues for the discriminating investor
  516. MONEY MATTERS: Looking at IRA qualified charitable distributions
  517. Deepwater drillers may be an exciting investment prospect
  518. Cooley to sponsor free bankruptcy seminars
  519. TAKING STOCK: Best Buy ain't the worst buy
  520. Foreclosures and Bankruptcy--Where do they meet?
  521. Many 2010 tax breaks still in place for 2011
  522. Wholesale prices declined slightly last month, dept. says
  523. Technology Q&A Expedia president sees site's personalized future Smartphone innovations is next big thing in travel technology
  524. Ex-AIG CEO's company suing feds over bailout
  525. PROFILE IN BRIEF: Lee Starnes - Advocate for the vulnerable
  526. November construction spending rose 1.2 percent
  527. Full report of SBM 2010 Economics of Law Practice Survey now available online
  528. Estate Strategies: 'Tis the season to be gifting
  529. National Roundup
  530. Texas Police: Man in Santa suit killed relatives
  531. Local company provides property management on a statewide scale
  532. Giving Counsel-- Company President offers special insight to Fed board
  533. Commentary: Insurers move to limit malpractice coverage
  534. State Supreme Court busy analyzing court rule changes
  535. Write Aid
  536. TAKING STOCK: Closed-end funds a worthy contender for the savvy investor
  537. Litigator at heart: Real estate expert relishes 'excitement' of courtroom
  538. Fee-suit exclusions muddy malpractice waters
  539. TAKING STOCK: Wide-eyed and desperate in Blue Eye
  540. Holidays are prime time for gift card scams
  541. The Magnificent Seven
  542. Pet Project-- Attorneys pen book about trusts for pets
  543. Fruitcake
  544. Muskegon Art museum celebrates 100 years of existence Building of art museum was unprecedented for small town
  545. Kiwanis and City of Jackson to celebrate renovated Kiwanis Park at noon on Sept. 16
  546. Strip malls are for stupids
  547. Q&A A guide to administration's new mortgage-refi plan
  548. Low mortgage rates elude 'underwater' homeowners
  549. Ex-store owner sentenced to life for wife's murder
  550. Entrepreneurial Spirit
  551. Pierson Muskrat love Furs from West Michigan in high demand in Asia
  552. COMMENTARY: U.S. tax code favors rich, fosters inequality
  553. TAKING STOCK: Aim for Ruger when considering American gun stocks
  554. TAKING STOCK: Some OK banksters and a primer on Scripophily
  555. COMMENTARY: We the people
  556. TAKING STOCK: So long as there is no peace on earth, defense stocks look good
  557. TAKING STOCK: If you'll be dead in a decade, don't go broke on your way out
  558. New-home sales tick up as builders slash prices
  559. Student booted from EMU wins appeal in lawsuit
  560. Bay City Bell that tolled for military brothers returned Bell was lost after WWII when restaurant was sold
  561. Washington Obama defends American faith amid GOP critique Exceptionalism argument subtle way to question Obama's patriotism
  562. Lake Leelanau Wine industry succeeds in recession-weary state 11 wineries have opened in Michigan in the last year alone
  563. Taking Stock: 3 techs and 1 eatery may double your shares
  564. Michigan Law's business practicum helps students work with entrepreneurs
  565. How firms can take on the 'work-life balance' debate
  566. ARPS - An investment with low risk and high return
  567. New York Occupy protests trigger envy, ire in Generation X
  568. Sixth annual Howard Soifer Memorial Lecture --features Mateen Cleaves and Jack Davis
  569. Stop wasting time on 9-9-9--US Tax Code isn't going anywhere
  570. CONFESSIONS OF A CONDOR: The Magnificent Seven
  571. ASKED & ANSWERED: N. Peter Antone
  572. Looking at year-end tax-loss planning
  573. Of Mutual Interest ETFs trying to find a home in your fund portfolio
  574. Refinancing in divorce when you thought it was impossible
  575. Personal Finance Money managers, analysts comment on Facebook IPO
  576. Bernanke defends Fed policies against critics
  577. Taking Stock: A crash course on skyrocketing insurance rates
  578. Consumers borrow more in October as confidence grows
  579. Wall Street A year-end stock comeback? It's happened before
  581. Budget balancing harder in '11 in many local govts
  582. Real Estate Average 30-year loan rate ties record: 3.94 percent Historic opportunity to buy
  583. Moving up Cooley team advances to national competition
  584. AllianceBernstein: Just another firm getting run into the ground
  585. Boomers flock to bonds, but do they know basics?
  586. Licensing Executives Society holding Dec.8 meeting here
  587. California Sheriff's ways tested by abuse claims
  588. Johnson unveils Secure & Fair Elections Initiative
  589. U.S. household wealth takes biggest hit since 2008
  590. Gap between 3- and 5-year fund returns is huge now
  591. Taking Stock: Wide-Eyed and Desperate in Blue Eye
  592. Montana Judge: Federal law trumps state's medical pot law
  593. Economy New Fed voters likelier to back help for economy Few economists expect the Federal Reserve to pursue more bond purchases soon
  594. Building bridges: Attorney helps foster business and cultural ties between U.S. and India
  595. 2011: Another year of target-date disappointment
  596. Estate Recovery topic of SBM Probate Section Meeting Jan. 17
  597. Michigan State Parks capture top National Award
  598. Taking Stock: Bolster a shaky retirement account with these nine stocks
  599. Business Facebook IPO could value it among top companies
  600. Pennsylvania Landowners fight eminent domain in gas field Dispute could foreshadow battles to come over other pipelines
  601. Nominations, sponsors sought for ATHENA Award
  602. Taking Stock: Some OK banksters and a primer on scripophily
  603. Professor a strong advocate for women in midst of divorce
  604. A guide to mortgage refis as rates hit lows
  605. Construction spending rises for third straight month
  606. Chilly November? Not for U.S. car sales
  607. Ann Arbor Entombed musical treasures Silenced musical collection languishes in storage vault
  608. Retail group forecasts 3.4 percent growth for 2012
  609. Home builders may be on the rebound
  610. Bank of America too big for its britches
  611. Take the gratitude that comes at Thanksgiving and apply it year-round
  612. Take the gratitude that comes at Thanksgiving and apply it year-round
  613. Lansing Local leaders still stressed Budget balancing harder in '11 in many local governments
  614. Michigan Gov.: Bridge would strengthen ties to Canada Some Republican lawmakers have balked at backing a new bridge
  615. TAKING STOCK: Buying American Airlines stock akin to waiting for Godot
  616. Lear board boosts buyback
  617. TAKING STOCK: Tread carefully and do the math when looking at REITs
  618. Licensing Executives Society holding Dec.8 meeting
  619. Of Mutual Interest Boomers flock to bonds, but do they know basics?
  620. Oklahoma Lawsuit settlements spur jailhouse reforms across state
  621. Wall Street U.S. debt: Money managers' least favorite investment Investors are convinced Treasury prices must fall at some point
  622. Wall Street Pimco market strategist: Europe still top threat Analyst says the new year may look a lot like the old one
  623. EXPERT WITNESS: 'The twelve things that constitute real riches' redux
  624. Iowa Gingrich assails judges as he courts conservatives
  625. May it Please the Palate: Don't think much of the lowly fruitcake? Try this one on for size
  626. 'Recovering lawyer' pens book on Kurt Vonnegut
  627. Refinancing in divorce when you thought it was impossible
  628. Michigan Supreme Court to hear oral argument on false-confession experts' testimony
  629. Missouri Attorney general campaign gets $182K from lawyers
  630. Home prices dropped in November in most U.S. cities
  631. Detroit Accidental discovery expands story of '2 Malcolms'
  632. For the sake of argument Attorneys discuss standing before the U.S. Supreme Court
  633. A number of options can help you save for college
  634. Thomas More Law Center appeals to U.S. Supreme Court
  635. TAKING STOCK: The parable of Alabama Earl's inadvertent long-term investment
  636. Immigrant dream
  637. Michigan Law's business practicum helps students work with entrepreneurs
  638. Personal Finance Time for speculators to pay fair tax share, says Bogle Founder of mutual fund company Vanguard rails against economic inequality
  640. Financing a transition
  641. National Roundup
  642. MONEY MATTERS: Treacherous times
  643. Wide-eyed and desperate in Blue Eye
  644. TAKING STOCK: Lesser-known pharmaceutical company still offers a good dose of cash
  645. Energy Millions awarded to Louisiana family in oil lawsuit
  646. MONEY MANAGEMENT: Five questions to ask your favorite charity
  647. Utilities funds were the star performers of 2011
  648. Three investments for an era of low interest rates
  649. California Woman's small claims victory resonates Small claims court win was end run around class action process
  650. State Supreme Court to hear oral argument in double-murder
  651. ON POINT: Do we really need a unionized state government?
  652. Apple juggernaut gets little investor respect
  653. TAKING STOCK: Look to the great white north for good bank stock prospects
  654. Ron Paul's moment
  655. Up to the task New president of MAJ aims to preserve plaintiff rights
  656. Settlement makes for friendlier skies
  657. Global Reach--Wayne State Professor specializes in international field
  658. Lawyers discuss appearing before U.S. Supreme court
  659. TAKING STOCK: Natural gas firm looking like a 'buy'
  660. A couple steady issues perfect for the long haul
  661. Some OK banksters and a primer on Scripophily
  662. Buying American Airlines stock at a bargain akin to waiting for Godot
  663. Tread carefully and do the math when looking at REITs
  664. Is Sheriff Arpaio a profiler?
  665. Grand Rapids A gift to remember her by Dying wife gives husband fishing rod as memento
  666. Prosecuting human trafficking offenses in Michigan --Topic of Michigan State University College of Law Lecture
  667. State Bar Economics of Law Practice Survey now available online
  668. Key states move closer to foreclosure abuse deal
  669. THE FIRM: Are some firms 'more equal' than others?
  670. So long as there is no peace on earth, defense stocks look good
  671. If you'll be dead in a decade, don't go broke on your way out
  672. Justice gives up sting case over bribes
  673. Estate Strategies: The New World of Portability
  674. Troy Shrine to Vernor's takes on life of its own Man's collection grew over three decades
  675. Law school debt payments top $1000/mo
  676. Law school debt payments top $1000/mo Study finds average law school-related debt is around $80K
  677. Washington USAID contractor work in Cuba detailed
  678. PROFILE IN BRIEF: Brad Roth - Globe trotter
  679. MONEY MATTERS: Biggest risk to investing? Look in the mirror
  680. Economy Social Security recipients to get 3.6 percent more No COLA in 2010 or 2011 because inflation was too low
  681. January declared as Michigan Mentoring Month
  682. Giving Counsel-- Company President offers insight to Fed board
  683. Nation As the campaign unreels, voters feel dispirited
  684. Committees provide practical pointers on residential tax appeals
  685. Litigator at heart, Real estate expert relishes 'excitement' of courtroom
  686. Tennessee 3 years after ash spill, hundreds wait on judge
  687. Personal Finance Fund manager not wildly bullish on 2012 market
  688. National Roundup
  689. EXPERT WITNESS: Multimedia--Conveying lessons in economics and law
  690. Bridge Builder Attorney helps foster business and cultural ties between U.S. and India
  691. National Roundup
  692. Morningstar fund manager winners mired in slumps
  693. TAKING STOCK: Drugs, drugs, drugs
  694. TAKING STOCK: Kick that broker to the curb
  695. Ad Watch Romney makes hometown appeal in new political ad
  696. Global reach: International law focus of prof's career
  697. Who 'owns' a departing lawyer's receivables?
  698. Fannie, Freddie tweaks don't go far enough
  699. Here are five skills to help you get promoted
  700. New York 'Retirement' missing from vocabulary of federal judges
  701. CYBERSPACE SIGHTING: ABA serves solo and small-firm lawyers with new online resource center
  702. CYBERSPACESIGHTING: Hansen IP Law PLLC announces launch of 'The Business of Patents' blog
  703. ADR examined--State study touts the value of mediation process
  704. ADR examined Study touts value of mediation process
  705. Inconsistencies in Dodd-Frank implementation
  706. Estate Strategies: Michigan's Medicaid Estate Recovery Program
  707. Leaders ambivalent on online reports
  708. Business After IPO, Facebook will face new profit pressures Social network may have tough time increasing advertising
  709. Of Mutual Interest 3 investments for an era of low interest rates
  710. Real Estate Rate on 30-year mortgage down to record 3.88 pct., but few takers Cheap rates have done little to boost home sales
  711. Consumer prices flat for 2nd straight month
  712. TAKING STOCK: Bank of America too big for its britches
  713. Wall Street Will Facebook deliver an IPO surprise? Social media company is expected to raise as much as $10 billion
  714. Growth spurt Foundation builds on success of its annual Signature Event
  715. A court's history revealed in 'People, Law and Politics'
  716. Veteran fund manager says it's the toughest market that he's seen
  717. Taking Stock: Best Buy ain't the worst buy
  718. Taking Stock: Home builders may be on the rebound
  719. NYS ethics committee on using Groupon-type services
  720. TAKING STOCK: Another amoral bank, another reluctant recommendation
  721. TAKING STOCK: A crash course on skyrocketing insurance rates
  722. Taking Stock: Kick That Broker to the Curb
  723. MSU Law Students to participate in Alternative Spring Break of Community Service
  724. Time for speculators to pay fair tax share, says Bogle
  725. Nation Occupy protesters sue over free speech, force Some say the fundamental right of protest has been criminalized
  726. Economist who foresaw burst bubbles voices caution
  727. MSU adjunct professor shares his vast experience in field of immigration law
  728. Oh Canada! For investing opportunity, look north
  729. Of Mutual Interest Oh Canada! For investing opportunity, look north
  730. TAKING STOCK: Diamonds an investor's worst enemy
  731. Economy Q&A Mike Mayo's new book blasts Wall Street
  732. THE FIRM: In a competitive market, don't look back
  733. Taking Stock: Tread carefully and do the math when looking at REITs
  734. Association of Corporate Counsel announces five-year strategic plan
  735. Health care reform Implementation in 2012
  736. Taking Stock: Aim for Ruger When Considering American Gun Stocks
  737. Economy U.S. household wealth takes biggest hit since 2008 Household net worth fell 4 percent over July-September quarter
  738. Alaska Sitka commander was prepared to drop charges Helicopter co-pilot may face court-martial for fatal crash
  739. TAKING STOCK: Don't blame Bernanke
  740. TAKING STOCK: Despite Yahoo silliness, Microsoft holds its ground
  741. Taking Stock: Some OK banksters and a primer on scripophily
  742. Symposium to explore Michigan in transition with Congressman Clarke
  743. 'Bucket' strategy can help you stay ahead
  744. ONE PERSPECTIVE: In 2012, resolve to listen to your 'gentle ghosts'
  745. TAKING STOCK: Stop wasting time on 9-9-9 - U.S. Tax Code isn't going anywhere
  746. Detroit Dog lovers push city's 1st no-kill shelter
  747. Taking Stock: If you'll be dead in a decade, don't go broke on your way out
  748. Taking Stock: Diamonds-An Investor's Worst Enemy
  749. Average monthly law school debt payments top $1,000
  750. Pot: the new cash crop? Advocate for marijuana reform speaks at symposium
  751. Rising gas prices aren't lifting big oil stocks
  752. Investing Why David Stockman isn't buying it
  753. Award Winner Former assistant prosecutor believes in 'doing right thing'
  754. Taking Stock: As long as there's no peace on earth, defense stocks look good
  755. Taking Stock: Aim for Ruger When Considering American Gun Stocks
  756. MONEY MATTERS: Tax-deferred exchanges -- pitfalls to avoid
  757. New Mexico Latino Mormons speaking out against Romney Many view GOP candidate's stance against immigration as hypocritical
  758. Personal Finance Retirement plan providers try different ideas
  759. Michigan Radio honored with State Bar award
  760. National Roundup
  761. LEGAL VIEW: Social media policies still under scrutiny
  762. TAKING STOCK: Money laundering: A delicate, dangerous art
  763. Fidelity Investments reports 401(k) balances little changed over 2011
  764. Michigan in transition topic of symposium
  765. Homeownership can translate into tax savings
  766. Love and Lawyers In relationships, winning isn't the goal
  767. ONE PERSPECTIVE: Fair Harvard
  768. Economy Wholesale prices move up 0.1 percent last month
  769. Economy Wholesale prices up 0.1 pct. last month Number indicates inflation is largely in check
  770. Wall Street How much is Yahoo worth? The case for buying its stock
  771. Agriculture Farm-state lawmakers pushing new farm subsidy Free insurance would cover farmers' 'shallow crop losses'
  772. Nation Survey: Sexual harassment pervasive in grades 7-12 Only 9 percent of those harassed reported the incident to an adult
  773. Perspective on markets at the close of 2011
  774. The intellectual property year in review
  775. TAKING STOCK: Drugs, drugs, drugs
  776. TAKING STOCK: Don't blame Bernanke
  777. Treasury launches sale of $6B of AIG stock
  778. Chrysler CEO Marchionne took no pay in 2011
  779. Supreme Court to hear oral argument on testimony in double-murder
  780. Consumer borrowing up, but credit card use falls
  781. Professor a strong advocate for women in midst of divorce
  782. Massachusetts That's fishy Federal agency fights fraud in seafood sizes
  783. California Renegade mine Mine dispute in Sierra Nevada foothills recalls wild past
  785. Equity returns and expecting less in the 'new era'
  786. State Roundup
  787. Taking Stock: Best Buy ain't the worst buy
  788. EXPERT WITNESS: The Economics of Law: The Expected Value of a Case
  789. EXPERT WITNESS: The economics of law: The expected value of a case
  790. How to invest in the coming housing rebound
  791. Minnesota School board ends policy blamed for bullying problems
  792. ADR examined--State study touts the value of mediation process
  793. Thomas More Law Center appeals to U.S. Supreme Court
  794. ADR examined--State study touts the value of mediation process
  795. Lansing State leaders ambivalent on online reports
  796. May it Please the Palate: Don't think much of the lowly fruitcake? Try this one on for size
  797. Low rates, inflation and your finances
  798. Jordan Sutton Co-author of book on transitions for small business owners
  799. Michigan's Supreme Court busy analyzing court rule changes
  800. Mississippi Condemned inmate asks judge to stop Feb. 8 execution
  801. New cash crop?: Advocate for marijuana law reform was among speakers at daylong symposium
  802. Supreme Court torn over law banning lies about medals
  803. Volatility has gone away, but it will surely return
  804. 38th Annual McCree Award nominations due
  805. The intellectual property year in review
  806. 'Unstuck in Time' History professor writes book on Vonnegut
  807. May it Please the Palate: "Fruitcake"
  808. Companies now rating consumers with new scores
  809. Alabama Legislative fight over historic artifacts looms
  810. House urged to maintain rule of law assistance funding
  811. Supreme Court 101 in session at high court
  812. Supreme Court Watch Supreme Court 101 in session at high court More than a half dozen law schools nationwide offer similar courses
  813. Upside-downside of "9-9-9" income tax reform
  814. Court Roundup
  815. Foundation builds on success of Annual Signature Event
  816. Foundation builds on success of Annual Signature Event
  817. California Past is present in finale of murder trial
  818. State Roundup
  819. Anti-bullying law takes effect, advocates vow to work toward strengthening it
  820. EXPERT WITNESS: A 'moving' experience: The real-estate market in the Great Recession
  821. Dickinson Wright to host Sunrise Seminar
  822. State Roundup
  823. Personal Finance Physician, heal my doctor bills -- tips to protect yourself
  824. Taking Stock: Best Buy Ain't the Worst Buy
  825. LEGAL VIEW: When is an assassination not an assassination?
  826. Business Be his guest Marriott reflects on 40 years leading hotel giant
  827. ASKED & ANSWERED: Claudia Rast
  828. MONEYMATTERS:New 401(k) regulations to help investors
  829. Kentucky Company: Bridge lights out before wreck Cargo ship struck bridge at night, collapsing span
  830. THE FIRM: What will get you there?
  831. Home prices fell in Dec. in most U.S. cities
  832. TAKING STOCK: Business development companies: Solid investments for the rest of us
  833. Inspector general says foreclosure aid program flawed
  834. Oakland County prevails in Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac suit
  835. Do you have what it takes to start a firm?
  836. Despite Yahoo silliness, Microsoft holds its ground
  837. Technology Tough times for HP ahead; will investors wait?
  838. Lansing Black Lawyers Bar renamed to Davis-Dunnings Bar Association
  839. Wall Street Why small companies' stocks deserve a closer look
  840. New York NYPD monitored Muslim students all over Northeast Police intelligence division focused far beyond New York City
  841. ACC announces 5-year strategic plan
  842. MONEY MATTERS: Canada - a notable neighbor, and investment
  843. Personal Finance BoA to test deals linked to accounts
  844. A no-charge client visit can pay big dividends
  845. Schuette, Sosnick and Trainer to be honored at Call to Justice Awards May 3
  846. Taking Stock: Investing in Facebook
  847. TAKING STOCK: For sale: North Korean bonds, Iraqi dinars and a cool bridge
  848. TAKING STOCK: All professionals are not created equal
  849. TAKING STOCK: Diamonds are an investor's worst enemy
  850. Taking Stock: For Sale-North Korean Bonds, Iraqi Dinars and a Cool Bridge
  851. Legal Currents: NYS ethics committee on using Groupon-type services
  852. Economy For boomers, it's a new era of 'work til you drop' No longer uncommon for people to work until 70
  853. TAKING STOCK: Kick that broker to the curb
  854. Personal Finance Investing in the coming housing market rebound
  855. Kellogg's bleak outlook raises stakes on Pringles
  856. Technology Apple's market clout likely to draw more scrutiny DOJ investigating allegations of price-fixing of e-books
  857. NY Fed sells portion of AIG's bad assets
  858. Continued growth: Foundation builds on success of its annual Signature Event
  859. TAKING STOCK: American capitalism, wherein the rich get richer and the poor break even
  860. How to become an owner of a firm
  861. THE FIRM: Law firms are at high risk of embezzlement
  862. The parable of Alabama Earl's inadvertent long-term investment
  863. 30-year fixed mortgage rate falls to record 3.87 percent
  864. Personal Finance Fidelity: 401(k) balances little changed over 2011
  865. TAKING STOCK: Natural gas firm looking like a 'buy'
  866. MENS REA: Looking into the viral--Should the Michigan State Police Forensic Services Division provide transparency?
  867. TAKING STOCK: Facebook phenomena
  868. MONEY MATTERS: Counterintuitive truth about investing in emerging markets
  869. California From attorney to advocate Los Angeles lawyer turns personal struggle into national cause
  870. Economy Fact Check Politicians make artful swerves on the auto bailout
  871. Retail sales remain positive
  872. EXPERT WITNESS: Know, like, and trust: The real purpose behind social media
  873. TAKING STOCK: A soybean-frosted market goes best with a slice of grape pie
  874. TAKING STOCK: Know, like, and trust: The real purpose behind social media
  875. Energy Argentina slammed by Spain, EU for oil company takeover President asked congress to put a majority stake of 51 per cent of YPF in state hands
  876. Real Estate Fixed mortgage rates end year above record lows
  877. Litigator at heart Real estate expert relishes excitement of courtroom
  878. Tennessee Witness says she was a prostitute at 12
  879. Holland Man plans to sell rare 1914 cyclecar to museum Car may be 1 of 5 in existence
  880. Fidelity's 2011 profit rises 13 percent
  881. TAKING STOCK: A couple of stupids, a greedy spouse and a delusional son walk into a bank...
  883. TAKING STOCK: Paradise redux
  884. TAKING STOCK: Betting it all on gold
  885. Economy Consumer prices up as gas, clothing costs rise Economists: inflation peaking
  886. Business Proposed budget leaves businesses with questions Advocacy group says small business owners wanted to see more certainty
  887. Washington Federal sentences still vary widely, according to study Political party not a good predictor of whether judge will be lenient or tough
  888. Federal sentences still vary widely
  889. Taking Stock: Wendy's--Good Food, Bad Investment
  890. Michigan Radio wins award for insurance series
  891. Taking Stock: A crash course on skyrocketing insurance rates
  892. State Roundup
  893. ASKED & ANSWERED: Demosthenes Lorandos
  894. TAKING STOCK: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious LinkedIn Recommend
  895. Of Mutual Interest Tech dividends: What fund investors should know
  896. Real Estate U.S. home re-sales complete best winter in 5 years Number of first-time buyers still lags normal levels
  897. Asked and Answered: Julie H. Hurwitz
  898. Huge heroin drug bust nets seven more defendants
  899. Power source Attorney: State can play prime role in harnessing the wind
  900. National Roundup
  901. Court Roundup
  902. Newest Michigan museum showcases racist artifacts Curator: Collection is about 'teaching, not a shrine to racism'
  904. TAKING STOCK: Escaping all fates but number one
  905. Attorney spearheads Electronic Discovery, Records team
  906. State Bar of Michigan to receive ABA Award
  907. Law professor eyes seat on Michigan Supreme Court
  908. Cooley Law School's faculty and students give back to community
  909. COMMENTARY: On the right track
  910. Mens Rea: Should the Michigan State Police Forensic Services Division provide transparency?
  911. New York Dodgers settle lawsuit with Fox
  912. ON POINT: Old wine in a new bottle
  913. TAKING STOCK: Nuance Communications stock
  914. TAKING STOCK: The value of art
  915. TAKING STOCK: Baseball cards
  916. TAKING STOCK: Market skeptic
  917. Bank of America starts foreclosure rental program
  918. ASKED & ANSWERED: Julie Hurwitz on the Stolen Valor Act
  919. DMBA inaugurates new Inn of Court More than 100 members expected to turn out for tonight's event
  920. 'Slow Down' times
  921. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: 'Slow Down' Times
  922. Can law firms afford pensions anymore?
  923. When investors get heated, CEOs feel the pressure
  924. Improving American capitalism
  925. Look beyond stock mutual funds' lousy 2011 numbers
  926. Mutual fund fees declined in 2011, studies find
  927. TAKING STOCK: To sell or not to sell
  928. TAKING STOCK: Bond leverage
  929. EXPERT WITNESS: Experience teaches
  930. TAKING STOCK: Bond leverage
  931. Nine retail real estate trends for 2012
  932. Taking Stock: Preferred Issues for the Discriminating Investor
  933. For lawyers, estate tax incomplete puzzle
  934. TAKING STOCK: Facebook phenomena
  935. TAKING STOCK: Money laundering: A delicate, dangerous art
  936. States reach settlement over foreclosure abuses
  937. As household wealth rises, so do hopes for economy
  938. Keep 3-year mutual fund returns in perspective
  939. Taking Stock: Escaping All Fates But Number One
  940. TAKING STOCK: Long term health care
  941. TAKING STOCK: Stick with the devil you know
  942. California Keith Olbermann's fight with Current TV heads off to court
  943. Attorney blends science and law to defend his clients
  944. Michigan Radio wins award for insurance series
  945. Creating consensus about goals
  946. What's up with Google's plan to split its stock
  947. Supreme Court needs to define quid pro quo
  949. Professor shares expertise at Indigenous Law Center
  950. Housing market boosted by jobs, higher rents
  951. Call to Justice award winners announced
  952. Attorney blends science and law to defend his clients
  953. Discount narrowing methods of CEF managers
  954. Tech dividends: What fund investors should know
  955. Law professor eyes seat on Michigan Supreme Court
  956. Secretary of State, South Korea officials sign mutual driver's license agreement
  957. Embittered Facebook investors ponder next move
  958. Why anti-fraternization policies are disfavored
  959. Character education and the First Amendment
  960. TAKING STOCK: On the market for Monsanto
  961. Bank of America initiates home loan modification offers
  962. Real estate firms' drought may be ending
  963. A couple of stupids, a greedy spouse and a delusional son walk into a bank...
  964. TAKING STOCK: Protecting against inflation
  965. Taking Stock: Despite Yahoo silliness, Microsoft holds its ground
  966. Spousal support factors: Show me the money!
  967. Taking Stock: Drugs, Drugs, Drugs
  968. Flint Barreling through Rainwater helps resident beat water bill increases
  969. Professor shares expertise at Indigenous Law Center
  970. Taking Stock: Despite Yahoo silliness, Microsoft holds its ground
  971. Asked and Answered: Julie H. Hurwitz
  972. International man of moot court
  973. COMMENTARY: Spousal Support Factors - Show me the money!
  974. Of Mutual Interest Star fund managers recover quickly from tough 2011
  975. Lansing Archivists try to save pictures of capital Photographer documented city's transformation
  976. Warren Police Dept. records now on CLEMIS
  977. TAKING STOCK: Nuance Communications stock
  978. SEC reviewing JPMorgan's filings after $2 billion loss
  979. What to do when you retire
  980. How social media has shaped the case of Trayvon Martin
  981. ON POINT: Steer clear of extremes or everyone loses
  982. Washington Judge denies request to release Bin Laden photos
  983. Retail sales remain positive
  984. Anderson family makes Books-A-Million buyout offer
  985. Legal People
  986. The Wall Street heretic who called Apple's swoon
  987. Of Mutual Interest Now that the tax season is over, 3 tax tips for mutual fund investors
  988. NATIONAL NOTICE: State Bar of Michigan recognized for Legal Services work
  989. New York Two cooperators give firsthand look at al-Qaida
  990. ON POINT: Fighting crime vs. fighting a war
  991. Real Estate Some states saw spike in foreclosures in Feb. Though uneven, pace of foreclosures is accelerating
  992. TAKING STOCK: For sale: North Korean bonds, Iraqi dinars and a cool bridge
  993. Freddie Mac asks for $19M in aid after 1st quarter loss
  994. National Roundup
  995. TAKING STOCK: American capitalism, wherein the rich get richer and the poor break even
  996. TAKING STOCK: Wendy's: Good food, bad investment
  997. TAKING STOCK: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious LinkedIn Recommend
  998. TAKING STOCK: A soybean-frosted market goes best with a slice of grape pie
  999. As household wealth rises, so do hopes for economy
  1000. Personal Finance Keep 3-year mutual fund returns in perspective
  1001. National Stroke Awareness Month: Attorney grateful for growing practice after setbacks
  1002. Facebook raises IPO price as offering nears
  1003. TAKING STOCK: You've been snookered
  1004. ASKED & ANSWERED: Steven M. Gursten
  1005. Taking Stock: No Best Way to Invest in Copper
  1006. TAKING STOCK: Escaping all fates but number one
  1007. Taking Stock: Home builders may be on the rebound
  1008. SBM's Nancy Brown receives Gov. Swainson Award for the Michigan Legal Milestones program
  1009. Cooley gives thousands of hours in free legal aid
  1010. Executives at bailed-out firms have to take pay cut
  1011. Schuette, Sosnick and Trainer to be honored at Call to Justice Awards
  1012. 9th Circuit to reconsider GPS tracking/privacy case
  1013. National Roundup
  1014. Taking Stock: To Sell or Not to Sell
  1015. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Wisdom in a few words
  1016. Being there Four attorneys relate their experiences of appearing before the U.S. high court
  1017. Law professor eyes seat on state high court
  1018. OCBA UPDATE: Our strategy is working
  1019. The leadership vacuum: It's worse than you think
  1020. TAKING STOCK: Long term health care
  1021. Taking Stock: Drugs, Drugs, Drugs
  1022. Former assistant prosecutor honored with McCree Award
  1023. Economy Americans confident in April Economy at critical juncture
  1024. Economy College educated and overqualified 1 in 2 new graduates are jobless or underemployed
  1025. MONEY MATTERS: Going for the gold - different ways to invest
  1026. Call to Justice Award winners announced
  1027. Taking Stock: A soybean-frosted market goes best with a slice of grape pie
  1028. TAKING STOCK: Dunkin' Donuts
  1029. TAKING STOCK: Bush tax cuts and the economy
  1030. TAKING STOCK: Baseball cards
  1031. TAKING STOCK: Market skeptic
  1032. Real Estate U.S. sales of foreclosure homes rose in 1Q
  1033. Sharpen your blogging skills with a few simple tactics
  1034. Genisys donates Casual Fund to local charities
  1035. Nation GOP weighs changes to indefinite detention law Michigan Rep. Justin Amash determined to change law
  1036. Economy: Global economy at risk as U.S., Europe and Asia slow; Fear of economic downturn has investors turning to bonds
  1037. Gaining citizenship: Program helps immigrants with naturalization process
  1038. THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Wisdom in a few words
  1039. Wall Street Why that flat Facebook IPO isn't so bad after all
  1040. TAKING STOCK: The Volker Rule and Direct TV
  1041. Commentary: Sharpen your blogging skills with a few simple tactics
  1043. Minnesota More police use YouTube to tell their own stories Videos can rebut allegations and build trust within communities
  1044. TAKING STOCK: All professionals are not created equal
  1045. $294.9 Million National Settlement announced
  1046. State Bar McCree Award winners to be honored
  1047. Home re-sales complete best winter in 5 years
  1048. Spousal Support Factors: Show me the money!
  1049. Attorney General gives legal defense for al-Awlaki killing
  1050. FROM THE JUDGE'S CHAMBERS: 'It Ain't Necessarily So'
  1051. India gets onto mutual fund investors' radars
  1052. Of Mutual Interest India gets onto mutual fund investors' radars
  1053. Moral compass keeps temptation at bay
  1054. Former prosecutor believes in 'doing the right thing'
  1055. TAKING STOCK: No best way to invest in copper
  1056. State Bar of Michigan to receive ABA Award
  1057. TAKING STOCK: No best way to invest in copper
  1058. TAKING STOCK: To sell or not to sell
  1059. TAKING STOCK: The value of art
  1060. TAKING STOCK: On the market for Monsanto
  1061. Technology Poll: Half of Americans call Facebook a fad Most of the 56 percent of the country that's on Facebook is under age of 35
  1062. Buffett's firm buys 10M share stake in GM
  1063. Washington Plaintiffs suing over 'all natural' claims on the rise
  1064. Ford to get blue oval back after second upgrade
  1065. Wall Street Why Facebook still doesn't look cheap Company would have to maintain torrid earnings growth
  1066. May is National Stroke Awareness Month: Attorney grateful for growing practice after setbacks
  1067. Michigan poets
  1068. THE FIRM: Points and counterpoints on in-house counsel tips
  1069. Spousal support factors: Show me the money!
  1070. Court declares July as Juror Appreciation Month
  1071. New York Facebook: Ownership lawsuit shows elaborate fraud
  1072. Technology Review: Google's Nexus 7 guns for the Kindle
  1073. Connecticut Vet copes with experience becoming counselor
  1074. When a fixed fee needs an hourly rate
  1075. TAKING STOCK: You've been snookered
  1076. Request to release Osama bin Laden photos denied
  1077. Elder law attorney preps seniors on Medicaid Lawyer offers strategies for protecting assets in old age
  1078. Local services shared before Gov. Snyder took office
  1079. EXPERT WITNESS: This time is NOT different - part two
  1080. OCBA UPDATE: It's time to say good-bye ... for now
  1081. JPMorgan CEO faces tougher questions on $2B trading loss
  1082. TAKING STOCK: Paradise redux
  1083. TAKING STOCK: Betting it all on gold
  1084. Of Mutual Interest Mutual fund news: Facebook, Bill Gross, Vanguard
  1085. Economy Typical CEO made $9.6M last year, AP study finds Companies trimmed cash bonuses but handed out more stock awards
  1086. Taking Stock: Children's College Savings
  1087. Fed reports how much recession shrank U.S. wealth
  1088. Nation U.S. states forecast highest tax revenue in 5 years
  1089. Asked and Answered Steven M. Gursten
  1090. Home-buying season finally signaling a recovery
  1091. Supreme Court upholds Obama health law by 5-4 vote
  1092. Global reach: Lawyer facilitates foreign expansion for businesses
  1094. Seeking elusive 'alpha,' investors scour the globe
  1095. TAKING STOCK: Space vs oceans
  1096. State Bar to be honored by ABA for its dedication to securing legal aid funding
  1097. Oakland County mortgage foreclosures halved for first quarter of 2012
  1099. Commentary: Money Matters: Market will suffer in second half of 2012
  1100. Justice Stephen J. Markman keynotes GOP fundraiser
  1101. Coach's Playbook: Buzz Building
  1102. TAKING STOCK: College degrees, General Electric
  1103. Planning for posterity: Attorney's career spans 3 decades in trust, estate law
  1104. Are you virtual office ready?
  1106. LARA offers tips to protect consumers
  1107. TAKING STOCK: Growth potential, Facebook
  1108. TAKING STOCK: Safe stocks
  1109. State Bar of Michigan to receive ABA Award
  1110. State Roundup
  1111. COMMENTARY: Saving secrets--How to cut costs on electronic discovery
  1112. Doctor, coin dealer locked in legal battle; Lawsuits contain allegations of 'bait and switch' and fraud
  1113. Groups in 13 states want U.S. to block Internet bets
  1114. Broken Budgets Unleashing the tax man Some states asking tax collectors to get tougher
  1115. Feds off the hook for scorched UP timber
  1116. Tax-managed portfolios can mean percentage points
  1117. Don't be afraid to see what you see
  1118. TAKING STOCK: Dunkin' Donuts
  1119. TAKING STOCK: Bush tax cuts and the economy
  1120. Meisner hosting realtor training for tax sale home ownership program
  1121. Michigan Law grad helps clients plan for posterity
  1122. Taking Stock: Market Skeptic
  1123. TAKING STOCK: Penny stocks
  1124. Americans grew gloomier about the economy in May
  1125. Pennsylvania Motor club still being considered after legal fight
  1126. Officials skeptical of state biz tax cuts
  1127. Wall Street Don't make a big deal out of it
  1128. TAKING STOCK: Facebook
  1129. Midyear tax checkup makes extra sense this year
  1130. Cash flow and moral responsibility
  1131. Health care Fact check: On keeping your current health plan Obama overstates benefits, Romney exaggerates the ills
  1132. Should pro bono be a requirement to practice law?
  1133. Raising the Bar
  1134. Cooley to be honored for pro bono service
  1135. Attorney relishes complexities of commercial litigation
  1136. Commentary: Money Matters: Tax-exempt groups can use variable compensation
  1137. Taking Stock: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious LinkedIn Recommend
  1138. Taking Stock: The value of art
  1139. Wall Street What if Apple were part of the Dow? Don't hold your breath
  1140. Taking Stock: Bonds for Income
  1141. Technology Canadian tech town feels BlackBerry's decline RIM is country's most valuable technology company, an international icon
  1142. Personal Finance Midyear tax checkup makes extra sense this year
  1143. Submissions for MIGreatArtist contest sought through website
  1144. ABA to honor State Bar with Grassroots Advocacy Award
  1145. TAKING STOCK: Stick with the devil you know
  1146. Pro bono mandate problematic for lawyers
  1147. Corporation political contributions and the SEC
  1148. Montana Parole board: No clemency for Canadian on death row Condemned man killed two Blackfeet cousins in 1983
  1149. TAKING STOCK: Pension buyout
  1150. Real Estate More U.S. homes facing foreclosure risk in June Increase comes as banks make up for time lost last year
  1151. Pennsylvania Saddening and sobering Report finds Penn State officials concealed sex abuse
  1152. Three foreign stock funds to smooth overseas bumps
  1153. Personal Finance: Stocks helped lift U.S. household wealth in Q1
  1154. TAKING STOCK: Penny stocks
  1155. Technology Stocks The pop that wasn't: Life after Facebook's IPO Technology companies are cautious about going public
  1156. Nation Vagina Dialogue P-word? OK. The V-word? Watch them run for cover
  1157. Ohio Museum plays April Fools' joke on prolific forger Man poses as philanthropist when donating forgeries to museums
  1158. Real Estate Shadow inventory Searching shadows for end to foreclosure crisis
  1159. TAKING STOCK: Best Buy
  1160. New legal challenge filed against UP nickel mine
  1161. TAKING STOCK: Safe stocks
  1162. TAKING STOCK: Safe stocks
  1163. GOP: Economy tops gay marriage as campaign issue Activists see gay marriage as too good not to exploit
  1164. Court honors the role jurors play in system
  1165. Annual M-15 Heritage Route Car Rally scheduled, June 2
  1166. Americans re-embrace Japanese cars, lifting sales
  1167. Prepaid tuition plans flawed but still popular
  1168. TAKING STOCK: The Volker Rule and Direct TV
  1169. American Indian tribes alarmed by IRS tax audits
  1170. TAKING STOCK: Facebook
  1171. Understand the consequences of foreclosure
  1172. Georgia Clemency denied for death row inmate Hill
  1173. EXPERT WITNESS: Penny wise
  1174. EPERT WITNESS: Control the cost: Six tips for keeping price of your expert witness within your budget
  1175. Taking Stock: Penny Stocks
  1176. Grand Rapids Megabus adds Grand Rapids route to Michigan fare Bus company is planning new route between Detroit and Chicago
  1177. Iowa Army investigates officer over explicit emails
  1178. Taking Stock: Escaping all fates but number one
  1179. TAKING STOCK: Children's college savings
  1180. Star fund managers recover quickly from tough 2011
  1181. Genisys donates Casual Fund
  1182. Traverse City New legal challenge filed against UP nickel mine Group says project would damage river, nearby wetlands
  1183. Broken Budgets Town vs. gown Cities seek more money from tax-exempt colleges
  1184. EXPERT WITNESS: This time is NOT different: part three of three
  1185. Detroit Institute of Art makes pitch for voter support
  1186. How will JPMorgan's $2B loss affect banking rules?
  1187. Freddie Mac posts $1.2B net income for 2Q
  1188. Taking Stock: Don't Blame Bernanke
  1189. Age-old challenge-- Professor shares tough issues of criminal law with students
  1190. Plain and simple: Professors see value of clarity, conciseness
  1191. National Roundup
  1192. MSU adjunct professor shares his experience in field of immigration law
  1193. Patterson reports county budget is balanced through fiscal year 2015 without tax increase
  1194. Global reach- Lawyer facilitates foreign expansion for businesses
  1195. Michigan Law grad helps clients plan for posterity
  1196. TAKING STOCK: Space vs Oceans
  1198. 'Early detection is key' SBM president battled cancer
  1199. Cooley Law School's faculty and students give back to their communities
  1200. Market slumps amid economic slowdown
  1201. When is a flat fee refundable?
  1202. Wal-Mart opposed to $6B settlement
  1203. Zillow says U.S. home values have hit bottom
  1204. Mutual fund news: Facebook, Bill Gross, Vanguard
  1205. TAKING STOCK: Teen investor
  1206. Broken Budgets Rainy day funds possible again Budget turnarounds: Some states socking cash away
  1207. Wall Street Burger King returns to New York Stock Exchange Unusual deal avoided IPO
  1208. TAKING STOCK: Growth potential, Facebook
  1209. FROM THE JUDGE'S CHAMBERS: 'It Ain't Necessarily So'
  1210. Business Cracker Barrel adopts a new 'poison pill'
  1212. GM CEO says old culture still hindering change
  1213. Asked & Answered: Evidence in criminal investigations
  1214. Facility offers chance to test the legal waters
  1215. Court declares July as Juror Appreciation Month
  1216. LEGAL VIEW: Stolen valor - Round 2
  1217. Pennsylvania Penn State loses one sponsor, others could follow Price of sexual abuse scandal could go well beyond $60 million fine
  1218. Real Estate Calif. cities still suffer highest rates of foreclosure
  1219. Business Holy grail of beverages Soda companies racing for a new sweet spot
  1220. Promoting prosperity: New book shows how lawyers benefit the economy
  1221. Should Michigan mandate continuing education?
  1222. TAKING STOCK: Protecting against inflation
  1223. Why the 'iron lady' didn't dismantle Britain's universal health care system
  1224. SEC changing rules for when to halt trading
  1225. TAKING STOCK: Eminent domain
  1226. Cooley professor spearheads master's program in insurance
  1227. Professor shares expertise at Indigenous Law Center
  1228. Professor shares expertise at Indigenous Law Center
  1229. Stocks having a strong year
  1230. From the Judge's Chambers: "It Ain't Necessarily So"
  1231. Plain and simple-- Professors see value of clarity, conciseness
  1232. Skilled labor-- MSU professor helped shatter age-old myth of student athletes
  1233. TAKING STOCK: Value Line and convertibles
  1234. Value Line and convertibles
  1235. TAKING STOCK: Teen investor
  1236. Taking Stock: It's the Drugs
  1237. A year later, S&P downgrade of U.S. govt. looks like a dud
  1238. Parents deported, what happens to U.S.-born kids?
  1239. Apple stock jumps on $1B Samsung verdict
  1240. Monday Profile: Laura Sagolla
  1241. Taking Stock: Best Buy
  1242. National Roundup
  1243. Should Michigan mandate continuing education?
  1244. New WLAM president enjoys her many roles Group offers perspective, inspiration, and friendship
  1245. Investing Exotic holdings Seeking elusive 'alpha,' investors scour the globe
  1246. TAKING STOCK: U.S. Steel a steal?
  1247. TAKING STOCK: Gambling with your money
  1248. Gambling with your money
  1249. Late payments on mortgages hit 3-year low
  1251. GM CEO says old culture still hindering change
  1252. Of Mutual Interest: 3 foreign stock funds to smooth the bumps overseas
  1253. Cooley professor spearheads master's program in insurance
  1254. The Firm
  1255. Key issues facing legal profession to be addressed by ABA House of Delegates
  1256. Real Estate Foreclosure crisis hits older Americans hard
  1257. ASKED & ANSWERED: James H. Fisher on indigent defense
  1258. TAKING STOCK: Big losses
  1259. TAKING STOCK: Big losses
  1260. TAKING STOCK: It's the drugs
  1261. Justice Dept. supports UT affirmative action policy
  1262. Some consumer stocks thriving despite dour mood
  1263. TAKING STOCK: A tale of two dollars
  1264. TAKING STOCK: Pension buyout
  1265. Peacekeeping court in Washtenaw County?
  1266. Taking Stock: Market Skeptic
  1267. Taking Stock: Market Skeptic
  1268. MIGreatArtist finalists announced, art on display
  1269. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Politics, fantasy and reality
  1270. Forum to give residents chance to save homes
  1271. New assistant dean says Wayne Law is a good fit
  1272. Lawyers need to tap their inner teacher
  1273. Oakland County's Medical Main Street grows
  1274. Economy SPIN METER: 'Middle class' turns fuzzy in politics Economic data suggests middle class is shrinking
  1275. Top Del. Court OKs record $300M attorney fee award
  1276. Considerations for a reverse mortgage
  1277. Taking Stock: Penny Stocks
  1278. Health care Fact check: On keeping your current health plan Obama overstates benefits, Romney exaggerates the ills
  1279. TAKING STOCK: Bank takeover
  1280. Nobel economist says inequality weighs on the U.S. economy
  1281. Monday Profile: Laura Sagolla
  1282. Taking Stock: Dunkin' Donuts
  1283. Taking Stock: The European Union
  1284. Gates, Buffett again top Forbes' billionaires list
  1285. COMMENTARY: Health Care Law update--What every business needs to know now
  1286. Stearn announces candidacy for Board of Commissioners
  1287. Court declares July as Juror Appreciation Month
  1288. Billions could be saved if simple language replaced the 'legalese'
  1289. Asked and Answered: Rashida Tlaib
  1290. Saving secrets: How to cut costs on electronic discovery
  1291. TAKING STOCK: Football, mate
  1292. U.S. Steel a steal?
  1293. Property law-- Attorney sheds some light on local real estate market
  1294. Wall Street Get ready for the end of record corporate profits
  1295. Real Estate Report: Some lose homes over as little as $400
  1296. A Romney rally
  1297. Honored to serve: Attorney leads as mayor of Grosse Pointe Shores
  1298. Should Michigan mandate continuing education?
  1299. TAKING STOCK: The European Union
  1300. End of tough times? Mortgage banker believes housing has 'turned corner' in Southeastern Michigan
  1301. Taking Stock: Stick with the devil you know
  1302. EXPERT WITNESS: Development of the Detroit real-estate market
  1303. Taking Stock: Football, Mate
  1304. Should Michigan mandate continuing education? State is one of few without requirement
  1305. Engaging in active vs. passive investing
  1306. County receives AAA bond rating on Wastewater Treatment Facility sale
  1307. Five big banks have given $10.6B in homeowner relief
  1308. SBM McCree Award winners to be honored at banquet
  1309. Higher stock prices help Americans regain wealth
  1310. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: The search for something deeper
  1311. Voluntary offshore disclosure program yields $5B
  1312. TAKING STOCK: Growth potential, Facebook
  1313. TAKING STOCK: Growth potential, Facebook
  1314. Mortgage fraud ringleader pleads guilty; losses may exceed $100M
  1315. Asked and Answered: Steve Fisher, Legal assistance to indigent clients
  1316. Age-old challenge: Professor shares tough issues of criminal law with students
  1317. Monday Profile: Laura Sagolla
  1318. Taking Stock: Best Buy
  1319. TAKING STOCK: Genuine auto parts
  1320. State Bar Annual Meeting set for Sept. 19-21 in Grand Rapids
  1321. Facebook 'friending' can have ethical implications for lawyers
  1322. TAKING STOCK: Furniture and phones
  1323. Gross' PIMCO Total Return ETF surges out of the gate
  1324. Taking Stock- It's the Drugs
  1325. 'ExpressSOS Voter Registration Drive' kicks off today in U.P.
  1326. TAKING STOCK: U.S. Steel a steal?
  1327. U.S. Steel a steal?
  1328. Social Security fixable; changes politically tough
  1329. Oakland County's AAA bond rating saves nearly $2 million
  1330. Opportune Time Former prosecutor enjoys new role
  1331. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: The search for something deeper
  1332. Beware of compromising justice for dollars
  1333. Professor helped shatter myth of student athletes
  1334. TAKING STOCK: Par for the course
  1335. Taking Stock: The European Union
  1337. GM CEO says old culture still hindering change
  1338. Federal judge backs lobbyist ban on government boards
  1339. GM's 3Q stock rise surprises industry
  1340. Higher calling New CEO settles into his role atop prominent firm
  1341. TAKING STOCK: The European Union
  1342. Bank takeover
  1343. Football, mate
  1344. Genisys wins 2nd place for Dora Maxwell Award
  1345. Trial run Facility offers chance to test the legal waters
  1346. July is Juror Appreciation Month
  1347. Asked & Answered: Evidence in criminal investigations
  1349. TAKING STOCK: IBM investments
  1350. Taking Stock- Genuine Auto Parts
  1351. Tame U.S. prices, more confident builders aid economic growth
  1352. Auto sales, home prices help buoy weak U.S. economy
  1353. Monday Profile: William Crawforth
  1354. GM makes bid for Ally's overseas operations
  1355. Higher retail spending lifts hopes for economy
  1356. Furniture and phones
  1357. Startups find benefits in launching in bad times
  1358. Ingham County Commissioners set to vote on June 12th
  1359. Ally to sell Canada auto finance operations
  1360. TAKING STOCK: A temporary footing amid the muck
  1361. Funds that beat the market and keep investment costs low
  1362. Age-old challenge: Professor shares tough issues of criminal law with students
  1363. Monday Profile: Laura Sagolla
  1364. Taking Stock: Best Buy
  1365. Role as new assistant dean at Wayne Law a 'good fit' for former Bodman lawyer
  1366. Money Matters: The last man standing
  1367. Taking Stock: Growth Potential, Facebook
  1368. Taking Stock: A tale of two dollars
  1369. Law prep seminar explores career opportunities
  1370. Fostering hope CASA volunteer finds rewarding role in state's foster care system
  1371. Asked and Answered: John Collins
  1372. COMMENTARY: Critical e-vidence
  1373. Six Michigan lawyers earn pro bono awards
  1374. Six Michigan lawyers earn pro bono awards
  1375. Cooley Law School names Alumni Distinguished Student Award Winners
  1376. Par for the course
  1377. Fund managers: Don't give up on HP, Dell or PCs
  1379. TAKING STOCK: Forest Labs
  1380. Business Holy grail of soft drinks Soda companies racing after the next sweet spot
  1381. Saving money with smart open enrollment changes
  1382. Five tips for dealing with looming capital gains tax hike
  1383. Law prep seminar participants explore career opportunities
  1384. Higher calling: New CEO settles into role at prominent firm
  1385. Affordable Health Care Act focus of panel, Oct. 17
  1386. Stimulus measures boosted fund returns in third quarter
  1387. More U.S. homes facing foreclosure risk in June
  1388. Personal Finance Summertime is dividend time, research shows
  1389. Fee 'write-down' could save you headaches and dollars
  1390. TAKING STOCK: Exchange-traded funds
  1391. Taking Stock: Bank takeover
  1392. MENS REA: The victim mentality
  1393. Facebook still has believers among fund managers
  1394. ASKED & ANSWERED: Andrew Moore on UDM Law's Red Mass
  1395. Facebook's stock sinks, so who should buy it?
  1396. Six tips for keeping price of your expert witness within your budget
  1397. Cash pulled from stock funds for 7th month in row
  1398. Diversity: Still a long way to go SBM director of diversity among speakers at event
  1399. TAKING STOCK: Safe stocks
  1400. TAKING STOCK: Inflation investments
  1401. Some consumer stocks thriving despite dour mood
  1402. TAKING STOCK: A tale of two dollars
  1403. TAKING STOCK: Best Buy
  1404. TAKING STOCK: Best Buy
  1405. Higher calling: New CEO settles into role at prominent firm
  1406. Higher calling: New CEO settles into role at prominent firm
  1407. SBM annual meeting set for Sept. 19-21
  1408. SBM annual meeting set for Sept. 19-21
  1409. Taking Stock: Value Line and convertibles
  1410. Latest U.S. home prices show consistent 12-month gains
  1411. Property law-- Attorney sheds some light on local real estate market
  1412. TAKING STOCK: U.S. Steel a steal?
  1413. Lucky charm--King Leo standing guard outside firm
  1414. Director of Detroit Crime Commission sees steady progress
  1415. Taking Stock: Dunkin' Donuts
  1416. Human trafficking focus of Cooley symposium
  1417. Inflation investments
  1418. Diversity and inclusion: 'The right thing to do' but still a long way to go
  1419. Fiscal cliff looms, but keep eye on long-term
  1420. Measure of home prices rises most in six years
  1421. TAKING STOCK: The European Union
  1422. Consumer confidence slipped in June
  1423. Five alumnae create endowed scholarship for Wayne Law students
  1424. Expert Witness: Recording 101: A primer on recorded music
  1425. TAKING STOCK: IBM investments
  1426. Five states to continue lawsuit demanding Asian carp fix
  1427. Lucky charm--King Leo standing guard outside firm
  1428. U.S. Attorney's Office joins Medicine Abuse Project
  1429. Do-it-yourself sites affect bottom line
  1431. Facebook still has believers among fund managers
  1432. Genisys named Outstanding Credit Union of the Year
  1433. EXPERT WITNESS: One million for Mona: A YouTube experiment
  1434. Do-it-yourself sites affect bottom line, but do they serve the client?
  1435. Do-it-yourself sites affect bottom line
  1436. Upcoming changes in estate, gift taxes stir 'frenzy'
  1437. Retirement worries grow; 30-somethings most uneasy
  1438. Circuit Court candidates address judicial issues
  1439. Lawyer loses divorce fight over professional goodwill
  1440. Last of seven pleads guilty in $2.5M mortgage scam
  1441. HP investor sues company for handling of two deals
  1442. Taking Stock: The European Union
  1443. TAKING STOCK: American Express
  1444. Exchange-traded funds
  1445. Bank of America CFO says housing has 'begun to turn'
  1446. Taking Stock: Growth Potential, Facebook
  1447. Taking Stock: A tale of two dollars
  1448. Promoting prosperity: New book shows how lawyers benefit the economy
  1449. Should Michigan mandate continuing education?
  1450. TAKING STOCK: Bonds for income
  1451. TAKING STOCK: Bonds for income
  1452. Contracts to buy U.S. homes fell slightly in June
  1453. TAKING STOCK: Forest Labs
  1454. Investors face a tangled year-end tax web
  1455. TAKING STOCK: TIPS and Gold
  1456. Of Mutual Interest Ginnie Mae funds: 5 things investors need to know
  1457. Growth potential, Facebook
  1458. 401(k) plans - simplicity matters in performance
  1459. TAKING STOCK: A second opinion
  1460. Of Mutual Interest 4 key items to look for in new 401(k) disclosures
  1461. Four key items to look for in new 401(k) disclosures
  1462. Families at odds over financial planning
  1463. Cash pulled from stock funds for 8th month in row
  1464. Ally to sell Canada auto finance operations
  1465. Legal View: Keeping your lawn a free speech zone
  1466. TAKING STOCK: Comfortable with Mercury General
  1467. U.S. Steel a steal?
  1468. Property law-- Attorney sheds some light on local real estate market
  1469. Corporate law departments push new legal services model according to survey
  1470. Animal Law Section holds conference
  1471. Startups find benefits in launching in bad times
  1473. TAKING STOCK: Buffalo nickel not worth a New York mint
  1474. BALLOT BOX: The 'Emergency Dictator' law is bad for schools and municipalities
  1475. OPINION: 'Hire Our Heroes' program deserves county consideration
  1476. 'Practical Aspects of Animal Law' explored at conference
  1477. Added value: Firm's summer associate program nets two new hires
  1478. TAKING STOCK: Coins as inflation hedge
  1479. Coins as inflation hedge
  1480. TAKING STOCK: Sue brokster
  1481. Sue brokster
  1482. Contracts to buy homes rise, match 2-year high
  1483. ASKED & ANSWERED: Howard Abrams
  1484. TAKING STOCK: A swing and a miss
  1485. Is the 'Golden Era of Prosperity' gone? Do-it-yourself sites affect bottom line
  1486. Do-it-yourself sites affect bottom line
  1487. TAKING STOCK: Best Buy
  1488. Taking Stock: Cash demand is vulgar
  1489. Age-old challenge: Professor shares tough issues of criminal law with students
  1490. Storm delays lift already strong U.S. auto sales
  1491. TAKING STOCK: PFDs and ETFs
  1492. American Express
  1493. COMMENTARY: Government contracting in 2013: expect more demands, oversight
  1494. TAKING STOCK: Son going to college
  1495. Son going to college
  1496. Some consumer stocks thriving despite dour mood
  1497. TAKING STOCK: A tale of two dollars
  1498. TAKING STOCK: Countess Dracula short-sells a stock
  1499. Countess Dracula short-sells a stock
  1500. Fed survey finds economy growing at steady pace
  1501. Local family law firm makes addition from its own family
  1502. TIPS and Gold
  1503. TAKING STOCK: The stock market after the election
  1504. TAKING STOCK: Income portfolio
  1505. Why U.S. economy is flashing conflicting signals
  1506. Proposal 1: A Referendum on Public Act 4 of 2011--The Emergency Manager Law
  1507. Proposal 1: A Referendum on Public Act 4 of 2011--The Emergency Manager Law
  1508. Proposal 1: A Referendum on Public Act 4 of 2011--The Emergency Manager Law
  1509. TAKING STOCK: Money manager
  1510. Beaumont, Henry Ford health systems eye merger
  1511. ASKED & ANSWERED: Michael Steinberg on Morgan Stanley discrimination suit
  1513. The fundamentals of an LLC operating agreement
  1514. TAKING STOCK: Nothing's a guarantee
  1515. Blue Cross overhaul makes headway, raises concerns
  1516. Members of family law firm in spotlight
  1517. TAKING STOCK: All that glitters isn't Goldman
  1518. All that glitters isn't Goldman
  1519. Legal People
  1520. Fund manager sees plenty of reason to be cautious now
  1521. Mens Rea- The Victim Mentality
  1522. West Bloomfield resident wins art competition
  1523. Taking Stock: The national debt and Apple
  1524. BALLOT BOX: Right to collective bargaining helped build the nation's great middle class
  1525. Home prices rose in August at faster pace across U.S.
  1526. U.S. home prices rise in October by most in 6 years
  1527. Comfortable with Mercury General
  1528. Three stock funds to reduce risk as fiscal cliff looms
  1529. Medical Marijuana is topic of ICBA Criminal Law Section meeting
  1530. Social consciousness: Asst. U-M Law dean wins diversity award
  1531. Feds sue to get 1872 Mich. lighthouse lens
  1532. TAKING STOCK: Capstone Turbine
  1533. Five big U.S. banks have cut mortgage balances by $6.3B
  1534. Refinancing request will save taxpayers millions
  1535. U.S. regulators urge SEC to propose fund changes
  1537. TAKING STOCK: Life insurance
  1538. Board approves request that saves $100M
  1539. TAKING STOCK: A 'solid' investment
  1540. Charities worry new tax law will reduce donations
  1541. The stock market after the election
  1542. How to make your practice worth less
  1543. Taking Stock- Income Inflation Mess
  1544. EXPERT WITNESS: How I make the sausage: Preparing an economic-loss determination
  1545. Investors exit stock funds for sixth year in a row
  1546. A swing and a miss
  1547. Top business story in '12: Sluggish global economy
  1548. Health care tax hikes for 2013 may be just a start
  1549. Retirement worries grow; 30-somethings most uneasy
  1550. TAKING STOCK: Sue brokster
  1551. PFDs and ETFs
  1552. TAKING STOCK: Microchip Tech
  1553. County officials to host special town hall on fracking issues
  1554. True blue: Firm's founder keeps 'goal' uppermost on his legal mind
  1555. TAKING STOCK: Inflation and Rackspace hosting
  1556. ABA introduces inaugural Blawg 100 Hall of Fame
  1557. Fund managers: 2013 stock outlook remains positive
  1558. Taking Stock: Growth Potential, Facebook
  1559. Entertainment attorney had reputation for helping talent
  1560. ASKED & ANSWERED: John Collins on the Forensic Evidence Academy
  1561. Attorney had reputation for helping young talent
  1562. Family and medical leave law working
  1563. EXPERT WITNESS: A guide to human virtue
  1564. Key developments in Facebook's IPO
  1565. Facebook users hit 'like,' stores jump into action
  1566. When the court reaches out to the grave
  1567. TAKING STOCK: Annuities
  1568. Probate Court section updated on rules and forms
  1569. Taking Stock: The stock market after the election
  1570. Taking Stock: Son Going to College
  1571. JPMorgan, Credit Suisse paying $417M in SEC case
  1572. Income portfolio
  1573. New law firm in Norton Shores focuses on affordability
  1574. Ribbon cutting to mark opening of new law office
  1575. Small business uneasy about tax collection bills
  1576. Local man charged in Korean artifact sale
  1577. Federal judges sue to win promised pay increases
  1578. Asked & Answered: Former Daily editor reflects
  1579. TAKING STOCK: Don't trust him
  1580. Don't trust him
  1581. Capstone Turbine
  1582. Animal Law Section holds conference
  1583. Members of family law firm in spotlight
  1584. Global corporate deals nearly halved in 5 years
  1586. Changing family dynamic may lead to tax relief
  1587. Whirlpool wins decision in anti-dumping case
  1588. Former judge urges crowd to fight for fairness at polls
  1589. Do-it-yourself sites affect bottom line
  1590. What's your endgame?
  1591. Expert on Japanese Law named dean of Michigan Law
  1592. New Year/auld Langxiety. And Fearless Predictions!
  1594. TAKING STOCK: Income-inflation mess
  1595. Income-inflation mess
  1596. Thursday Profile: Norman Fell
  1597. Taking Stock: Coins as Inflation Hedge
  1598. TAKING STOCK: The national debt and Apple
  1599. Economy, year-end sales help auto industry in 2012
  1600. Small business federation charts Mich. 2013 course
  1601. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Remembering Christmas 2012
  1602. Lien stripping is topic of Bankruptcy Section meeting
  1604. ICBA Probate Section gets pointers on Real Estate
  1605. State's verdict value drops 73%; but settlements get 38% boost
  1606. Home prices accelerate in Nov.
  1607. Lobbyist's conviction upheld by court
  1608. Pontiac residents to pay $141 sanitation fee
  1609. Compuware rejects Elliott's $2.35 billion takeover offer
  1610. GM to buy back 200M shares as part of gov't exit
  1611. Sue brokster
  1612. TAKING STOCK: New York Mint
  1613. Taxpayers will ease banks' costs in mortgage deal
  1614. Mens Rea--Missouri V McNeely
  1615. ASKED & ANSWERED: John Willems on ArtServe Michigan
  1616. Lien stripping topic of discussion of ICBA Bankruptcy Section meeting
  1617. Delphi Automotive to pay quarterly dividend
  1618. New-home sales jump to highest in 4 1/2 years
  1619. Oakland County is turning the corner Patterson says in annual State of the County speech
  1620. Moody's and S&P renews Oakland County's Aaa
  1621. Taking Stock- Nothing's a guarantee
  1622. Tips on buying, renting a home for extra income
  1623. Former Army ranger raises awareness, funds at Law Center
  1624. New Troy group represents what it means to give
  1625. Inflation and Rackspace hosting
  1626. ASKED & ANSWERED: Andrew G. Arena on the Detroit Crime Commission
  1627. Goodwill is your practice's legacy
  1628. Five big U.S. banks have cut mortgage debt by $19B
  1629. Attorney known for encouraging young talent
  1630. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Silence and listening
  1631. Ribbon cutting to mark opening of new law office
  1632. Nothing's a guarantee
  1633. Wasted days and wasted nights: Survey finds one-third of hours worked are unbilled
  1635. TAKING STOCK: Sour on Landauer
  1636. Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association subject to FOIA
  1637. West succeeds Caminker as Dean
  1638. Wayne Law prof. addresses health policy and community at Planned Parenthood
  1639. Treasury Department sells remaining shares of AIG
  1640. TAKING STOCK: Selling Blue Chip and Microsoft
  1641. Selling Blue Chip and Microsoft
  1642. Microchip Tech
  1643. After a century, U.S. Arabs look for pieces of past
  1645. Court asks: Is man's best friend priceless?
  1646. Western Michigan University, Cooley Law School consider formal alliance
  1647. The new era of cybercrime Commercial cyber spying efforts offer rich payoff
  1648. Annuities
  1649. Expiring credits, deductions extended by Congress
  1650. Taking Stock-- 1916-D Mercury Dime
  1651. Top mutual funds of 2012 rebound from poor 2011
  1652. Roe v Wade: After 40 years, deep divide is legacy
  1653. Long-term economic prospects bright for agriculture
  1654. State's verdict value drops 73%; but settlements get 38% boost
  1655. Five big U.S. banks have cut mortgage debt by $19B
  1657. TAKING STOCK: Water and nuts
  1658. TAKING STOCK: Water and nuts
  1659. Aggressive mutual funds
  1660. Quicken buys servicing rights to $34B in mortgages
  1661. Monday Profile: Mikhail Murshak
  1662. TAKING STOCK: Down here at the pawnshop
  1663. Down here at the pawnshop
  1664. Tips for investors to ease growing tax bite
  1665. High-stakes fight over soybeans at high court
  1666. How much is too much?
  1667. How much is too much?
  1668. State's verdict value drops 73%; but settlements get 38% boost
  1669. Members of family law firm in spotlight
  1670. Schuette warns of "Senior Cliff" in Blue Cross legislation
  1671. TAKING STOCK: Hess or no
  1672. Hess or no
  1673. Inflation and Rackspace hosting
  1674. Money fund disclosures not just about need to know
  1675. Scalia says some cases are easy
  1676. Home sales slip as supply remains tight
  1677. MONEY MATTERS: Are we facing another doomsday clock?
  1678. TAKING STOCK: Stank of America
  1679. ASKED & ANSWERED: James Elsman
  1680. U.S. Supreme Court struggles with question of human gene patentability
  1681. TAKING STOCK: General Mills
  1682. TAKING STOCK: Mutual fund selection
  1683. Mutual fund selection
  1684. TAKING STOCK: 1916 - D Mercury dime
  1685. Stank of America
  1686. Top 10 mistakes to avoid in real estate transactions
  1687. Ex-justice pleads guilty to bank fraud
  1688. Entertainment attorney had reputation for helping young talent
  1689. Small business uneasy about tax collection bills
  1690. Brighter view on jobs and pay lifts confidence
  1691. Home prices up 9.3 pct., most in nearly 7 years
  1692. How much is too much?
  1694. Lear agrees to deal with pair of investment firms
  1696. First Amendment focus of Wayne Law Review Roundtable: Program honors professor's work
  1697. Paperless courts Michigan bill will establish SCAO policies, practices statewide
  1698. Household wealth regains its pre-recession peak
  1699. No immediate ruling on Michigan's gay marriage ban
  1700. Tax cheats pony up $5.5B in IRS amnesty program
  1701. Consumers boost spending 0.2 pct.
  1702. State Bar McCree Award winners to be honored
  1703. Class-action ruling leaves unanswered questions
  1704. COMMENTARY: Examining recent arguments against gun control
  1705. NOW and DNDN
  1706. TAKING STOCK: Aggressive mutual funds
  1707. Take the Pitino approach to marketing and find a strong starting 5
  1708. Snyder says immigrants are innovators, entrepreneurs: Symposium focuses on immigration as tool of economic development
  1709. Taking Stock--Sour on Landauer
  1710. WMU, Cooley consider joining to leverage their strengths
  1711. General Mills
  1712. TAKING STOCK: Fido's health care
  1713. COMMENTARY: Predictive potential: The power and possibilities of the emerging field of predictive coding
  1715. TAKING STOCK: Income and growth issues
  1716. Court may block Stanford investor suits
  1717. COMMENTARY: Detroit Caucus unanimously opposes HB 4612--No fault bill slashes health care and fails to address affordability
  1718. Builder confidence falls on weak supply, labor
  1719. Fewer U.S. banks failing as industry strengthens
  1720. Michigan police ranks down 16 percent from decade ago
  1721. Merger of Fannie, Freddie's bond units proposed
  1722. OBITUARY
  1723. 1916 - D Mercury dime
  1724. Bernanke says low interest rate policies benefit trade
  1725. Housing starts surpass 1 million in March, first time since June 2008
  1726. Whirlpool raises quarterly dividend by 25 percent
  1727. U.S. Supreme Court's class-action ruling leaves unanswered questions
  1728. OCBA UPDATE: How do we collaborate? Let me count the ways...
  1729. For many, Dow rally feels empty
  1730. January home prices rose by most in nearly 7 years
  1731. Saving the planet-- Attorney helps balance environmental concerns with needs of our society
  1732. Tax increases affecting more Mich. residents
  1733. TAKING STOCK: French utility
  1734. MENS REA: Why creating magistrates with badges is a bad idea
  1735. TAKING STOCK: Gift to Morning Star Development
  1736. Patterson asks students to make public health video
  1737. Discover Financial to begin offering home equity loans
  1738. The victim mentality
  1739. TAKING STOCK: TIPS and lost pension
  1740. TAKING STOCK: Jackson Hewitt and Microsoft
  1741. MENS REA: Breath testing gets a second look
  1742. Fed minutes show concerns about bond purchases
  1743. TAKING STOCK: A managed risk
  1744. Dow's recovery is old news to these top funds
  1745. Robert J. Danhof, mourned by courts
  1746. Income and growth issues
  1747. Law professor reflects on prolific career
  1748. Professor introduces law students to 'market' place
  1749. TAKING STOCK: Trust and old age
  1750. Monday Profile: Mikhail Murshak
  1751. Treasurer urges 1-2 punch to 'knock out' taxes as deadline to save property looms
  1753. ODP-OMX and WMT
  1754. Six tips on effectively managing 401(k) plans
  1755. A managed risk
  1756. Oakland County budget balanced through 2017
  1757. Nasdaq paying $10M to settle Facebook disruption
  1758. Nominations sought for workplace diversity award
  1759. COMMENTARY: Resolving disputes after the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  1760. Consumers cut spending 0.2 percent in April
  1761. Taking Stock- Trust and Old Age
  1762. ASKED & ANSWERED: Matthew P. Allen on SEC Cooperation Initiative
  1763. More young attorneys taking on document review to pay the bills
  1764. Paperless courts: Michigan bill will establish SCAO policies, practices statewide
  1765. Home prices rose in Feb. by largest amount in 7 years
  1767. Key considerations when applying for a mortgage
  1768. TAKING STOCK: What to do
  1769. What to do
  1770. COMMENTARY: Property tax reductions can still be found in the rebounding market
  1771. Housing rebound is facing obstacle: Too few homes
  1772. TAKING STOCK: Northern Tier Energy
  1773. Attorney a 'PAL' of the community
  1774. Thursday Profile: Bonnie Shaw
  1775. Data driven-- Professor introduces law students to 'market' place
  1776. Clark Hill to merge with Pittsburgh firm
  1777. TAKING STOCK: Johnson & Johnson
  1778. Fido's health care
  1779. Double duty: Law student spends more time in classroom than most
  1780. Boardman River flooding prompts citizen lawsuit
  1782. Retail sales rebound in April
  1783. Global reach-- Area attorney specializes in international adoption
  1784. Supreme Court hears argument concerning generic drug delay deals
  1785. On task-- Attorney takes the lead in house explosion case
  1786. Fed says redesigned $100 bill will be ready by Oct.
  1787. Home prices up in past year
  1788. FHA reverse mortgage losses may require bailout
  1789. COMMENTARY: Establishing a corporate giving program for good
  1790. Tougher rules for money funds considered
  1791. Gauge of economy's future health up
  1792. State Roundup
  1793. Late-payment rate on mortgages tumbled during first quarter
  1794. TAKING STOCK: The Japanese market and why the money supply pushes up U.S. stock prices
  1795. Snyder: Immigrants are innovators, entrepreneurs
  1796. Market rebounds, but retirement confidence doesn't
  1797. Northern Tier Energy
  1798. Understanding the SEC's money-market reforms
  1799. Financial discipline grows 5 years after economic crisis
  1800. ImageSoft's TrueFiling manager selected by SCAO for statewide e-filing
  1801. Average credit card debt, late payments fall in 1Q
  1802. Law professor is founder of the U-M Child Advocacy Law Clinic
  1803. Former Justice Hathaway gets prison in fraud case
  1804. Small farmers turn to creative projects to survive
  1805. Asked & Answered
  1806. Riding high-- Law school professor writing 'Little Book of Horse Racing'
  1807. TAKING STOCK: Understanding mutual fund investment terms
  1808. Mens Rea- Breath Testing gets a second look
  1809. More young attorneys taking on document review to pay the bills
  1810. EXPERT WITNESS: Autodom conundrum: Consumer-goods or national-defense industry?
  1811. TAKING STOCK: Giving stocks as gifts
  1812. Giving stocks as gifts
  1813. Jackson Hewitt and Microsoft
  1814. Taking Stock: Nuveen Municipal Value Fund or Claire's Stores
  1815. TAKING STOCK: Nuveen Municipal Value Fund or Claire's Stores
  1816. TAKING STOCK: When will the market settle?
  1818. TAKING STOCK: Sour on Landauer
  1819. TIPS and lost pension
  1820. Homebuilder confidence rises in May from April
  1821. Chrysler now a rising star
  1822. Gift to Morning Star Development
  1823. County to appeal Fannie/Freddie decision
  1824. ODP-OMX and WMT
  1825. Tips for instilling money management skills in teens
  1826. Apple shareholder drops lawsuit on preferred stock
  1827. EXPERT WITNESS: The odd and curious case of Max Stephan (part one)
  1828. Trust and old age
  1829. Steely Edge-- Best-selling author believes 'Super' hero still matters
  1830. TAKING STOCK: Mortgage units
  1831. Mortgage units
  1832. Wayne State University Law School honored for diversity outreach
  1833. New car too pricey? Used car prices are dropping
  1834. Where to beat the market: small-cap foreign funds
  1835. Jurist relished election challenge
  1836. Jurist relished election challenge
  1837. The Law of the First Amendment
  1838. Understanding Mutual Fund Investment Terms
  1839. How higher rates touch consumers, firms
  1840. IRS, ex-Pistons owner's estate in tax dispute
  1841. TAKING STOCK: TIPS and lost pension
  1842. TIPS and lost pension
  1843. Johnson & Johnson
  1844. Law attempts to clarify both unpaid internship, unpaid employee
  1845. TiVo settles patent disputes with Cisco, Motorola and Time Warner
  1846. Consumer sentiment reaches 6-year high in July
  1847. TAKING STOCK: JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  1848. JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  1849. More young attorneys taking on document review to pay the bills
  1850. TAKING STOCK: The sham that is the diamond market
  1851. S&P boosts outlook for U.S. government's long-term debt
  1852. New industry survey examines changing legal market
  1853. Considerations for family or closely held Business Clients
  1854. Asked and Answered: Neil Rockind on Michigan's Medical Marijuana Laws
  1855. Bernanke says bank rules fair price for damage done
  1856. Firm celebrates anniversary with 100 Acts of Kindness
  1857. The Japanese market and why the money supply pushes up U.S. stock prices
  1858. Hedge fund manager Falcone to settle fraud case with SEC
  1859. Dow closes above 15,000 for first time; what next?
  1860. COMMENTARY: Revisiting the austerity debate ahead of fall German election
  1861. Unpaid internships in jeopardy after court ruling
  1862. World looks to Bernanke to clarify plans
  1863. The good life-- Happily retired after 38 years, Roger Chard reflects on life
  1864. Former addict tells of 'long road back'
  1865. Former addict tells of 'long road back'
  1866. FHA reverse mortgage losses may require bailout
  1867. Restaurants at rest stops? Michigan puts out feelers
  1868. TAKING STOCK: Buy gold?
  1869. Buy gold?
  1870. Fed keeps stimulus, criticizes Congress
  1871. Average credit card debt per borrower dips in 2Q
  1872. OCBA UPDATE: La Vida LOCA - OCBA style
  1873. Sikhs added to hate crime statistics
  1874. UBS paying $50M to settle SEC charges on bond sale
  1875. TAKING STOCK: Selling short
  1876. Selling short
  1877. Nuveen Municipal Value Fund or Claire's Stores
  1878. GM targets 10 pct. pretax margin by mid-decade
  1879. CYBERSPACE SIGHTING: Firm launches electronic payments law blog
  1880. TAKING STOCK: Afraid to invest
  1881. Wayne Law professor to speak during State of the Detroit River Boat Tour
  1882. Affordable Care Act continues in complexity, attorneys say
  1883. Average U.S. household far from regaining its wealth
  1884. Firm plans 'Taxation and Succession Planning Institute'
  1885. Perrigo to buy Elan, seeks tax savings
  1886. Marketplace Professor helps students develop business acumen
  1887. Professor helps students develop business acumen
  1888. The good life: Blind attorney happily retired after 38 years of practicing law
  1889. Attorneys weigh in on good/bad law-related movies
  1890. TAKING STOCK: High-yield real estate investment trusts
  1891. ASKED & ANSWERED: Neil Rockind on Michigan's medical marijuana
  1892. Berkshire buys up GM stock, cuts Kraft, Mondelez
  1893. Commissioners vote to support maintenance of DIA collection
  1894. Mortgage interest deductions do have some restrictions
  1895. Attorney: Art appraisal 'just part of the process'
  1896. TAKING STOCK: Out to pasture
  1897. Out to pasture
  1898. Sears Holdings and First PacTrust Bancorp
  1899. Union-company agreement to be refereed by Supreme Court
  1900. 3+3 Program equals time and money saved
  1901. The sham that is the diamond market
  1902. COMMENTARY: Beyond settlements--Highlights from law students' mediations
  1903. Marketplace: Professor helps students develop business acumen
  1904. TAKING STOCK: Tesla
  1905. Several states have laws aimed at helping broke cities
  1906. Attorney writes how-to guide for executors
  1907. Foreclosure Investigation by Register of Deeds leads to renewed funding to assist homeowners
  1908. Home prices rise 12.2 percent, best in 6 years
  1909. Homebuilder confidence rises in May from April
  1910. Former chief justice speaks on professionalism and integrity
  1911. TAKING STOCK: Short-term investing
  1912. Short-term investing
  1914. 'Consumer Bankruptcy Forum' offered by Federal Bar, April 24
  1915. Firm co-sponsoring event to benefit HAVEN
  1916. Q&A looks into turmoil in emerging Asian markets
  1917. TAKING STOCK: Out to pasture
  1918. Out to pasture
  1919. EXPERT WITNESS: Effective storytelling in the courtroom or How to keep your jurors awake (Part Two)
  1920. EXPERT WITNESS: What if your client doesn't go to AA?
  1921. With law degree's luster dimmed, a look at how data supports our new view of the JD
  1922. OCBA UPDATE: Beginnings
  1923. Former chief justice speaks on professionalism, integrity
  1924. Why the Dow is getting a makeover
  1925. Consumers making mortgage payments priority again
  1926. Professor founded U-M Child Advocacy Law Clinic
  1928. TAKING STOCK: NextEra Energy
  1929. European stock funds are coming back en vogue
  1930. Attorney says Detroit art appraisal 'just part of the process'
  1931. EXPERT WITNESS: Effective storytelling in the courtroom or how to keep your jurors awake (Part One)
  1932. Trott Launches Congressional Bid
  1933. Federal program aims to keep kids on the right side of law
  1934. Detroit to receive $52.3M to fight blight
  1935. TAKING STOCK: Tax-free ETFs
  1936. TAKING STOCK: Beemers and Beetles
  1937. Beemers and Beetles
  1938. Sour on Landauer
  1939. Ford CEO's pay falls to $20.95 million in 2012
  1940. Home sales tick up to highest in 3 1/2 years
  1941. Investors hungrier for stock funds, but finicky
  1942. Afraid to invest
  1943. Corzine sued over failure of MF Global
  1944. Mid-year mutual fund review: Bond funds sink
  1945. E-filing is coming-- Southfield company will make it happen
  1946. Money Matters: Discount-narrowing techniques used by CEFs
  1947. ASKED & ANSWERED: Kathryn Smolinski on Legal Advocacy for People with Cancer
  1948. TAKING STOCK: VimpelCom
  1949. High-yield real estate investment trusts
  1950. New JCBA president plans more outreach
  1951. TAKING STOCK: York Water
  1952. York Water
  1953. Michigan justices take appeal in demolition case
  1954. Electronic filing manager selected by SCAO
  1955. Labor attorney is longest-serving faculty member at MSU law school
  1956. What makes a good law-related movie? Snappy one-liners don't hurt, attorneys say
  1957. COMMENTARY: Rent, buy or condo?
  1958. Gov't sues BofA over mortgage bond sale
  1959. Half of older workers delay retirement plans
  1960. EXPERT WITNESS: One year license suspension? Good luck with that!
  1961. Attorney: Art appraisal 'just part of the process' Liquidation Analysis part of bankruptcy filing
  1962. Law Life: Mobile apps for the paperless law office
  1963. Today's shunned stocks may be long-term winners
  1964. Student loans becoming point of concern for engaged couples
  1965. Home sales hit 5.4 million in July, highest since '09
  1966. ASKED & ANSWERED: Steven D. Sallen on Phoenix Center condemnation
  1967. Fannie sues 9 banks over LIBOR-related losses
  1968. TAKING STOCK: A 2nd round of stupid
  1969. Builders boost single-family home construction
  1970. Many of Jackson's legal elders plan to stay on job
  1971. TAKING STOCK: Can you hear me now?
  1972. Calif. city moves ahead with eminent domain plan
  1973. Not all bond funds are created equal
  1974. COMMENTARY: Preparing for your divorce consultation
  1975. JPMorgan pays $100M, admits fault in London trades
  1976. Detroit to receive $52.3M to fight blight
  1977. Able assistant Longtime prosecutor joins neighboring county office
  1978. Finance Committee wraps up county budget, Commissioners prepare for September 19th Budget Adoption for Fiscal Year 2014/2016
  1979. From the desk of Eric Schertzing, Ingham County Treasurer: Land Bank/Treasury Update_
  1980. Tax-free ETFs
  1981. ASKED & ANSWERED: David DuMouchel on sentence guidelines for white-collar crimes
  1982. Business owners still struggling after budget cuts
  1983. Bills let agencies refuse adoptions due to morals
  1984. NextEra Energy
  1985. TAKING STOCK: Getting even with Microsoft?
  1986. Road map Professor helps spearhead Academic Success Program
  1987. TAKING STOCK: Floating rate
  1988. Floating Rate
  1989. Cooley Law professors file amicus brief in Michigan Marriage Equality case
  1990. All Michigan universities charge U.S. military veterans in-state rates
  1991. Snyder proclaims Nov. as Hire a Veteran Month
  1992. Appeals court deals blow to contraceptive mandate
  1993. Law school graduates lose appeal over tuition, jobs
  1994. Thursday Profile- Sarah B. Vasquez
  1995. Bites derided as unreliable in court
  1997. Ex-Oakland U. president getting nearly $300K
  1998. TAKING STOCK: Sears Holdings and First PacTrust Bancorp
  1999. TAKING STOCK: FireEye and Yellen
  2000. Retired couples may need $220K for health care
  2001. Can you hear me now?
  2002. ASKED & ANSWERED: Brian McKeen on medical malpractice lawsuit
  2003. Mutual funds go from worst to first, again
  2004. Farmers face labor shortages in the fields
  2005. Oakland County closes $350 million bond deal
  2006. California city looks to seize loans to ease mortgages
  2007. Spartan Stores completes Nash Finch Co. deal
  2008. TAKING STOCK: Lending money to a son and buying FBIOX
  2009. Lending money to a son and buying FBIOX
  2010. Firm expands 'Deal Incubator' to Detroit
  2011. Late-payment rate on mortgages down in 3Q
  2012. Michigan sticks with plan to launch Internet lottery
  2013. Director wins Integrity in Our Communities award, urges students to care for community
  2014. Michigan justices take appeal in demolition case
  2015. Electronic filing manager selected by SCAO
  2016. TAKING STOCK: Hungarian phone company and Berry Plastics
  2017. Banks fall short in helping struggling homeowners
  2018. Rising interest rates weigh on real estate mutual funds
  2019. An idiot for a stockbroker
  2020. U.S. auto sales rebound in Aug.
  2021. Cooley first in nation for minority graduates
  2022. COMMENTARY: College subsidies a growing problem
  2023. TAKING STOCK: Duke Energy Money Market Fund
  2024. Duke Energy Money Market Fund
  2025. Five tips on selling a home on your own
  2026. ASKED & ANSWERED: Don LeDuc on pressures facing the legal profession
  2027. TAKING STOCK: Investing for grandchildren
  2028. Panel expects same-sex marriage to become legal in Michigan
  2029. Gov. signs bill on business improvement zones
  2031. TAKING STOCK: Invest funds from divorce
  2032. A 2nd round of stupid
  2033. Home sales hit 6 1/2-year high but could slow soon
  2034. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy--Understanding Detroit's bankruptcy (part one)
  2035. Retiree trust assets grow on Chrysler Group's value
  2036. Bigger worries swirling around stocks of smaller companies
  2037. Attorney: Art appraisal 'just part of the process'
  2038. SEC approves $8B sale of NYSE parent to ICE
  2039. Are Master Limited Partnerships for you?
  2040. Bills signed to consolidate local election canvassing boards
  2041. Late-payment rate on mortgages down in 3Q
  2042. State OKs cigarette tax deal despite complaints
  2043. JPMorgan's $5B settlement doesn't end its troubles
  2044. TAKING STOCK: Marriott
  2045. Stryker buying Mako Surgical for about $1.41B
  2046. Getting even with Microsoft?
  2047. Home and stock values boost U.S. household wealth
  2048. Michigan Historical Center extends opportunity to honor outstanding history teachers
  2049. EXPERT WITNESS: Mental health care in Michigan
  2050. TAKING STOCK: Which stocks should I buy?
  2051. Which stocks should I buy?
  2052. Fund investors may face a bigger tax bill for 2013
  2053. Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel forms Strategic Marketing Agreement with Talmer Bank and Trust
  2054. Wait, bond funds are posting gains?
  2055. Money Matters: Discount for embedded capital gains and fair value standard
  2056. Taking Stock- When will the market settle?
  2057. Once-frothy Nasdaq tries to reach dot-com peak
  2058. A BETTER VIEW: Immigration Law update
  2059. TAKING STOCK: Schwab and the 2014 market
  2060. Schwab and the 2014 market
  2061. TAKING STOCK: Stocks for grandkids
  2062. How Volcker Rule would limit banks' risky bets
  2063. Household wealth reaches a high of $77 trillion
  2065. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy--Understanding Detroit's bankruptcy (part II)
  2066. FireEye and Yellen
  2067. Justice Dept. official admonishes bankers
  2068. Proposal would overhaul Michigan tax appeals
  2069. Mortgage manager in $2B deal over loan abuses
  2070. TAKING STOCK: 5 No-load mutual funds with excellent 10-year records
  2071. Court unlikely to say union-casino pact illegal
  2073. Compuware replaces two directors
  2074. Federal court looks to simplify electronic discovery process
  2075. Tepid retail sales raising doubts about economy
  2076. ASKED & ANSWERED: Lance Gable on NYC's portion cap rule
  2077. Attorney: Art appraisal 'just part of the process'
  2078. Despite surge, many don't see a stock bubble
  2079. JPMorgan $13B deal may not end legal woes
  2080. JPMorgan admits fault, pays $920M in trading loss
  2081. Symposium celebrates 50th Anniversary of Michigan Constitution: Former Michigan attorney general Frank Kelley to provide keynote address
  2082. TAKING STOCK: 'I need income now'
  2083. 'I need income now'
  2084. Swiss, U.S. reach deal on tax evaders
  2085. Proposal gives banks more leeway on mortgage bonds
  2086. Late-payment rate on mortgages down
  2087. Federal Reserve to reduce pace of bond buying by another $10 billion
  2088. TAKING STOCK: Quest Diagnostics
  2089. Cannery contamination case can go forward
  2090. TAKING STOCK: Kinkade
  2091. Audit finds one-stop state licensing system little used
  2092. TAKING STOCK: Pot stocks
  2093. Stumbling block cited in JPMorgan talks
  2094. Attorney joins leadership of SBM Negligence Law Section
  2095. TAKING STOCK: An idiot for a stockbroker
  2096. Tesla
  2097. EXPERT WITNESS: Effective storytelling in the courtroom: or How to keep your jurors awake (part three)
  2098. ASKED & ANSWERED: George W. Ash on the defense industry in Michigan
  2099. City moves ahead with eminent domain plan
  2100. Wealth gap: A guide to what it is, why it matters
  2101. TAKING STOCK: Preferred stocks
  2102. TAKING STOCK: Potbelly
  2103. Top Michigan laws of 2013 led by Medicaid expansion
  2104. ASKED & ANSWERED: Brendan Chard on a law firm's website
  2105. ASKED & ANSWERED: Janet Welch on voluntary State Bar membership
  2106. Republican group shows support for gay marriage
  2107. TAKING STOCK: Synovus
  2108. State capitol designated historic site
  2109. More investors are saying 'hola' to foreign funds
  2110. Fannie would get about $537M in deal with Lehman
  2111. TAKING STOCK: Utilities
  2112. MY TURN: Matter of 'Trust'--Book offers blueprint for leadership success
  2113. TAKING STOCK: Broker recommends equity-indexed annuity
  2114. COMMENTARY: Shop small this Saturday
  2115. Investing for grandchildren
  2116. No need to defend gay marriage bans, says U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
  2117. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy--Understanding Detroit's bankruptcy-economics for everyone (part three)
  2118. Bernanke says bold actions critical in Fed's 100 years
  2119. Treasurer, Accounting Aid Society partner to help Oakland taxpayers
  2120. TAKING STOCK: Foreign utilities
  2121. Detroit creditors receive preliminary plan
  2122. Tesla shares in high gear on strong 4th quarter sales
  2123. ASKED & ANSWERED: Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons on epinephrine injectors bill
  2124. TAKING STOCK: High-yield short-term bonds
  2125. High-yield short-term bonds
  2126. Home prices dipped in Nov. on colder weather
  2127. The $2 bill
  2128. Auction signals a booming Oakland real estate market
  2129. Money Matters: Fiduciaries' obligations and 401(k) plans
  2130. Preferred stocks
  2131. College endowments have strong year
  2132. Dow Chemical swings to 4Q profit, tops forecasts
  2133. Deal OK'd for Fannie to get $537M on Lehman claim
  2134. District court announces first Eviction Diversion Program in Macomb County
  2135. Judge Rhodes allows some property appeals in Detroit bankruptcy
  2136. What to expect from a bond mutual fund
  2137. What to expect from a bond mutual fund
  2138. The good life-- Happily retired after 38 years in law, Roger Chard reflects on a life well lived
  2139. TAKING STOCK: The $2 bill
  2140. Meeting to take a look at alternative careers with a law degree, March 11
  2141. A fabulous year for many mutual funds
  2142. Bank of America and Procter & Gamble
  2143. TAKING STOCK: Should I sell my stocks?
  2144. Should I sell my stocks?
  2145. Chrysler IPO could happen by year end
  2146. Pot stocks
  2147. Late-payment rate on mortgages falls in 4Q
  2148. Foreign utilities
  2149. TAKING STOCK: Newspaper stocks for the long term
  2151. Top 10 gifts of 2013 show rebound in philanthropy
  2153. TAKING STOCK: Caesars Entertainment
  2154. FDIC sues 16 big banks that set key rate
  2155. Dow Chemical looking to spin off, sell 40 plants
  2156. County Treasurer Meisner lauds bankruptcy judge's warning on sale of art
  2157. Corporations still deal-shy
  2158. GM spending on vehicles, regions dents bottom line
  2159. Attorney's project aims to preserve treasures from local Catholic schools
  2160. Treasurer, Accounting Aid Society partner to help Oakland taxpayers
  2161. TAKING STOCK: Investing in Germany
  2162. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Overcoming reluctance to engage in mediation
  2163. Federal Reserve blocks Citigroup from raising dividends, buybacks
  2164. TAKING STOCK: Synovus
  2165. How to determine a company's value
  2166. Paint, Plant, Play--The 3 Ps: Co-founder of Summer in the City works to 'repair world' in Detroit
  2167. 6 tips to weigh the best resale home improvements
  2168. Six key considerations for unwed couples buying a home
  2169. Third Point says it bought stake in Dow Chemical
  2170. Has the Federal Reserve been fueling bubbles? You be the judge
  2171. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Return on investment - mediation style
  2172. Federal regulators act to require stronger bank capital
  2173. Looks like a bad recommendation
  2174. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg ranks as biggest giver in '13
  2175. State Bar of Michigan opposes Senate Bill 743, asks for Michigan Supreme Court Review
  2176. TAKING STOCK: AT&T and the market
  2177. AT&T and the market
  2178. Classes for new LL.M. degree in U.S. Law begin in fall
  2179. Utilities
  2180. Agents seize $723,000 in fake sport gear leading up to Winter Classic
  2181. Auto sales best in 6 years, but demand seen ebbing
  2182. Recommendation for law school pro bono aspirational guideline supported by ABA
  2183. Mutual fund fee that may be good
  2184. Court Reporting & Captioning Week hailed as a huge success
  2185. Survey finds counteroffers more common as law firms seek to retain top legal talent
  2186. Home prices dip for second straight month
  2187. Legal community mourns loss of `gentleman attorney'
  2188. Five money resolutions for the new year
  2189. Mich. economic outlook better, still not great
  2190. Judge OKs child cancer lawsuit against Whirlpool
  2191. Home market: Few buyers and not enough sellers
  2192. McCree Award winners honored at ceremony
  2193. TAKING STOCK: Bitcoin
  2194. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Preparing for Detroit's Recovery--Economics for Everyone (part five)
  2195. Bitcoin
  2196. How to tackle financial records clutter
  2197. TAKING STOCK: A map of Atlas
  2198. Finding profit opportunities in closed-end funds
  2199. TAKING STOCK: General Electric the cure for an aggressive portfolio
  2200. TAKING STOCK: The Russian Google and Puerto Rican bonds
  2201. The Russian Google and Puerto Rican bonds
  2202. Newspaper stocks for the long term
  2203. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy--Preparing for Detroit's recovery--Economics for Everyone (part six)
  2204. Treasurer, Accounting Aid Society partner to help Oakland taxpayers
  2206. SPORTS IN THE COURTS: Unionization efforts may produce a Pyrrhic victory
  2207. NO BETTER VIEW: Elective share needs reformed
  2208. TAKING STOCK: Bank of America and Procter & Gamble
  2209. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2210. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2211. Protect business value by investing in employees futures
  2212. Hungarian phone company and Berry Plastics
  2213. Judge rejects Justice Dept. request on phone records
  2214. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2215. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2216. Patterson highlights five new major programs in State of the County speech
  2217. TAKING STOCK: Sonic
  2218. Abandoned last year, bond funds are back on top
  2219. Dream On: Justice Advocacy Competition slated for February
  2220. Goal oriented: NHL coach handled rigors of law school
  2221. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2222. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2223. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2224. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2225. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2227. Solid growth brightens 2014 outlook
  2228. Government wants Bank of America to pay $2.1B in penalties for bad loans
  2229. Broker recommends equity-indexed annuity
  2231. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2232. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2233. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2234. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2235. Taking Stock ... Wishy-washy broker
  2236. Borrowers paying mortgages ahead of credit card bills
  2238. Michigan releases 5 year forest management plan
  2239. Number of U.S. farms declines, farmers getting older
  2240. Value of MSU endowment tops $2 billion for first time
  2243. Growth or value? Fund investors' choice is clear
  2244. IRS says bitcoin will be taxed like property
  2245. New laws boost Michigan craft beer industry
  2246. TAKING STOCK: Variable annuities and the S&P 500
  2247. Variable Annuities and the S&P 500
  2248. Judge upholds country of origin label for meat
  2249. Judge orders ex-trader to pay $825,000
  2250. ASKED & ANSWERED: Heather Simmons on the future of law libraries
  2251. Patterson honored as a Public Official of the Year
  2252. Strong earnings fail to impress jittery market
  2253. TAKING STOCK: European stocks
  2254. Nearly all major U.S. banks pass Fed 'stress tests'
  2255. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Michigan Business Courts--The expanding role of ADR
  2256. New law says rebuilt homes don't have more taxes
  2258. Sales of existing homes up 4.9 percent in May
  2259. TAKING STOCK: Looking for growth, income and an inflation hedge
  2260. It takes more to diversify than investing abroad
  2261. Consumer spending up 0.4 percent in Dec.
  2262. TAKING STOCK: Looking for growth, income and an inflation hedge
  2263. Under Analysis ...
  2264. Taking Stock ... A map of Atlas
  2265. Monday Profile: Karen S. Sendelbach
  2266. ESTATE STRATEGIES: Consider termination of your late spouse's trust
  2267. TAKING STOCK: Investing in Germany
  2268. Investing in Germany
  2269. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2270. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2271. Wishy-Washy Broker
  2272. SEC votes to end $1 a share for some money funds
  2273. How the decline in stocks could help your 401(k)
  2274. TAKING STOCK: Cheap stocks
  2275. Investing in Germany
  2276. ASKED & ANSWERED: Teresa Garber on planning for the future of legal support professionals
  2277. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2278. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2279. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2280. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2281. TAKING STOCK: Annuities and GMIB
  2282. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2283. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2284. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2285. Expanded housing support programs announced
  2286. TAKING STOCK: Convertible bonds
  2288. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for small groups (part two)
  2289. Credit-reporting firm sued for errors
  2290. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for small groups (part two)
  2291. Federal judge to hear suits alleging GM cars lost value
  2292. Downside of low mortgage rates? Less homes selling
  2293. Investor sentiment on tech goes from giddy to glum
  2294. TAKING STOCK: Pfizer
  2297. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2298. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2299. Household wealth hit high in first quarter
  2300. THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: The misery of condemning and judging others
  2301. Americans see middle class status slipping
  2302. Making it big a slippery slope for crowd-funded companies
  2303. ESTATE STRATEGIES: IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2304. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Reflecting and reminiscing
  2305. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2306. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2307. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2308. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2309. Funds are going smaller game hunting for dividends
  2311. Money Matters: Investment signals from a weak dollar
  2312. Home mortgage applications fall to fifteen-year low
  2313. Leelanau County sheriff's department gets police dog
  2314. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2315. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2316. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2317. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2318. Like stocks, junk bonds show investor jitters
  2319. Snyder signs bill easing rental property tax burden
  2321. Firm helps announce 2014 Entrepreneurship Challenge winners
  2322. Patterson's budget recommendation balanced for Fiscal Years 2015 - 2017
  2323. A map of Atlas
  2324. Attorneys' paper examines meaning of efficiency
  2325. Trust now may be needed to protect inherited IRA
  2326. Mental health courts legislation signed by Calley
  2327. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2328. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2329. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2330. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2331. TAKING STOCK: Portfolio income during retirement
  2332. IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2333. New book guides young lawyers to career success
  2334. Wayne Law named a Best Value law school
  2335. How foreign is your foreign stock fund?
  2336. TAKING STOCK: TIPS and interest rates
  2337. Under Analysis
  2338. 5 bills that could change charitable contribution rules
  2339. Giving gold mutual funds another go
  2340. Business Tim Hortons a big part of Canadian identity
  2341. TAKING STOCK: A good prospect
  2342. SEC adopts rules on loan-backed securities
  2343. Economy shrank at steep 2.9 percent rate in Q1
  2344. Expanded housing support programs announced
  2345. ADR SPOTLIGHT-ADR and the Business Courts: Value added and innovation
  2346. SEC adopts rules on loan-backed securities
  2347. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2348. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2349. Daily Briefs
  2350. EXPERT WITNESS-Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy: Economics for small groups (part four)--wisdom, giving, invisible assets
  2351. Trust now may be needed to protect inherited IRA
  2352. Technology and changes in the law
  2353. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2354. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2355. Judges weigh gay marriage cases from four states
  2357. Can Africa keep its economic winning streak alive?
  2358. Fannie, Freddie post profits in 2Q; pay dividends
  2359. Rejected atheist booth in Warren city hall building draws lawsuit
  2360. Former trader gets 2 years in prison for fraud
  2361. TAKING STOCK: Sky-high
  2362. Rural upbringing helped to instill lifelong values in retiring district judge
  2363. 2015 may be great year to apply to law school
  2364. Oklahoma Landowners sue over wind farm plan
  2365. ADR SPOTLIGHT-ADR and the Business Courts: Value added and innovation
  2366. Five tips for selling a home for the best price
  2367. TAKING STOCK: Cheap stocks
  2368. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2369. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2370. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2371. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2372. Lex Mundi Institute marks its 10th anniversary
  2373. Muskegon kayak manufacturer planning $5 million expansion
  2374. TAKING STOCK: Stansberry and IBM
  2375. Firm hosts stress management event with nonprofits
  2376. IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2377. IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2378. TAKING STOCK: A media sandwich
  2379. TAKING STOCK: Inflation and interest rates
  2380. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2381. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2382. Regulators set rules meant to ward off bank crisis
  2383. Federal Reserve report finds median incomes drop for all but wealthiest
  2384. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2385. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2386. National Roundup
  2387. TAKING STOCK: Stay away from these stocks
  2388. TAKING STOCK: Convertible bonds
  2389. Judge says city isn't on hook for property values
  2390. British bank HSBC paying $550M to resolve mortgage bond claims
  2391. Lawyers publish paper on increased efficiency
  2392. Detroit hires company to reappraise real estate
  2393. Make yourself a household name
  2394. CYBERSPACE SIGHTING: Site aims to protect and preserve the Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury
  2395. Bank of America paying $7.65M to resolve inquiry
  2396. Goldman in deal worth $1.2B over U.S. bond claims
  2397. Is a home equity line of credit a good fit for you?
  2398. Oklahoma Landowners sue over wind farm plan
  2399. Is a home equity line of credit a fit?
  2400. Auto loans soar to highest in 8 years
  2401. A 'Daily Dozen' worth repeating
  2402. FAA, developers clash on tall buildings proposal
  2403. Expanded housing support programs announced
  2404. ADR and the business courts: Value added and innovation
  2405. Business Tim Hortons a big part of Canadian identity
  2406. Oakland County Board continues budget hearings
  2407. What Japan's stimulus jolt means for investors
  2408. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2409. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2410. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2411. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2412. TAKING STOCK: Bad biotech and IT recommendations
  2413. Justice Dept. seeks new tool against data fraud
  2414. On the Money: 5 tips for selling your home for the best price
  2415. IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2416. Credit-reporting firm sued for errors
  2418. Alibaba risk: China's rise leaves out investors
  2419. Economy Did it Work? Many economists agree Fed's stimulus accomplished bulk of goals
  2420. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for small groups (part three)
  2421. Detroit bankruptcy vote due out July 21
  2422. COMMENTARY: Deposition, Japanese style can be a road less traveled
  2423. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2424. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2425. Volunteer fire department celebrates 100 years
  2426. Oregon Brittany Maynard galvanizes right-to-die efforts Right-to-die legislation has been pushed for years, often unsuccessfully
  2427. Michigan voters approve business tax cut
  2428. TAKING STOCK: Investing in tax liens
  2429. RESTORE Foundation receives grant from OCBF
  2430. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2431. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2432. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2433. EXPERT WITNESS--Sufficient Affluence/Sustainable Economy: Economics for everyone (part seven)
  2434. OCBA UPDATE: Education as a civil right
  2435. TAKING STOCK: Government hands on Roth IRAs?
  2436. Montana Ex-billionaire must appear in bankruptcy court
  2437. Slower growth for U.S. home prices in August
  2438. ASKED & ANSWERED: Dan Penning on cottage law
  2439. Michigan mom of autistic girl pleads guilty to child abuse
  2440. IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2441. Morgan Stanley paying $275M to settle civil charges by SEC
  2442. Dow Chemical looking to sell three more businesses
  2443. Mutual funds take a summer break
  2444. TAKING STOCK: DuPont
  2445. John Nevin on state e-filing system
  2446. TAKING STOCK: Planning retirement without social security
  2447. TAKING STOCK: A piece of the pie
  2448. Blindsided by the real world
  2449. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2450. 'Human props' stay in houses to help sales
  2451. TAKING STOCK: A good prospect
  2452. Professor speaks on living a life after law school
  2453. Airlines among the strongest stocks in 2014
  2454. Alibaba seeks to raise up to $24.3B in IPO record
  2455. Attorney believes in common sense approach to law
  2456. One lawyer's musings on the Magna Carta
  2457. MY TURN: Attorney believes in common sense approach to law
  2459. Survey: General counsel see health care and cybersecurity as growing concerns
  2460. Have small-cap stocks suffered enough?
  2461. Alternative funds are drawing dollars, questions
  2462. Kilpatrick hit with big fine in SEC case
  2463. Judge won't OK Whirlpool lawsuit as class-action
  2464. Bernanke defends AIG bailout in court
  2465. TAKING STOCK: A smokin' stock
  2466. General counsel see health care and cybersecurity as growing concerns
  2467. Same old, same old never gets old
  2468. TAKING STOCK: Taxes and the Internet
  2469. Home price gains slow in June
  2470. ADR and the Business Courts: Value added and innovation
  2471. Reconnecting value to costs for services
  2472. IRA trusts can be useful to counteract recent SCOTUS ruling
  2473. New book guides young lawyers to career success
  2474. New direction Former attorney charts path to nonprofit world
  2475. TAKING STOCK: Twitter Heads
  2476. Is too much index investing a problem?
  2477. As stocks rise, so does anxiety: Time to get out?
  2478. Investors say 'bye,' but not 'ciao,' to stock pickers
  2479. Oil boom, housing bust alter U.S. spending trends
  2480. A stitch in time
  2481. A stitch in time Attorney heads up law firm's fashion and design law team
  2482. A stitch in time
  2483. A stitch in time Attorney heads up law firm's fashion and design law team
  2484. Blue Jeans Lecture: Law professor speaks on living a meaningful life beyond law school
  2485. TAKING STOCK: Annuity vs. stock
  2486. Professor knows boundaries of law
  2487. Attach price to promise when billing initial consult
  2488. Top 2014 business stories: U.S. grows, world slows
  2489. A fine tool for succession planning
  2490. How to make outsourcing work for small firms
  2492. TAKING STOCK: Inept regulators
  2493. Patent portfolio To file or not to file: that is often the question
  2494. TAKING STOCK: Avon lady
  2495. THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Celebrating Christmas
  2496. Of Mutual Interest What Japan's stimulus jolt means for investors
  2497. Bank of America taking $400M charge
  2498. How well did the Federal Reserve's stimulus work?
  2499. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2500. College sees small, big benefits with loan promise
  2501. TAKING STOCK: The magical third year
  2502. Merger momentum to continue in 2015, consultancy firm says
  2503. ASKED & ANSWERED: Janet Welch on the future of legal services in Michigan
  2504. Beneficial Attorney spent two decades in state government circles
  2505. EXPERT WITNESS - Detroit's Grand Bargain: Bankruptcy, settlement, and the road to revitalization
  2506. Supreme Court justices to consider when second mortgage can be void
  2507. Strong dollar means cheap gas, imports for U.S., pain abroad
  2508. SEC adopts rules on loan-backed securities
  2509. Oklahoma Landowners sue over wind farm plan
  2510. Professor knows boundaries of law
  2511. Professor knows boundaries of law
  2512. Dealing with Detroit's major post-bankruptcy problem: A real-estate primer for attorneys and economists
  2513. EXPERT WITNESS - Dealing with Detroit's major post-bankruptcy problem: A real-estate primer for attorneys and economists
  2514. Bull market for stocks kept on going in 2014
  2515. Keeping up with federal labor laws
  2516. Blue Jeans Lecture Law professor speaks on living a meaningful life beyond law school
  2517. Business Is rider safety the real Achilles heel for Uber and Lyft?
  2519. ABA launches concentrated CLE webinar on legal project management
  2520. Russia's sinking economy becoming a global threat
  2521. COMMENTARY: Justice Cavanagh's remarkable judicial career celebrated
  2522. Study on lawyer careers reveals changing profession
  2523. Litigation treatise a masterwork, both accessible and deep
  2524. MY TURN: A 'Daily Dozen' worth repeating
  2525. Report urges action on statewide e-filing to increase efficiency
  2526. Judge drops rape charge against ex-Tigers pitcher
  2527. Tri-Pointe Community Credit Union and Genisys Credit Union to merge
  2528. Citigroup to take $3.5 billion charge
  2529. Corporate deals set to return to pre-crisis levels
  2530. Turning relationships into revenue
  2531. Don Katz on Cybercurrency Bitcoin
  2532. Canceled debt is it taxable or not?
  2533. Don Katz on Cybercurrency Bitcoin
  2534. Constantly changing online prices stump shoppers
  2535. Don Katz on Cybercurrency Bitcoin
  2536. Duly Noted . . .
  2537. Task force recommends that State Bar remains mandatory, makes changes
  2538. Five tips for selling a home for the best price
  2539. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2540. Small CPAs living larger through new partnerships
  2541. Election years remind trial lawyers what works -- and what doesn't
  2542. COMMENTARY: How to make outsourcing work for small firms
  2543. MY TURN: Professor knows boundaries of law
  2544. U.S. sets new policy on ineffective lawyer claims
  2545. Sacks named executive director of Michigan Indigent Defense Commission
  2546. TAKING STOCK: The magical third year
  2547. Professor knows boundaries of law
  2548. TAKING STOCK: Keep Wal-Mart stock?
  2549. Pivotal Moments campaign launched to raise $750M
  2550. TAKING STOCK: A slimming giant
  2551. Lawmaker takes oath of office and looks forward to 114th Congress
  2552. Obama to reduce FHA mortgage premium rate to spur buying
  2553. Institute to measure impact of spending
  2554. Lansing Interview: Sen. Meekhof hails union, abortion laws Says health care policy needs attention because of state's aging population
  2555. ADR and the business courts: Value added and innovation
  2556. Federal analysis: Arts, culture add $700B to U.S. economy
  2557. Four benefits changes that may stem from overhaul tax
  2558. Demosthenes Lorandos on Parental Alienation Syndrome
  2559. Energy stocks: Buy low or get out of the way?
  2560. Deposition, Japanese style can be a road less traveled
  2561. Mich. Education Savings Program's fees drop as total assets top $4B
  2562. Home prices accelerated in October, according to data provider CoreLogic
  2563. TAKING STOCK: Verizon is a foundation stock
  2564. Genisys Credit Union team in action for the holidays
  2565. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2566. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2567. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2568. Economy Escaping the wealth gap can mean fleeing hometowns Trend has emerged of more-educated people moving, less-educated staying
  2569. TAKING STOCK: Health stocks for the long term
  2570. TAKING STOCK: Coal stocks
  2571. View innovation in terms of its collective impact
  2572. A stitch in time Attorney heads up firm's fashion, design law team
  2573. View innovation in terms of its collective impact
  2574. Demosthenes Lorandos on Parental Alienation Syndrome
  2575. ABA launches concentrated CLE webinar on project management
  2576. TAKING STOCK: and American First Multifamily Investors
  2577. Investors say 'bye,' but not 'ciao,' to stock pickers
  2578. Genisys Credit Union team in action for the holidays
  2579. 2015 stock outlook: Good but not great, and bumpy
  2581. Decoding the jargon of mutual funds: a look from A to E
  2582. Investors' appetite for startups fed by stock market gains
  2583. Turning relationships into revenue
  2584. Why inflation stays ultra-low while job growth is surging
  2585. New home sales surge 11.6 percent
  2586. Home price gains slow in November on weaker sales
  2587. College sees small, big benefits with loan promise
  2588. Professor knows boundaries of law
  2589. Court to consider when second mortgage can be void
  2590. Negotiation skills can be taught
  2591. Can Big Data transform Michigan? Wayne State thinks so and is hosting a symposium in March to prove it
  2592. New home sales surge 11.6 percent
  2593. Home price gains slow in November on weaker sales
  2594. Holiday shopping hiccup: U.S. retail sales fell in Dec.
  2595. Banning blasphemy
  2596. Technology Wearable sensors gather lots of data -- now to make it useful Prospect of collecting so much personal data raises host of privacy concerns
  2597. Why inflation stays ultra-low while job growth is surging
  2598. Resourceful: The 'Legacy Society' launched by OCBF
  2599. New exemptions from the uncapping of the taxable value of residential real property
  2600. TAKING STOCK: Cars and loans
  2601. Low inflation likely to keep Fed 'patient' about a rate hike
  2602. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2603. Study reveals changes in legal profession
  2604. 6,000 reasons to make a retirement plan
  2605. Report urges action on statewide e-filing system
  2606. At Jackson Hole, central bankers eye varying goals
  2607. TAKING STOCK: Allete has the power
  2608. Study reveals changes in legal profession
  2609. Sacks named first executive director of Michigan Indigent Defense Commission
  2610. Sacks named first executive director of Michigan Indigent Defense Commission
  2611. Why the U.S. will power the world economy in 2015
  2612. Home price growth slows for 11th consecutive month
  2613. Sour on Landauer
  2614. Ford CEO's pay falls to $20.95 million in 2012
  2615. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2616. Investors say 'bye,' but not 'ciao,' to stock pickers
  2617. Genisys Credit Union team in action for the holidays
  2618. Quiet year in terms of tax changes, but Affordable Care Act provides twist
  2619. ABA book explores the delivery of legal services and lawyers' happiness
  2620. Home price gains weakened in December on slower sales
  2621. To better gauge damages, get to know your jury
  2622. @White=[C] Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2624. Director of American Bar Foundation to step down, return to faculty
  2626. Battle Creek Mexican Farmer's co-op expands by partnering with businesses
  2627. A stitch in time Attorney heads up firm's fashion, design law team
  2628. Supreme Court Watch Justices divide on lawyers' right to 'fees on fees' Law firm sought additional fees for defending challenge to fees
  2629. Closed-end fund discount narrowing techniques
  2630. Professor knows boundaries of law
  2631. Saying goodbye
  2632. Ginsburg to deliver Tanner Lecture
  2633. Financial markets see reemergence of SPACs
  2634. ABA panelists talk about transition from government to private practice
  2635. Justices take up dispute over California raisins
  2636. Consumer prices drop 0.4 percent in December
  2637. Smart financial planning for entrepreneurs
  2638. A life led in the 'ideal of public service' DMBA Foundation honors Congressman Dingell with Dennis Archer Award
  2639. Technology As Samsung falters, mysterious scion in the wings Company's annual sales equal a quarter of South Korea's economy
  2640. Patent portfolio To file or not to file: that is often the question
  2641. A look at circumstances affecting the outlook for 2015
  2642. A Top Ten list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2643. A Top Ten list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2644. A look at circumstances affecting the outlook for 2015
  2645. Enduring spirit Ford dealership chairman saluted at 'Soul Food' event
  2646. GM, opponents make arguments in court over bankruptcy shield
  2647. Technology Wearable sensors gather lots of data -- now to make it useful Prospect of collecting so much personal data raises host of privacy concerns
  2648. TAKING STOCK: Chimerix and margin accounts
  2649. TAKING STOCK: Is Health Care REIT a good bet?
  2650. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2651. Ensure that team dynamics will be a force for good
  2652. TAKING STOCK: Big banks and good pizza
  2653. U-M Law School to host Ruth Bader Ginsburg Feb. 6
  2654. MSU Immigration Law Clinic recognized with award for contributions to diversity
  2655. Supreme Court justice to speak at U of M in Feb.
  2656. Consider 'culture shock' before merger
  2657. International Justice elusive 10 years after killing of Lebanon's Hariri Tribunal is widely seen as necessary step toward ending culture of impunity
  2658. Retired judge writes book about former WW II prisoner of war
  2659. High court weighs right of convicted felon to sell guns
  2660. Wealth Gap Moving On Escaping the wealth gap can mean fleeing hometowns
  2661. Trade Obama's pro-trade allies fight claims about China's currency
  2662. Detroit GM plans $5B stock buyback, averts showdown with hedge funds
  2663. Airlines are at it again, changing frequent-flier programs
  2665. S&P Dow Jones scores dismal results for active stock management
  2669. A Top 10 list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2670. Of Mutual Interest Decoding the jargon of mutual funds: a look from A to E
  2672. Demosthenes Lorandos on Parental Alienation Syndrome
  2673. Sacks to head up Michigan Indigent Defense Commission
  2674. Home prices coasting upward in November
  2675. Wasted days and wasted nights: Survey finds one-third of hours worked are unbilled
  2676. The inspiration of March Madness
  2677. Economy Higher gas costs lift U.S. consumer prices 0.2 percent
  2678. Personal Finance Investors find better balance in their 401(k)s
  2679. Technology Q&A: What is 4chan and where did it come from?
  2680. TAKING STOCK: Keynesian economics today
  2681. Buck up, profits down: High dollar dents U.S. company earnings
  2682. TAKING STOCK: Is Health Care REIT a good bet?
  2683. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2684. ABA book explores how to improve delivery of legal services and the happiness of lawyers
  2685. The response to violence
  2686. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2687. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2688. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2690. S&P Dow Jones scores dismal results for active stock management
  2692. My Turn: Ceremonies take on lasting flavor
  2693. Survey: General counsel see health care and cybersecurity as growing concerns
  2694. GM, opponents argue in court
  2695. Embrace a mistake-making culture
  2696. SBM McCree winners to be honored at 41st annual banquet
  2697. When a partner becomes a frenemy
  2698. Resourceful
  2699. U-M Law to host the Tanner Lecture with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  2700. Estate Strategies: New exemptions from the uncapping of the taxable value of residential real property
  2701. Sustainable funds' virtuous cycle: More demand, more options
  2702. Michigan must abolish cruel gas chamber deaths for shelter pets
  2703. What to expect from bond mutual fund
  2704. Fed survey finds economy growing at moderate pace
  2705. TAKING STOCK: MUA and leverage
  2706. The response to violence
  2707. Dear friend passed away
  2708. When considering your most prized relationships, don't forget your bank
  2709. @White=[C] Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2710. Lying to the court: not a great idea
  2711. Retired judge writes book about former World War II prisoner of war
  2712. State Roundup
  2713. Dykema lawyer authors treatise on technology transaction agreements
  2714. Chimerix and Margin Accounts
  2715. A 'How to' show TV drama pushes the legal boundaries
  2716. Business New pot shops on the block not always so popular Some business tenants say pot has ruined neighborhood of storefronts
  2717. Do-it-yourself law practice sales
  2718. Social Enterprise Alliance announces new chapter
  2719. Subprime services company abandons disputed fees
  2720. Toward a more open bar
  2721. 'Stout' sponsor: Company takes pride in lending helping hand
  2722. 'Stout' sponsor Company takes pride in lending helping hand
  2723. Local credit union wins 2014 Communitas Award
  2724. Thursday Profile: Jon Shackelford
  2725. Philanthropist Stephen Ross to speak April 9 at Wayne Law
  2726. The big picture
  2727. Survey: General counsel see health care and cybersecurity as growing concerns
  2728. SEC fines 13 firms over sales of Puerto Rico bonds
  2729. Janet Welch on the Future of Legal Services in Michigan
  2730. American Bar Foundation names new director
  2731. Real Estate $100 million for a home? Luxury buyers reach a new threshold
  2732. THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: Saying goodbye
  2733. Labor It's not just right-to-work: Bills targeting unions multiply Michigan experienced sharpest drop in union members in the nation the last 2 years
  2734. Obama's pro-trade allies fight claims about China's currency
  2735. The Big Picture
  2736. Utah Mormon leaders call for measures protecting gay rights New approach could profoundly change political calculations in Mormon strongholds
  2737. Technology Yahoo CEO heeds shareholders' call to spin off Alibaba stake
  2738. Business Vintage Vinyl Resurgence of vinyl records sparks specialty business
  2739. A Day of Remembrance & Reflection Area attorneys share their thoughts about Memorial Day
  2740. Household wealth touches record high--nearly $83 trillion
  2741. Sustainable funds' virtuous cycle: More demand, more options
  2742. Sustainable funds' virtuous cycle: More demand, more options
  2743. Texas Durst attorney: Search of Houston home a 'publicity stunt' Millionaire has been suspected in the disappearance of his first wife
  2744. MUA and Leverage
  2745. Real Estate U.S. new home sales fall slightly in January
  2746. 'Stout' sponsor
  2747. How women can get a seat at 'the table'
  2748. Dow Chemical, Olin in $5 billion cash-and-stock deal
  2749. Justice Foundation will benefit from soiree featuring Second City humor
  2750. Home sales slide in April
  2751. TAKING STOCK: Big banks and good pizza
  2752. Deposition, Japanese style can be a road less traveled
  2753. EXPERT WITNESS - Internet Marketing: An introduction for attorneys and other professional practitioners (part 3)
  2754. Michigan may be losing taxes in used vehicle sales, according to audit
  2755. The new age of the joint trust
  2756. Yellen navigates tricky path on rates
  2757. Grand Rapids Bar Association runs smoothly as Geary takes the helm
  2758. TAKING STOCK: Twitter stock
  2759. Twitter stock
  2760. Global market requires heightened awareness of FCPA enforcement
  2761. Nation Frats Under Fire Fraternities are finding themselves scrutinized for bad, illegal behavior
  2762. 'Conversations on the Enduring Legacy of the Great Charter' symposium, Dec. 9
  2763. Forensic Nurses Week recognizes important work in the field
  2764. GE takes step away from banking with $12B deal
  2765. Consumers should avoid DIY legal work
  2766. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2767. A Top Ten list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2768. A Top Ten list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2769. A look at circumstances affecting the outlook for 2015
  2770. A look at circumstances affecting the outlook for 2015
  2771. At economic conference, Duggan says Detroit is ripe for investment
  2772. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Preparing the client for facilitation in the Business Court
  2773. A quick review of the fixed income markets
  2774. The big picture
  2775. Tax issues following Obergefell
  2776. 'Stout' sponsor
  2777. A good judge is dead
  2778. TAKING STOCK: No sales or earnings? Don't buy it
  2779. TAKING STOCK: An energy ETF
  2780. TAKING STOCK: A value-added tax is coming
  2781. A value-added tax is coming
  2782. Networking -- The ripple effect
  2783. Sports Business of Basketball Dollars and sense: In the NBA, money is exploding
  2784. Yahoo's 1Q disappoints, but stock rises on Yahoo Japan hopes
  2785. At economic conference, Duggan says Detroit is ripe for investment
  2786. Personal Finance Small investors blame losses on brokers they once trusted Report: Brokers with conflicts of interest cut returns in IRAs by 1 percent a year
  2787. Washington NSA weighed ending phone program before leak Internal critics pointed to program's rising costs and potential public outrage
  2788. What happens when First Amendment runs into apps, ads and smartphones?
  2789. A three-year plan for better content marketing
  2790. Missouri Jury awards $491M in damages in prearranged funerals case
  2791. U.S. household wealth touches record high: Nearly $83T
  2792. Real estate investment trusts
  2793. Lawyers sound off on 'value-added' fee proposals
  2794. 4 percent portfolio income
  2795. TAKING STOCK: 4 percent portfolio income
  2796. Digital Life Apple Music has everything, perhaps too much
  2797. ABA and NAACP LDF issue joint statement on eliminating bias in criminal justice system
  2798. New bar president aims to grow MCBA
  2799. Lawyers sound off on 'value-added' fee proposals
  2800. From bananas to phones: How cheaper yuan could reverberate
  2801. A poor biopharmaceutical investment
  2802. The big picture: Former prosecutor looks at law from both sides
  2803. ABA book offers roadmap for better interaction between lawyers and their clients
  2804. Rodd Monts on new ACLU app
  2805. Atticus, revisited and revised
  2806. What happens in Vegas might not stay there
  2807. Dean welcomes Class of 2018 to Michigan Law
  2808. SEA launches Detroit regional chapter
  2809. Wall Street Morgan Stanley pushed murky China stock to market Mysterious investment research group alleges company exaggerated value of its business
  2810. For trial attorneys, vulnerability is power
  2811. Resourceful: Bar foundation launches 'Legacy Society'
  2812. Short selling
  2813. ABA to present 2015 Silver Gavel Awards
  2814. Benefits of post-trial interviews speak for themselves
  2815. Justices signal support for investors
  2816. New home sales fall slightly in January
  2817. A look at circumstances affecting the outlook for 2015
  2818. A Top Ten list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2819. Travel policy, risk management systems are important
  2820. The fruits of farming come with 'lessons'
  2821. Household wealth reaches new high of $85.7 trillion
  2822. In today's legal job market, first impressions more vital than ever
  2823. Courtesy isn't what it used to be
  2824. Don't forget about employment agreements
  2825. Consumers should avoid DIY legal work
  2826. Economy Escaping the wealth gap can mean fleeing hometowns Trend has emerged of more-educated people moving, less-educated staying
  2827. Spring economic rebound sets stage for rate hike
  2828. Rodd Monts on new ACLU app
  2829. Rodd Monts on new ACLU app
  2830. Fitbit and gold
  2831. Blend technology, goals for employee surveys
  2832. Consumers should avoid DIY legal work
  2833. Reunification Day Washtenaw Trial Court celebrates event
  2834. Reunification Day Washtenaw Trial Court celebrates event
  2835. Troubled waters Attorney helps decipher the new BUI laws in state
  2836. Troubled waters Attorney helps decipher the new BUI laws in state
  2837. Michigan lost 4.3 million wetland acres in past 200 years
  2838. 15 financial faux pas
  2839. Get to know your referral sources
  2840. Automotive VW CEO: 'I am endlessly sorry' brand is tarnished Company has yet to explain who installed software, under what direction and why
  2841. Escanaba Gallery's exhibit industrializes the arts
  2842. 'Trial' run Family law attorney spearheads the WAJ
  2843. Consumers should avoid DIY legal work
  2844. A quick review of the fixed income markets
  2845. Hit a '3-pointer'
  2846. California Soldier's journey to heal spotlights 'soul wounds' 'Moral injury' produces guilt and shame from something done or witnessed
  2847. Legal technology in 2015: It's all about efficiency
  2848. Lawyer-turned-writer took 'Practice' to heart Marc Guggenheim quit practicing law and moved to L.A. to write for television
  2849. FASB issues accounting alternatives on intangible assets
  2850. The Market -- Why tech stocks are trending again --
  2851. National Roundup
  2852. Cable and pay-TV acquisitions and almost-deals
  2853. Law professors look at VW's legal troubles
  2854. An energy ETF
  2855. USD Partners
  2856. Technology In with the old: Apple restores former bank for new store
  2857. Seeking high yields quickly, but at what cost?
  2858. A Top Ten list of keys to success in court-ordered mediations
  2859. Judge Murphy receives national distinguished service award
  2860. How China's slowdown weighs on global economy and markets
  2861. Alternate exit
  2862. Ensure that team dynamics will be a force for good
  2863. TAKING STOCK: Short selling
  2864. Health Care Patients' needs addressed in 'person-centered health care' Concept is taking hold among those caring for the sicket and oldest patients
  2865. Two views of the Constitution: Originalism vs. non-originalism
  2866. Law professors look at VW's legal troubles
  2867. Indiana A look at widely criticized state law on religious freedom Twenty states have similar laws in place; Arkansas set to follow suit
  2868. Mini seminar on work-life balance features 2 law professors, 10 students and one puppy
  2869. TAKING STOCK: Short selling
  2870. Negotiating your best settlement
  2871. Deductions for doing good
  2872. February comes in like a virus, and out like a virus with less stuff
  2873. Retail Wal-Mart CEO talks workers, customers, critics
  2874. Law firms move to the cloud
  2875. Time for your annual portfolio check-up!
  2876. Home sales surged in June to fastest pace in 8-plus years
  2877. Ruling draws line on what is, isn't corruption
  2878. Technology Yahoo's 1Q disappoints, but stock rises on Yahoo Japan hopes
  2879. Blend technology, goals for employee surveys
  2880. TAKING STOCK: American financial stupidity
  2881. Manufacturing Robots Rising Robot revolution sweeps China's factory floors, increasing efficiency
  2882. Jana Simmons on Gaming Compact Controversy
  2883. COMMENTARY: Consumers should avoid DIY legal work
  2884. Consumers should avoid DIY legal work
  2885. Michigan's economic recovery more than just the auto industry
  2886. Michigan's economic recovery more than just the auto industry
  2887. Continuing education not just for firm's lawyers
  2888. Technology Businesses turn to technology to encourage fitness
  2889. State Supreme Court gets an earful from attorneys on value-added fee proposals
  2890. Sales slump as home prices weigh on buyers
  2891. Experts divided on implications of OSHA fine hikes
  2893. Rodd Monts on new ACLU app
  2895. Detroiters wary as recovery threatens to push them out
  2896. Detroiters wary as recovery threatens to push them out
  2897. Thanks, but no thanks
  2898. Judges, lawyers learn about unconscious bias
  2899. When, how and who
  2900. Business Arizona copper mine stirs debate pitting profits vs religion Native American tribes argue mine will cause irreparable harm to sacred land
  2901. Monday Profile: Christopher Trudeau
  2902. U-M Law grad right at home as in-house counsel
  2903. Of value Saginaw County Circuit judge delivers TED talk at SVSU
  2904. U-M law prof gives Blue Jeans Lecture: Create a meaningful life
  2905. Washington Praying coach on leave, deepening religion-in-school debate
  2906. Q&A: Martha Stewart on building a home-based business
  2907. TAKING STOCK: USD Partners
  2908. Why optimism about economy's strength has dimmed
  2909. Sometimes the first will be last and the last first
  2910. State Roundup
  2911. Real Estate Buyers often shun houses that were crime scenes
  2912. Presidential Politics 2016 Cruz, Huckabee competing for evangelical votes Candidates warn the United States is on a perilous spiritual path
  2913. Michigan's economic recovery more than just the auto industry
  2914. Washington Patchwork of laws poses legal quicksand for fantasy sports New York AG ordered companies to stop accepting bets in his state
  2915. Michigan must seize opportunities for criminal justice reform
  2916. What to expect from the next generation
  2917. Clients are paying for a lot more than a final victory
  2918. Year-End Tax Planning Considerations
  2919. Philosopher to give Wayne State's annual Seymour Riklin Memorial Lecture
  2920. CLEO receives grant for pilot summer program
  2921. MSU, hospital establishing medical school campus
  2922. Economy Home sales surge in June to fastest pace in 8-plus years New construction has yet to satisfy rising demand as builders focus on rental market
  2923. Expect less and buy antacid: 2016 investment forecasts
  2924. 'Between the Lines' Saline author writes about the Detroit riots of 1967
  2925. IP conduit Canadian serves as new director of UDM Law clinic
  2926. Dean West welcomes Class of 2018 to Michigan Law School
  2927. THE EXPERT WITNESS: Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Plato, Pythagoras & fun puzzles
  2928. THE EXPERT WITNESS: Andrew Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Plate, Pythagoras & fun puzzles
  2929. Mich., Fiat Chrysler reach deal on tax credits
  2930. Bankruptcy preference actions -- analyze carefully, but do not fear
  2931. Divorce is a one-way street
  2932. Of value Saginaw County Circuit judge delivers TED talk at SVSU
  2933. Kalamazoo sheriff makes change to allow shoplifters to go straight to jail
  2934. EXPERT WITNESS: Valuing household services lost in cases of disabling injury and death
  2935. EXPERT WITNESS: Valuing household services lost in cases of disabling injury and death
  2936. Let it go (but not all of it)
  2937. 529 Plans
  2938. TAKING STOCK: 529 Plans
  2939. American financial stupidity
  2940. Montana Land Management official sentenced in fraud case Man helped subordinate collect wage and benefits after leaving job
  2941. Time for your annual portfolio check-up!
  2942. Counselor's Corner: The universal values that remain
  2943. TAKING STOCK: Scared of market fluctuations
  2944. Scared of market fluctuations
  2945. Two views of the Constitution: Originalism vs. Non-Originalism
  2946. The real problem with Volkswagen
  2947. October home construction slumps on fewer apt. buildings
  2948. Business Corporate deals set to rise despite global economy jitters
  2949. Washington Homicide spike draws alarm from Obama administration Law enforcement is scrambling to figure out why it's happening in so many cities
  2950. Holiday car deals move earlier: 4 things to consider
  2951. National Roundup
  2952. Presidential Politics 2016 Cruz's ambitious foreign policy has limits
  2953. Hispanic voting clout a sleeping giant
  2954. The American SAFE Act will not make us safer
  2955. Northern Pass power line challenge faces hurdles
  2956. Reflections on forty-two ideals for living well (part two)
  2957. Dogs in the workplace: the risks and rewards
  2958. Financial Outlook Expect less and buy antacid: 2016 investment forecasts
  2959. General Motors and Ford
  2960. China stocks plus
  2961. Another take on takings on the horizon
  2962. TAKING STOCK: Is Health Care REIT a good bet?
  2963. Blue Jeans Lecture
  2964. 'Between the Lines' Novel examines lessons to be learned from Detroit riots
  2965. Reunification Day Washtenaw Trial Court celebrates event
  2966. Reunification Day Washtenaw Trial Court celebrates event
  2967. Of value Saginaw County Circuit Judge delivers TED talk at SVSU
  2968. Michigan Law talk: What law and religion can teach each other about public discourse
  2969. Financial Markets How to spend $5 trillion: a record-breaking year in deals
  2970. CLEO receives grant for pilot summer program
  2971. Before you hike your rate, get to know your legal surroundings
  2972. Facilitative Mediation -- How do you know you don't like it if you haven't tried it?
  2973. Personal Finance The advice from financial pros: Don't panic over Fed hike Mortgage rates are not necessarily likely to rise for potential home buyers
  2974. Hello stranger! Let's start a business together
  2975. National Roundup
  2976. DuPont and Dow Chemical seek merger
  2977. U-M law prof gives Blue Jeans Lecture: Create a meaningful life
  2978. Of value Saginaw County Circuit Judge delivers TED talk at SVSU
  2979. Fewer people sign contracts to buy homes in Sept.
  2980. Economy Manufacturing barely expands as global economy slows
  2981. International Leading China lawyer says he was tortured Inspirational attorney recounts spending three years in solitary confinement
  2982. COUNSELOR'S CORNER: The universal values that remain
  2983. The rise (and risks) of mandatory arbitration agreements
  2984. Let it go (but not all of it)
  2985. Director promotes 'lean thinking' at MSU Law
  2986. Small increase; big impact?
  2987. Services firms expand rapidly, lifted by strong sales
  2988. Dean West welcomes Class of 2018 to Michigan Law School
  2989. Gov. Snyder signs bills helping law enforcement find family in an emergency
  2990. County executive sweet on auto industry for Valentine's Day
  2991. Increasing the worth of a college degree
  2992. Lockwood receives prestigious faculty award
  2993. To sue or not to sue -- a tough decision
  2994. Mutual fund analysis
  2995. TAKING STOCK: Mutual fund analysis
  2996. Be sure to protect the past
  2997. The planning implications of 'Pfannenstiehl'
  2998. Be sure to protect the past
  2999. Raising rates is scary, missing the chance is scarier
  3001. Securities and Exchange Commission: a frustrated regulator
  3002. A woman business owner finds getting financing still a battle
  3003. Dykema earns top marks in survey
  3004. Existing home sales tank in Nov.
  3005. FASB issues accounting alternatives on intangible assets
  3006. When, how and who
  3007. To land a company client, do your research -- in and out of the courtroom
  3008. Healthy charter sector belies need for commission, extra regulation
  3010. Technology Hottest phones you've never heard of -- same bang, less buck
  3011. Passionate advocate Wayne Law student works to bring about social change
  3012. Economy Manufacturing barely expands as global economy slows
  3013. Fannie Mae posts $1.1B profit in 1Q; paying $919M dividend
  3014. Housing recovery divided on age, race, place
  3015. Insider Q&A: Keeping an eye on the Federal Reserve
  3016. Explosive career: Attorney specializes in catastrophic claims
  3017. When is a contract not a contract?
  3018. Financial Outlook Expect less and buy antacid: 2016 investment forecasts
  3019. Practical and effective social media use for lawyers: Facebook edition
  3020. Business Presidential candidate Carson profits from ties with convicted felon Former dentist pleaded guilty to health care fraud after FBI probe into his practice
  3021. Higher stock prices, home values lift household wealth
  3022. Challenges and tactics most vital to growth
  3023. Letter to the editor
  3024. Growth at services firms skids to slowest pace in 2 years
  3025. Technology Apple's iPhone success may be reaching its peak of popularity Concerns about slowing growth have sent the stock into months-long slump
  3026. Recent books penned by attorneys worth reading
  3027. What's next for the equity markets?
  3028. Helping hand: Firm stresses importance of community involvement
  3029. Energy New way to bet on oil wipes out billions in investor savings Investors in the past year have lost $20 billion in publicly traded drilling partnerships
  3030. A strongfirm knows no 'us' and 'them' -- only 'we'
  3031. Firm's pro bono work makes impact
  3032. In 2016, May wasn't the time to sell and go away
  3033. Michigan Law talk: What law and religion can teach each other about public discourse
  3034. Economy grew at 2.1% rate in third quarter
  3035. ABA publishes second edition of consumer law book
  3036. ABA publishes second edition of consumer law book
  3037. Building block Professor aims to help students develop their analytical skill
  3038. Law Library: ABA publishes second edition of consumer law book
  3039. Murphy was a public servant of highest order
  3040. COMMENTARY: Popular election or appointment are not the only ways to select judges
  3041. Apple, Wal-Mart and workers
  3042. General Motors and Ford
  3043. Pennsylvania A Buddhist refuge for those released from prison Program offers residents help with post-release skill and Buddhist studies
  3044. When is a contract not a contract?
  3045. What to know when selling your business
  3046. eDiscovery Update Email file types and how to handle them
  3047. Who's to say stocks are expensive: you or your fund manager?
  3048. Sean Riddell wins social justice scholarship
  3049. Outside groups' spending pays off in state court races
  3050. Wayne County judge to seek seat on state's high court
  3051. Four ways to get new clients
  3052. U.S. Supreme Court Chief justice sold more than $250K in Microsoft stock
  3053. Continuing education not just for firm's lawyers
  3054. Technology Businesses turn to technology to encourage fitness
  3055. Investors shrug at longest profit slump since the recession
  3056. Court tosses claims over lost GM car values
  3057. Virtual estates: helping clients take stock of digital assets
  3058. Main Street holds up as Wall Street struggles, for a change
  3059. Economy Revenge of Main Street Main Street holds up as Wall Street struggles, for a change
  3060. Morgan Stanley to pay $3.2B over contributors to '08 crisis
  3061. In the aftermath of Brexit vote, implications are staggering
  3062. Tale of two commerce companies
  3063. Facilitative versus evaluative mediation 'techniques'
  3064. Economy Rental home prices rose at slower pace in September
  3065. Traverse City Good to the last drop Company launches system to serve wine by the glass, maximize profit
  3066. Rising home prices lift wealth
  3067. State of the union Wayne Law student earns fellowship to work at UAW
  3068. Association launches improved ABA Legal Career Central
  3069. Reflections on the real-estate market
  3070. Economy Builders increase home construction in April Increase makes up much of March's drop in starts
  3071. Is that credit card with the annual fee really worth it?
  3072. National Roundup
  3073. Kaul named assistant dean for career planning at Michigan Law
  3074. ABA publishes second edition of consumer law book
  3075. Long term care insurance why people don't buy it
  3076. Ruling signals 'yellow light' on college affirmative action
  3077. ABA offers new guide with options for guardianship
  3079. Helping hand
  3081. Significant Milestone Once father-and-son law firm celebrates its '40th' anniversary
  3082. ABA offers guide with options other than guardianship
  3083. Murphy was a public servant of highest order
  3084. Covered call funds can increase yield and reduce risk
  3085. Expanded protections against trade secret theft
  3086. MSU Law honors Edward Littlejohn with 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award
  3087. Milestone Law firm celebrates four decades of growth and success
  3088. Wayne Law student wins social justice scholarship
  3089. Brinks to open office in Shenzhen, China
  3090. National Roundup
  3091. Getting to 'Yes' Attorney spearheads a 'Resolution of Conflict'
  3092. Home sales growth driven mostly by Midwest
  3093. Health Care Elderly book end-of-life talks once labeled 'death panels'
  3094. Energy Iowa landowners challenge pipeline's authority to seize land
  3095. Top Michigan legal news of the year
  3096. Columbia Law hosts seminar on China naval tensions with the U.S. Maritime law expert talked U.S. strategic interests as China pushes farther into contested waters
  3097. Home prices climb in October, helped by solid job market
  3098. Business Arizona copper mine stirs debate pitting profits vs religion Native American tribes argue mine will cause irreparable harm to sacred land
  3099. Reunification Day Washtenaw Trial Court celebrates event
  3100. Murphy was a public servant of highest order
  3101. SmallBiz Small Talk After Orlando, some businesses stress LGBT inclusivity moves
  3102. Services firms expand rapidly, lifted by strong sales
  3103. The creative synthesis of practicing law
  3104. What would Buffett do with $27,000?
  3105. Why cultural awareness is crucial to a mediator's success
  3106. Expert guides attorneys through process to understand, eliminate implicit bias
  3107. eDiscovery Update Email file types and how to handle them
  3108. 'Brexit' to impact European IP rights, says patent attorney
  3109. SPACulation
  3110. Helping Hand . . .
  3111. Business CEO pay climbs again, even as their stock prices don't Pay packages now hinge on sometimes esoteric measurements of performance
  3112. 'Marketing' -- I just scared myself
  3113. eDiscovery Update Email file types and how to handle them
  3114. DIVIDED AMERICA Town and country offer differing realities Cities are on upward economic shift, rural areas are shedding population
  3115. Insider Q&A: A model for more rational drug prices
  3116. Of value Saginaw County Circuit judge delivers TED talk at SVSU
  3117. Kalamazoo sheriff makes change to allow shoplifters to go straight to jail
  3118. Taxation vocation U.S. Navy vet has enjoyed long career in the tax field
  3119. California Drug use up in prisons with intensive drug interdiction programs
  3120. After raising rates, Fed faces darker global economy
  3121. Local attorney steps down as MSU Law board chair
  3122. ABA publishes second edition of consumer law book
  3123. Attorney discusses impact of Defend Trade Secrets Act
  3124. For companies, big changes to lease accounting on horizon
  3125. ABA publishes second edition of consumer law book
  3126. TAKING STOCK: Yahoo and ETP
  3127. ABA House approves host of policy changes, including misconduct rule
  3128. Virginia Lawyer cleared of fraud in family assets battle Disgruntled daughter alleged lawyer exploited family's businesses for years
  3129. Still-low mortgage rates ushering new refi wave
  3130. Outlook for global economy's fourth quarter is mixed
  3131. eDiscovery Update: Is DIY discovery upon us?
  3132. Record-low U.S. Treasury yield points to rising economic fears
  3133. Why this Democrat wants a strong Republican party
  3134. Fund manager Q&A: The appeal of utility stocks
  3135. Plan now to facilitate ­success for new ownership
  3136. Donald Trump's campaign against the truth
  3137. Home sales fell in July amid inventory shortage
  3138. TAKING STOCK: General Motors and Ford
  3139. General Motors and Ford
  3140. Is long-term care a big risk to retirement?
  3141. Americans take on more mortgage debt as housing recovers, Fed says
  3142. ABA division unveils new public service initiative
  3143. Thoughts on CenturyLink
  3144. Active management vs. ­passive investing
  3145. The new relevance of income taxes in estate planning
  3146. Helping Hand: Company's pro bono work making 'impact'
  3147. American Bar Association adding to a professional misconduct rule
  3148. U-M law prof gives Blue Jeans Lecture: Create a meaningful life
  3149. Of value Saginaw County Circuit Judge delivers TED talk at SVSU
  3150. Real Estate When the neighborhood is owned by billion-dollar companies Financial firms recognized an investment opportunity after housing bust
  3151. Buyer beware: ruling ­saddles 'new' GM with ­successor liability
  3152. COMMENTARY: Why should you prepare, exchange a mediation brief?
  3153. PETS makes for a great investment
  3154. Professor urges law students to defend democracy
  3155. Daily Briefs
  3156. American Bar Association membership upgrades
  3157. Home price gains lift household wealth to $90.2 trillion
  3158. Wisconsin Under heightened scrutiny, how do the police train recruits?
  3159. National Roundup
  3160. Why hyperbole is a complete disaster
  3161. Court tosses claims over lost GM car values
  3162. TAKING STOCK: To sell or keep North State
  3163. Honigman goes where the talent is, taps Larsen to start up Grand Rapids office
  3164. The core value in your life
  3165. THE COUNSELOR'S CORNER: The core values in your life
  3166. Director promotes 'lean thinking' at MSU Law
  3167. MY TURN: Turning up 'heat' remains key part of coaching game
  3168. Set the stage for 2017 success
  3169. What law and religion can teach each other about public discourse
  3170. Developing the IP in evolving autonomous vehicle market demands a thorough understanding of FRAND commitments
  3171. Reunification Day Washtenaw Trial Court celebrates family event
  3172. Lawyer-turned-writer took 'Practice' to heart Marc Guggenheim quit practicing law and moved to L.A. to write for television
  3173. ABA Young Lawyers Division announces new public service project for students
  3174. Social tension vs personal peace
  3175. Attorney discusses impact of Defend Trade Secrets Act
  3176. Judge calls for a more diverse judiciary in U-M Law School Jane Cleo Marshall lecture
  3177. Brinks attorney to lead panel discussion on 3-D printing and medical devices
  3178. Of Mutual Interest Fund manager Q&A: Chasing growth in a low-growth environment
  3179. Proposed agenda for your firm's retreat
  3180. TAKING STOCK: An annuity that's too good to be true?
  3181. Court weighs cities' plea to sue banks for bias
  3182. 'Street Wise'
  3183. Break through the hype of unlimited data plans
  3184. ABA Young Lawyers Division launches public service initiative on education
  3185. Some budget ideas for 2017
  3186. Seeing options shrinking, white men ask why
  3187. How 3 people changed their financial lives
  3188. National Roundup
  3189. Proposed agenda for your firm's retreat
  3190. Class of '16 students very involved with pro bono work
  3191. Attorney: 'Brexit' to impact European IP rights Problems loom for soon-to-be implemented European Unitary patent
  3192. Michigan Supreme Court looking at big-box tax dispute
  3193. 'Gray divorces' are a significant part of matrimonial law practices
  3194. Yahoo and ETP
  3195. ABA News - ABA House approves a host of policy changes, ­ including misconduct rule
  3196. Nemeth Law named among 'Best and Brightest'
  3197. Michigan Law talk: What law and religion can teach each other about public discourse
  3198. Economy grew at 2.1% rate in third quarter
  3199. Labor Day, 2016: Appreciation of each other
  3200. Is the value premise of the Michigan property tax still 'exchange value'?
  3202. The silver lining in a very bad day? Tax breaks!
  3204. State of Michigan honored for cybersecurity strategy
  3205. How to spend more mindfully in the new year
  3206. How to spend more mindfully in the new year
  3207. Best year-end moves for bull market
  3208. TAKING STOCK: CSAL, WIN and Telecoms
  3209. Mich. rural areas top urban areas in home values, income
  3210. One Stop Shop Business Center offers classes
  3211. Supreme Court weighs cities' plea to sue banks for bias
  3212. Gorsuch's environment record: Neither a clear friend nor foe
  3213. Popcorn ball, valued at $700, stolen Ohio shop
  3214. State Supreme Court adopts rule banning 'value-added' fees in divorces
  3215. Dealing with impasse-causing problems
  3216. Why a stronger U.S. dollar could hinder Trump's economic plans
  3217. TAKING STOCK: A case of a misleading stock price
  3218. Law student looking to work on Detroit's legal issues
  3219. Judge calls for a more diverse judiciary in U-M Law School Jane Cleo Marshall lecture
  3220. Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: we should treat all Michiganders with dignity, respect
  3221. Law student spearheads new Medical & Health Law Society
  3222. When is a contract not a contract?
  3223. Financial Outlook Expect less and buy antacid: 2016 investment forecasts
  3224. CSAL, WIN and Telecoms
  3225. National Roundup
  3226. Jury finds New York investment banker guilty of insider trading
  3227. A mediator's perspective on probate and trust resolution
  3228. Getting to 'Yes' Attorney spearheads a 'Resolution of Conflict'
  3229. Free or low-cost business classes offered at Oakland Business Center
  3230. Lawmaker fighting ticket freeze-out with BOSS Act
  3231. Attorney looks at unusual trademarking trends
  3232. Buyer Beware: Some steps to help you find a cheap used car
  3233. Buyer Beware: Some steps to help you find a cheap used car
  3234. A second opinion can be helpful â?¦ or not
  3235. Louisiana White nationalists raise millions with tax-exempt charities
  3236. Trump's victory creates uncertainty for wind and solar power
  3237. COMMENTARY: Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3238. American Bar Foundation awarded $320K grant
  3239. Flashy language doesn't fly with Supreme Court
  3240. Professor urges students at Blue Jeans Lecture to defend democracy
  3241. Millennials in Big Law value work-life balance over pay
  3242. Federal appeals court says employers can pay women less based on past salaries
  3243. Buyer Beware: Some steps to help you find a cheap used car
  3244. Professor urges students at Blue Jeans Lecture to defend democracy
  3245. Business and Politics Big business warns Trump against mass deportation Trump supporters are unlikely to embrace a softer approach on immigration
  3246. Home price gains lift household wealth to $90.2 trillion
  3247. Midsize firms luring in more 'Big Law' clients
  3248. Households owe record amount, topping pre-recession peak
  3249. Pennsylvania A Buddhist refuge for those released from prison Program offers residents help with post-release skill and Buddhist studies
  3250. Top Michigan legal news of the year
  3251. Columbia Law hosts seminar on China naval tensions with the U.S. Maritime law expert talked U.S. strategic interests as China pushes farther into contested waters
  3252. Home prices climb in October, helped by solid job market
  3253. Government & Business Litigation Magnet Lawsuits over Trump business threaten to tie up presidency
  3254. Trump's business ties around the world
  3255. Bidding a fond adieu Longtime director to retire from Detroit Bar Foundation
  3256. Support system Attorney offers marketing assistance
  3257. 'America First' doesn't have to mean 'American Only' 401(k)
  3258. Dangers of leaving all your eggs in one basket
  3259. Student looking to work on Detroit's legal issues
  3260. How changes to the research credit help small businesses
  3261. Blue Jeans Lecture
  3262. Blue Jeans Lecture
  3263. Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3264. Lawyers as bankers: extending credit to clients
  3265. State high court looks at big-box tax dispute
  3266. Accelerate in which direction?
  3267. Free or low-cost business classes offered at Oakland County One Stop Shop Business Center
  3268. U.S. court ruling could bring more suits over Nazi-looted art
  3269. TAKING STOCK: How does GM stock look?
  3270. Federal court ruling could bring more suits over Nazi-looted art
  3271. Michigan board approves amended tax incentives for Dow and AK Steel
  3272. Millennials in Big Law value work-life balance over pay
  3273. Ann Arbor IP attorney looks at unusual trademarking trends
  3274. Profile in Brief: Holland Locklear
  3275. 4 keys to successful debt consolidation
  3276. Ways homebuyers can leap the down payment hurdle
  3277. Nation In U.S. and abroad, a worrisome time for LGBT activists More than 70 countries continue to criminalize gays' sexual activity
  3278. New study shows associates still aspire to partnership, despite contrary beliefs
  3279. Covered call writing can provide lower risk, additional income
  3280. Study: Millennials in Big Law value work-life balance over pay
  3281. Of Mutual Interest Be careful if you're betting tax changes will boost stocks
  3282. Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3283. Supreme Court: Cities can sue banks under fair housing law
  3284. Judge calls for a more diverse judiciary
  3285. Judge calls for a more diverse judiciary in U-M Law School Jane Cleo Marshall lecture
  3286. Texas Border wall could leave some Americans on 'Mexican side' Lawyers hope to tie up wall in court long enough that politics could stop it
  3287. Investing in consumer satisfaction
  3288. National Roundup
  3289. Washington For Trump and GOP, 'Obamacare' repeal is complex and risky Republicans have to approve special budget procedures to prevent filibuster
  3290. TAKING STOCK: How does GM stock look?
  3291. Is there a 'magic' withdrawal rate?
  3292. Stout Firm's rebranding effort already paying dividends
  3293. Free or low-cost business classes offered at the Oakland County One Stop Shop Business Center
  3294. Supreme Court knocks down structured dismissal in Chapter 11 cases
  3295. COMMENTARY: Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3296. Women -- and men, too -- can win with 'smart aggression'
  3297. Blue Jeans Lecture Professor urges students to defend democracy, Constitutional ideals
  3298. Giving the gift of financial well-being at the holidays
  3299. International Outspoken Chinese law professor, government critic, silenced
  3300. Businesses find vets are dedicated, capable
  3301. Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3302. TAKING STOCK: Alkermes and IBM's quantum computing
  3303. Study: Millennials in Big Law value work-life balance over pay
  3304. U.S. Supreme Court Notebook
  3305. Professor urges students at Blue Jeans Lecture to defend democracy
  3306. National Roundup
  3307. Business Freewheeling Uber sheds officials, faces more major changes Essay detailing company's toleration of sexual harassment triggered investigation
  3308. Connecticut Is charter school fraud the next Enron? Charter schools are exempt from many laws governing financial transparency
  3309. ABA News ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division announces 2017 award recipients
  3310. Food Industry A new platform for Whole Foods? How deal could upend grocery Union with Amazon could redefine 'convenience' stores with technology
  3312. Free or low-cost business classes offered at Oakland County One Stop Shop Business Center
  3313. Automotive Investors pick Tesla's promise over GM's steady profits Automakers unable to shake capital-intensive global manufacturing operations
  3314. Tax credits, school choice and 'neovouchers': What you need to know
  3315. Federal court ruling could bring more suits over Nazi-looted art
  3316. Attorney looks at unusual trademarking trends in context of World IP Day
  3317. How to invest without sacrificing your values
  3318. Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3319. TAKING STOCK: General Motors and Ford
  3320. Corporate clients innovate to slash outside counsel spend
  3321. Stop counting other people's money
  3322. New York Feds: Hedge founder indicted in $1 billion fraud case
  3323. Make your teen a millionaire this summer
  3324. Study: Millennials value work-life balance over pay
  3325. Study: Millennials in Big Law value work-life balance over pay
  3326. NERDWALLET: How to invest without sacrificing your values
  3327. The latest scoring by S&P Dow Jones on active fund managers
  3328. Blue Jeans Lecture Professor urges students to defend democracy
  3329. ACLU correct to defend alt-right's right to protest in Charlottesville
  3330. Teach kids money management skills early
  3331. Too much advocacy can mislead financial reporting judgments
  3332. Mark my words (even if they offend you)
  3333. Dealing with impasse-causing problems
  3334. How can couples deal with income differences?
  3336. Business classes offered at One Stop Shop Business Center
  3337. Nearly everyone's a winner: Funds rose again last quarter
  3338. What to do at this stage of the bull market
  3339. A look at unusual trademarking trends
  3340. 'That's junk': Menendez trial judge jousts with attorneys
  3341. Don't land in hot water by engaging in 'textual harassment'
  3342. Does being a lawyer make you unhappy? You can turn things around
  3343. First Amendment backers see free speech fading at colleges
  3344. NERDWALLET: Allowances don't teach kids about money--you do
  3345. Is Lennox hot or cold?
  3346. Squeamish about buying used items? Get over it
  3347. Personal Finance The money numbers you need to know
  3348. Money Sense Your next credit card: What a good offer looks like
  3349. Preventing foreign NGOs from speaking about abortion is bad policy
  3350. Classes offered at One Stop Shop Business Center
  3351. Stocks enter new era; with new sheriff comes new outlook
  3352. Mediation statements: Don't just do them, give them to the right person
  3353. Despite cost, law firms remain loyal to their online legal research services
  3354. An important lesson: ETFs vs. ETNs
  3355. Experts: Begin teaching kids money management skills early
  3356. Of Mutual Interest When nearly everything's a winner, gold investors get antsy
  3357. Why facilitative mediation produces better ADR results
  3358. TAKING STOCK: Five drug stocks examined
  3359. Hold HSBC Holdings
  3360. Massachusetts Lawyers who shared $4M verdict at odds in suit over compensation
  3361. Free or low-cost business classes offered at One Stop Shop Business Center
  3362. Analysis When is a leak ethical? Public benefit of information must outweigh obligation to keep it secret
  3363. Analysis Is Trump's definition of 'the rule of law' the same as the U.S. Constitution's?
  3364. The meaning of pain
  3365. Behavioral ­economics in the factors of production
  3366. Behavioral ­economics in the factors of production
  3367. Succession planning Attorney relishes helping family owned businesses
  3368. Washington Trump faces hurdles to reinstating waterboarding @Subhead:Army guidelines do not allow interrogation technique
  3369. Business classes offered at One Stop Shop Business Center
  3370. 'Smart' money moves that aren't so smart
  3372. Study finds millennial lawyers value work-life balance over financial gain
  3373. Business classes offered at Oakland County One Stop Shop Business Center
  3374. Duly Noted
  3375. Clipped: Foreign funds that 'hedge' against currencies lag
  3376. Are you paying too much for financial advice?
  3377. Should a solo ­practitioner do succession planning?
  3378. Sales of new homes fell 3.4 percent
  3379. Menendez trial judge jousts with attorneys
  3380. Still hope in the rule of law
  3381. Snyder signs legislation bolstering ­investments in natural resources, ­outdoor recreation development projects
  3382. Striving for a win/win transaction in business
  3383. Law Library
  3384. As stocks set highs, investors still worry about next crash
  3386. Analyzing Credit Acceptance Corp.
  3387. Analysis Trump's national monument rollback is illegal, likely to be reversed in court
  3388. Surging stocks lift wealth, yet most still trail '07 peak
  3389. Rudolph Technologies or Pfizer?
  3390. Still hope in the rule of law
  3391. Businesses can give interns a chance to shine--or whine
  3392. Nation First Amendment backers see free speech fading at colleges
  3393. Questions about QLACs
  3394. Economy Risk for middle class: That GOP tax cuts could fade away Child tax credit and deduction limit won't adjust to keep pace with inflation
  3395. How to invest without sacrificing your values
  3396. OCBA UPDATE: For want of professionalism
  3397. Washington For Trump and GOP, 'Obamacare' repeal is complex and risky Republicans have to approve special budget procedures to prevent filibuster
  3398. Washington Trump faces hurdles to reinstating waterboarding @Subhead:Army guidelines do not allow interrogation technique
  3399. Florida Mystery shrouds death of Tarpon Springs fishing captain Fisherman was missing for10 days before he was found dead on sinking boat
  3401. How does GM stock look?
  3402. Unions and future of ­collective bargaining in public sector
  3403. California Court: Employers can pay women less based on past salaries
  3404. A paradigm shift needed on sexual misconduct
  3405. New ABA book will guide attorneys through economic espionage, trade secret theft cases
  3406. New ABA book will guide attorneys through economic espionage, trade secret theft cases
  3407. COMMENTARY: What to look for in a politician
  3408. New ABA book will guide attorneys through economic espionage and trade secret theft cases
  3409. An imperfect but understandable response to sexual misconduct
  3410. Our citations, ourselves: Changing with the times
  3411. Illinois Municipals and INST
  3412. COMMENTARY: It's what we do that counts
  3413. Finance Citigroup reports $18.3 billion loss, caused by new tax law
  3414. Law Library
  3415. One dud and two good investments
  3416. Is 'as is' really 'as is' in real estate contracts?
  3417. Strive to strike a balance between candor and courtesy
  3418. The hefty price tag for safe food
  3419. Timelines: Who knew what when?
  3420. Honigman's Grand Rapids growth continues
  3421. Three performance ­problems with most mutual funds
  3422. Maryland Atheistic group rejects call for appeal in Bladensburg Cross case Park service, American Legion say cross is only commemorative, not religious
  3423. Extreme cold highlights our need for better energy options
  3424. Extreme cold highlights our need for better energy options
  3425. Emojis and law in the 21st century
  3426. Emojis and law in the 21st century
  3427. SmallBiz Small Talk Money an issue as many businesses don't give caregiver leave
  3428. Local attorney Chris Gibbons brews beer, opens a community house
  3429. International Outspoken Chinese law professor, government critic, silenced
  3430. 'Smart' money moves that aren't so smart
  3431. Wayne Law again named a Best Value Law School
  3432. Are you paying too much for financial advice?
  3433. Business Does cyber insurance pay off in the business world?
  3434. EXPERT WITNESS: An open letter to Congress
  3435. Economy Risk for middle class: That GOP tax cuts could fade away Child tax credit and deduction limit won't adjust to keep pace with inflation
  3436. Get to Know Trent Collier
  3437. U.S. prosecutors move to cash in on $8.5M in seized bitcoin
  3438. Prosecutors move to cash in on seized bitcoin
  3439. Grabbing the 'Brass Ring': Attorney brews beer, opens community house
  3440. Will your store credit card survive 'retail apocalypse'?
  3441. Economy The gaping U.S. trade gap: A sign of weakness? Not necessarily
  3442. Timelines: Who knew what when?
  3443. Timelines: Who knew what when?
  3444. Edmunds: Before buying used car, consider luxury alternative
  3445. NERDWALLET: Are you paying too much for financial advice?
  3446. MLaw grad serves the Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland
  3447. What's in a game: ­intellectual property ­protection for the gaming industry
  3448. Thoughts on 2018's bond market
  3449. >Some need-to-know Small Business Administration rules
  3450. How the government can steal your stuff: 6 questions about civil asset forfeiture answered
  3451. Facebook is killing democracy with its personality profiling data
  3452. Grabbing the 'Brass Ring': Attorney brews beer, opens a community house
  3453. What's up with the singular 'they' these days?
  3454. The 3 biggest money ­decisions you'll make in your lifetime
  3455. Open up more than the books with your financial adviser
  3456. Wayne Law named a Best Value Law School
  3457. Biggest mistake investors make
  3458. Judge approves emissions cheating settlement for 3-liter Volkswagens
  3459. An important equation: boundaries = confidence + results
  3460. Tools for your investment toolbox
  3461. Tools for your investment toolbox
  3462. Friday Feature: The Tech (R)evolution in Law
  3463. New tax law's excise tax on exempt organization compensation
  3464. Families, justices, judges mark Family Reunification Day
  3465. Sustainability seminar addresses the value of going green, June 6
  3466. Business Work, life and telecommuting Study: Employees who work from home are least engaged with the company
  3467. Wayne Law recognized for practical training
  3468. Iowa Man who complained of odor sues town he says threatened him
  3469. Businesses' trade secrets must be kept secret (to be protected)
  3470. What's up with the singular 'they' these days?
  3471. Survival tips from the front lines of legal marketing
  3472. Contributions can help ensure a professional tribe thrives
  3473. What I would like to see from campaigns this year
  3475. Study finds millennial lawyers value work-life balance over financial gain
  3477. Retail sales remain positive in Michigan
  3478. How you handle promotions can help promote your culture
  3479. How you handle promotions can help promote your culture
  3480. Cash and prizes for winners in Oakland County's Small Business Saturday to Saturday promotion
  3481. Prosecutors move to cash in on seized bitcoin
  3482. Fact Check Trump flip-flops also turn truth upside down
  3483. Notes on the current great bull market
  3484. Survey shows women representation in law firms is slow to improve
  3485. Real Estate Why reverse mortgages are a harder sell now The heydays of using reverse mortgages for portfolio protection may be over
  3486. How to profit from someone else's financial mistake
  3487. U.S. Supreme Court will address 'service fees' for union costs
  3488. Washington 'I still see the scars': Memories of 1968 obscure progress
  3489. Securing and protecting software code for start-ups
  3490. I'm suing Pruitt's broken EPA -- here's how to fix it
  3491. Divorce and the 'Modern Family': Using ADR to address family law needs
  3492. Economy Risk for middle class: That GOP tax cuts could fade away Child tax credit and deduction limit won't adjust to keep pace with inflation
  3493. Economy Risk for middle class: That GOP tax cuts could fade away Child tax credit and deduction limit won't adjust to keep pace with inflation
  3494. Man gives $6,000 in gold to Salvation Army
  3495. New ABA book discusses how law firms can deliver high-value service to clients
  3496. New ABA book discusses how law firms can deliver high-value service to clients
  3497. New ABA book discusses how law firms can deliver high-value service to clients
  3498. ABA News ABA committee proposes making law school admissions tests optional
  3499. Negotiation strength comes from recognizing its existence
  3500. Good advice from a different guy
  3501. Value vs. growth delineated by market cap
  3502. Judge was at center of case concerning juvenile lifers
  3503. Five reasons why lawyers embrace content marketing
  3504. National Roundup
  3505. Online registration for MiCareerQuest begins
  3506. Business As with the president, managing up comes with risks, rewards Working for the mutual benefit of yourself and your boss can be tricky
  3507. Law Library
  3508. Changing roles of Big Law firm associates
  3509. I'm suing Pruitt's broken EPA -- here's how to fix it
  3510. To better serve a business, better know the business
  3511. Korea Summit is encouraging, but caution is essential
  3512. TAKING STOCK: REIT recommendations
  3513. 'Free Cash Flow' explained and investing in CenturyLink
  3514. When to ignore credit card advice
  3515. When to ignore credit card advice
  3516. Effective use of the forensic CPA
  3517. Self-investing: The many reasons not to choose DIY investing
  3518. Utah U.S. prosecutors move to cash in on $8.5M in seized bitcoin
  3519. Business Workplace romance under spotlight after sex scandals
  3520. Lawyers in the trenches: How executive coaching can help
  3521. 'Jimmy the Gent' and the big heist
  3522. Congregants at oldest U.S. synagogue ask high court to step in
  3523. Gun ads continue after mass shootings but with new scrutiny Advertisements have become a focal point in court case against gun company
  3524. Analysis How Facebook the Wal-Mart of the internet dismantled online subcultures
  3525. 4 ways to defend democracy and protect every voter's ballot
  3526. AmEx Gold Card gets ­bigger perks, higher fee
  3527. Amended FRE 902 expands self-authentication to ­certain electronic data
  3528. Short covering strategy
  3529. The root of mediation impasse in monetary claims: case valuation
  3530. Newest edition of ABA book includes enhanced tools to ­streamline the M&A process
  3531. Check-up Health care specialist provides guidance on regulatory issues
  3532. FBI report shows 17 percent spike in hate crimes in 2017
  3533. Reading the tea leaves of market movements
  3534. A deep dive into fixed income asset allocation
  3535. The root of mediation impasse in monetary claims: case valuation
  3536. TAKING STOCK: Uber and Zoetis
  3537. Uber and Zoetis
  3538. EXPERT WITNESS: Allegorical economics ... continued
  3539. THE EXPERT WITNESS: Allegorical economics ... continued
  3540. The rule of 72
  3541. The root of mediation impasse in monetary claims: case valuation
  3542. Families, justices, judges to celebrate Family Reunification Day
  3543. Law Library
  3544. Michigan teachers cash in on Battle Creek housing incentives
  3545. ABA News ABA leadership approves new dues ­structure, enhanced membership benefits
  3546. ABA News ABA leadership approves new dues ­structure, enhanced membership benefits
  3547. The root of mediation impasse in monetary claims: case valuation
  3548. Junk bonds tax reform and valuation
  3549. Domicology: A new way to fight blight before buildings are even constructed
  3550. Borrowing and the art of trial advocacy
  3551. Five reasons why lawyers embrace content marketing
  3552. Five reasons why lawyers embrace content marketing
  3553. Patent filing strategies for startups
  3554. General counsels' view of legal marketing
  3555. Is an engagement ring an investment?
  3556. New 2018 law firms in transition survey released
  3557. Keep drama in entertainment venues -- not the workplace
  3558. Don't be your own worst enemy when investing
  3559. Businessman pleads guilty in theft of crates
  3560. State Supreme Court rules in favor of FanDuel, DraftKings
  3561. Attorneys for Animals inducts first class of 'Animal Friendly Attorneys'
  3562. Expand your homebuying options with a fixer-upper mortgage
  3563. Elusive results: unlocking the promise of accountability
  3564. Elusive results: unlocking the promise of accountability
  3565. How to be a happy timeshare owner
  3566. Top 10 key cybersecurity recommendations for 2019
  3567. Calculating lost profits: an overview
  3568. Creating unique value propositions
  3569. Wall Street For many young investors, the stock market's only gone up Fear is that inexperienced investors will panic at first taste of a bear market
  3570. Investing in China
  3571. Get to Know Trent Collier
  3572. Economy Risk for middle class: That GOP tax cuts could fade away Child tax credit and deduction limit won't adjust to keep pace with inflation
  3573. How to write a will that won't trigger a family feud
  3574. How to write a will that won't trigger a family feud
  3575. Retirement planning differs for women
  3576. Companies transform cultures as they compete for talented staffers
  3577. The New York Times as an investment
  3578. Economy Tariff fight adds to China's economic challenges Communist leaders are trying to engineer slower, more self-sustaining growth
  3579. Analysis Technology giants didn't deserve public trust in the first place
  3580. Employers can learn from rejected arbitration ­agreement
  3581. Law school named a 'Best Value' for fifth year
  3582. There's a wider scandal suggested by the Trump investigations
  3583. Employment Is your workplace toxic? Organizations can lean on human resource experts to remedy toxic culture
  3584. Analysis Finding trust and understanding in autonomous technologies
  3585. Five reasons why lawyers embrace content marketing
  3586. Michigan's commercial property tax assessment season is here; deadline to appeal is May 31
  3588. Don't make these big life insurance blunders
  3590. As stock prices go on discount, their biggest buyers return to market
  3591. 5 things clients want from firms for free
  3592. 5 things clients want from firms for free
  3593. Ruling on 'Obamacare' poses new problems for GOP
  3594. Michigan commercial property tax assessment season is here
  3595. 'Big Tech' isn't one big monopoly it's 5 companies all in different businesses
  3596. The secret to successful ­lateral moves
  3597. Millennials and the practice of law
  3600. Discounted cash is king in 2018
  3601. CVS or Walgreens?
  3602. Snag these hotel loyalty perks, even if you're disloyal
  3603. Local businessman sentenced to prison in theft of plastic crates
  3604. Money mistakes even smart people make
  3605. Is there such thing as privacy anymore?
  3606. TAKING STOCK: Don't invest in China
  3608. Endowment effects and loss aversion psychology and investing
  3609. Stell Reception
  3610. What Homer Simpson and Spock can teach us about litigation risk
  3611. Facebook emails show how it sought to leverage user data
  3612. Accepting bitcoin for ­payment of legal services: is it ethical?
  3613. The patent pendulum is swinging
  3614. South Carolina Racial comments don't overcome no-impeachment rule
  3615. Insights from the Office of the U.S. Solicitor General
  3616. 5 divorce mistakes that can cost you
  3617. The ethics of subliminal messaging
  3618. 5 things clients want from firms for free
  3619. Tax strategies for entrepreneurs looking to accumulate wealth
  3620. State appellate judge stays true to his roots
  3623. Diversity in law firms is often only for appearance
  3624. New York Admissions scandal unfolds amid cynicism about moral values Scandal is the biggest such scam ever prosecuted by the Justice Department
  3625. Business FIS spends $35B on Worldpay as digital payments surge
  3626. Don't overlook the benefits of closed-end funds
  3627. Creating value propositions
  3628. How to get rid of a timeshare
  3629. Real Estate Home sales fall 4.9% in slow start to spring ­buying ­season
  3630. Check-up Health care specialist provides guidance on regulatory issues
  3631. For the 'political-infotainment-media complex,' the Mueller investigation was a gold mine
  3632. Several factors contribute to low home ownership rate
  3633. Effective use of the forensic CPA
  3634. ABA News American Bar Association announces 2019 Silver Gavel Awards for Media and the Arts
  3635. Short covering strategy
  3636. Employment Is your workplace toxic? Organizations can lean on human resource experts to remedy toxic culture
  3637. Learn the unwritten rules
  3638. D.R.I.V.E. alternative on no-fault reform would increase lawsuits, incentivize fraud and drive insurers out of state
  3639. Five things clients want from firms for free
  3640. Five things clients want from firms for free
  3641. SAIC and MO
  3642. Business Grab a soda and go: Convenience stores get more convenient
  3643. Mediators in the culture of litigation
  3644. The four key ingredients every lawyer needs to succeed
  3645. Creating value propositions
  3646. Michigan's falling teacher salaries push some educators from the field
  3647. Propaganda and absolute power
  3648. SmallBiz Small Talk Bound to fail: Poor choices can ruin business partnerships
  3649. Technology Artificial intelligence has a role in cybersecurity, but isn't the magic bullet
  3650. Fair and square: helping divorcing couples divide belongings
  3651. What to consider when farming out your investment management
  3652. Business Coworking culture on the rise Trend introduces office-like atmosphere into traditional retail spaces
  3653. NERDWALLET: Don't make these big life insurance blunders
  3654. Millennials and the practice of law
  3655. 5 things clients want from firms for free
  3656. There's a wider scandal suggested by the Trump investigations
  3657. That arbitration agreement might need some revisions
  3658. Americans say they're worried about climate change so why don't they vote that way?
  3659. COMMENTARY: That arbitration agreement might need some revisions
  3660. To fight climate change, a better Green New Deal is needed
  3662. To be good lawyer, you have to be healthy
  3663. TAKING STOCK: Uber and Zoetis
  3664. Charitable giving under tax reform
  3665. Finding value in financial advice is more than finding the lowest cost
  3666. Finding value in financial advice is more than finding the lowest cost
  3667. Federal Reserve buys insurance; market drops anyway
  3668. CenturyLink doesn't seem promising
  3669. Analysis Budgeting for charity: A new way for the government to encourage giving
  3670. Tax Policy So you want to tax the rich here's which candidate's plan makes the most sense
  3671. The late-payment culture -- tips for getting invoices paid fast
  3672. Analysis Finding trust and understanding in autonomous technologies
  3673. The cultural cornerstone of your firm
  3674. Analysis Could a tax on stock trades pay off the nation's student debt?
  3675. TAKING STOCK: The rule of 72
  3676. The economics of music for attorneys and others: A redux (part three)
  3677. A horribly politically incorrect story: (To Kill A Mockingbird)
  3678. EXPERT WITNESS: A horribly politically incorrect story: (To Kill a Mockingbird)
  3679. EXPERT WITNESS: The economics of music for attorneys and others: A redux (part three)
  3680. Profitability from a values-based culture in a law practice
  3681. Michigan's auto industry matters less to the state workforce
  3682. Navigating the world of student loans
  3683. The root of conflict: unmet expectations and needs
  3684. Analysis Does most of your paycheck go to rent? That may be hurting your health
  3685. There's more than 1 way to slay a debt
  3686. SmallBiz Small Talk New business owners find it's a mistake to work for free
  3687. Lawyers and judges to exchange ideas, explore latest trends at ABA conference in New York
  3688. Why companies file for ­bankruptcy and how it ­protects both debtors and creditors
  3689. NERDWALLET: Who gets your digital assets - heirs or hackers?
  3690. At this stage of economic expansion, is it like 1996 or 1999?
  3691. Why 'woke' NBA is ­struggling to balance its ­values with Chinese ­expansion
  3692. Law Day 2019 draws a large crowd to celebrate free speech and a free press
  3693. Analysis Want to reform America's police? Look to firefighters
  3694. Fruitport festival celebrates 'old-fashioned' 150-year-old city
  3695. Why streaming services are the new credit card rewards binge
  3696. Here are three ways to take the wheel on charitable donations
  3697. 2019 Modern Wealth Survey results are in. How do you stack up?
  3698. Honest measurement as to how your monies are managed
  3699. Home prices rose 3% year over year in February
  3700. Litigation rates in family law decline in favor of settlements
  3701. Q&A How the government can steal your stuff: 6 questions about civil asset forfeiture answered
  3702. Three ways to take the wheel on charitable giving
  3703. The seasonal risk of mutual funds: capital gain distributions
  3704. That arbitration agreement might need some revisions
  3705. New Ottawa County park honors heritage of family farm
  3706. NERDWALLET: Money mistakes even smart people make
  3708. 5 keys to generating business for your firm
  3709. Law school holds rank on Best Value list
  3710. Watch your credit card rewards pile up with these 5 tips
  3711. September home prices rose 2.1% from a year ago
  3712. Municipal bond funds offer unique advantages
  3713. Data privacy, robocalls top consumer protection issues for FTC Chair Joseph Simons
  3714. Catholic activism, not repentance for sexual abuse, is what forces clergy to resign
  3715. First class of Animal Friendly Attorneys(TM) inducted
  3716. Virginia Human trafficking victim trying to recover $8M award Attorney estimates woman performed close to 40,000 hours of unpaid labor
  3717. The spinning UTX is a keeper
  3718. A goal for all to aspire to: Living your happiest life at work
  3719. North Carolina on whether lawyers can accept bitcoin as payment
  3720. How to attract the next ­generation of financial advisers
  3721. Amended FRE 902 expands self-authentication to ­certain electronic data
  3722. In business deals, the details matter
  3723. From 'Total exoneration!' to 'Impeach now!' the Mueller report and ­dueling fact perceptions
  3724. Money rules of thumb can be handy
  3725. COMMENTARY: That arbitration agreement might need some revisions
  3726. Tesla passes $100 billion, teeing up big payout for CEO Elon Musk
  3727. Scapegoating or strategic-minded?
  3728. Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy: Economics for ­everyone (episode five)
  3729. How much is your data worth to tech companies?
  3730. Attorneys general warn about 'at-home rape kit' companies
  3731. Profitability from a values-based culture in a law practice
  3732. U.S. home price gains accelerate amid smaller supply of homes
  3733. Selling this spring? Prepare your home like a pro (Part 1)
  3734. Law firms adopting technology for better security, document search
  3735. At a Glance
  3736. Global Economy Rust-belt China looks abroad as economy slows, tariffs bite
  3737. NERDWALLET: The 'good enough' home may be just perfect
  3738. Analysis Facebook is claiming Libra offers economic ­empowerment to billions an economist is skeptical
  3739. Business-use vehicles deduction for the self-employed
  3740. Creating value propositions
  3741. Environment To save Everglades, guardians fight time -- and climate Pace of climate change calls into question how much of glades can be salvaged
  3742. Beware of these overhyped financial strategies
  3743. Profitability from a values-based culture in a law practice
  3744. An unbalanced life: Brought to you by ... your mind
  3745. Could climate change fuel the rise of right-wing nationalism?
  3746. Disruption is coming to GAAP-based financial statements
  3747. Peeling back the layers in ETFs
  3748. Business Trade war chills M&A market for ­manufacturers, survey says
  3749. Prominent lawyers call for a stop to presidential attacks on democracy
  3750. How to plan for a ­comfortable retirement in a volatile market
  3751. Foolproof recipe for the Nicegram
  3752. North Carolina Lawyers get >12-week break from courts for parental leave
  3753. Department of Justice uses Travel Act to prosecute health care fraud
  3754. How managers can become leaders
  3755. Whitmer targets charter students in budget veto
  3756. The private equity preference
  3757. How markets tend to ­overshoot fundamentals
  3758. Daily Briefs
  3759. Wipe out credit card debt by setting SMART goals
  3760. Montana Millions at stake in dinosaur fight: Are fossils minerals?
  3761. Activism in the workplace
  3762. Analysis 5 reasons why people give their money away plus 1 why they don't
  3763. Municipal bond funds offer unique advantages
  3764. Edmunds: The worst financial mistake a car buyer can make
  3765. The bear market is back: What should investors do?
  3766. Kansas Law that kept kids out of jail may have led to foster care Some working in system say changes to juvenile justice system removed options for dealing with foster children who have high needs, violent behaviors
  3767. Representations and ­warranty insurance: What you need to know
  3768. Home price gains accelerate amid smaller supply of homes
  3769. BorgWarner to buy rival auto parts supplier Delphi
  3770. Remembering Poor Richard's warning
  3771. Playing the long game can earn your portfolio big rewards
  3772. Shrinking equity risk premium
  3773. How to attract the next ­generation of financial advisers
  3774. Transportation Traffic drop from stay-at-home orders imperils road funding States expect sharp drop in revenue from fuel taxes, tolls and other fees
  3775. Is too much goodwill a bad thing?
  3776. Effects resulting from the USPTO's use of AI in patent examinations
  3777. Analysis How much is your data worth to tech companies? Lawmakers want to tell you, but it's not that easy to calculate
  3778. Could black philanthropy help solve the black student debt crisis?
  3779. 5 things clients want from firms for free
  3780. German court ruling clears the way to settle VW diesel cases
  3781. Business Coworking culture on the rise Trend introduces office-like atmosphere into traditional retail spaces
  3782. Analysis Technology giants didn't deserve public trust in the first place
  3783. Bond prices
  3784. Legislation adds flexibility to usage of Natural Resources Trust Fund dollars
  3785. TAKING STOCK: Bond prices
  3786. An old debate over religion in school is opening up again
  3787. Hedging market risk in a diversified investment portfolio
  3788. ABA improves access to webinars and on-demand programs
  3789. 'Women in IP' featured on panel at University of Michigan Law School
  3790. Personal Finance Weathering the stock markets: one investor's strategy
  3791. Why credit card rewards are targeting 'convenience' spending
  3792. THE ECONOMIC BLUEPRINT: Giving your time, talent, and resources
  3793. 100 years ago, Congress threw out results of the census
  3794. Tech bubble bursts ... or at least becomes a lot smaller
  3795. NERDWALLET: Who gets your digital assets - heirs or hackers?
  3796. Two pharmacists in small town sentenced to 15 months in prison
  3797. Pennsylvania Ex-prison shows animated films made by incarcerated artists
  3798. Reflexivity - How stock prices can influence underlying values
  3799. Dos and don'ts of helping loved ones pay medical bills
  3800. Time for your physical exam!
  3801. Home prices increase 4% in April
  3802. Car value myths, busted
  3803. Politics & Economy Fallout of '08 bailout looms over Washington negotiations Democrats push for restrictions on big businesses to keep workers on payroll
  3804. State Bar taking survey on Michigan Bar Journal
  3805. 'Meaningful' mission: New State Bar chief goes out of his way to help out
  3806. Nation After virus, how will Americans' view of the world change? America's relationship with the world has always been marked by tension
  3807. Wall Street isn't just a casino where traders can bet on GameStop and other stocks - it's essential to keeping capitalism from crashing
  3808. Lawmakers should pay close attention to state pension systems
  3809. Law student aims to be a voice for the voiceless
  3810. MY TURN: A story worth repeating time and time again
  3811. State adds 600-acre expansion worth $2M to public lands
  3812. Student Spotlight: Perla Espinal
  3813. COMMENTARY: Cash-value life insurance provides a safe harbor in today's economic storm
  3814. COMMENTARY: Cash-value life insurance provides a safe harbor in today's economic storm
  3815. New Mexico State's border crossing touted as safer, welcoming entry Structure features new customs building designed to make travel, trade easier
  3816. THE ECONOMIC BLUEPRINT: Giving your times, talent, and resources
  3817. When to buy new instead of used
  3818. What a pandemic can mean to your law practice
  3819. Small business relief program launches, hits snags
  3820. Daily Briefs
  3821. Leveraging gifts in a low interest rate environment to save on estate taxes
  3822. Law student aims to be a voice for the voiceless
  3823. Start planning now to save money on travel in 2020
  3824. How to consume news while maintaining your sanity
  3825. A focus on quality in the midst of the pandemic
  3826. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Football fairness: Lessons for ADR?
  3827. Time your credit card ­application this bonus-friendly season
  3828. ADR SPOTLIGHT: The neutral stranger and the untold story
  3829. Proposed cap for like-kind exchanges is shortsighted and counterproductive
  3830. Proposed cap for like-kind exchanges is shortsighted and counterproductive
  3831. Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy: Economics for everyone (episode 19) --Talks with tribal elders
  3832. Oakland County Health Division awarded national accreditation
  3833. Market's bounce from pandemic low is fastest in several decades
  3834. Using financial metrics
  3835. TAKING STOCK: The Gold Rush is on again
  3836. Analysis Too many people think satirical news is real
  3837. ABA legal education section releases report on study of Graduate Requirement Examination (GRE)
  3838. Economy Michigan retailers are optimistic for a strong winter
  3839. Daily Briefs
  3840. With Fresh Eyes
  3841. It's time for better employee benefits
  3842. ABA legal education section releases consultant's report
  3843. Daily Briefs
  3844. Access to justice, attorney wellness top SBM leader's agenda
  3845. THE ECONOMIC BLUEPRINT: Ways to help limit the effect of taxes on capital gains from your portfolio
  3846. Why employers should care about Bitcoin in ransomware attacks
  3847. TAKING STOCK: Steer clear of anything bearing the 'Goldman Sachs' imprimatur
  3848. Law school earns Best Value ranking for seventh year
  3849. Firm hosts 'An Evening for a New Day' to help families
  3850. NERDWALLET: Sustainable investing could get a lot harder
  3851. Overcoming challenges to small firms
  3852. Levin Center announces winner of its 2020 Excellence in Oversight Research Award
  3853. A New Lower Threshold for Lead Poisoning in Children Means More Will Get Tested - But the Ultimate Solution is Eliminating Lead Sources
  3854. Check your privilege - a case for Bitcoin
  3855. Wealth management tips for the current economic landscape
  3857. COMMENTARY: Lying to the court: not a brilliant idea in any legal respect
  3858. Giving your time, talent and resources
  3859. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy (episode 24)
  3860. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy (episode 24)--The secrets of grant-writing for attorneys
  3861. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy (episode 24)--The secrets of grant-writing for attorneys
  3862. Bronze-Age Measurement of ­Ancestral Real Estate (Part Two of a Series on Sacred Geometry in the Economics and Law of Real Estate)
  3863. What's fair in love and war: divorce in a volatile market
  3864. Analysis Women risk losing decades of workplace progress due to COVID-19 here's how companies can prevent that
  3866. Better Business Bureau warns of the 12 Scams of Christmas this holiday
  3867. Court Digest
  3868. Electrifying action - checking in on Tesla
  3870. COMMENTARY: The common ethics dynamics underlying the Jeff Zucker and Brian Flores matters
  3871. Analysis Why your employer-sponsored insurance may ultimately not be good for you
  3872. How to reduce taxes when you sell your home
  3873. TAKING STOCK: Strip malls are for stupids
  3874. Court Roundup
  3875. What if you can't 'out-budget' inflation?
  3877. Efforts to preserve wealth before the meltdown draw scrutiny
  3878. LEGAL PEOPLE - Dec. 29
  3879. ABA legal education section releases consultant's report on study of GRE
  3880. Daughter of immigrants aims to strengthen social equality
  3881. Ways to help limit the effect of taxes on capital gains from your portfolio
  3882. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Negotiation 101--What parties should know about negotiations at the mediation table
  3883. How to take advantage of a hot real estate market without selling your home
  3884. The 'golden constant'
  3885. Building subsidized low-income housing actually lifts property values in a neighborhood, contradicting NIMBY concerns
  3886. Charities see more crypto donations. Who is benefiting?
  3887. Study finds 71% of financial services firms value legal departments more as a result of the pandemic
  3888. 'Implicit Bias and Juror Decision-making' explored
  3889. White House unveils artificial intelligence 'Bill of Rights'
  3890. ABA legal education section releases consultant's report on study of GRE
  3891. ABA legal education section releases consultant's report on study of GRE
  3892. Interest rates - implications for stock valuations
  3893. Report shows effectiveness of legal aid services
  3894. Dept. awards more than $1.7 million for 18 projects to improve, grow local agricultural business processes
  3895. Dept. awards more than $1.7 million for 18 projects to improve, grow local agricultural business processes
  3896. Weathering the stock markets: one investor shares her strategy
  3897. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy (episode 24)
  3898. EXPERT WITNESS: A modern approach to forecasting lost earnings
  3899. Dramatic collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX contains lessons for investors but won't affect most people
  3900. The future of the global ­economy: Local-global or global-local?
  3901. COMMENTARY: Can we find our way to the common good?
  3902. New State Bar president focuses on attorney wellness, access to justice
  3903. Millennials' No. 1 barrier to homeownership: High ­interest rates
  3904. Analysis 5 reasons why people give their money away plus 1 why they don't
  3905. Grit bolsters team performance, ABA report shows
  3906. Grit bolsters team performance, ABA report shows
  3907. EXPERT WITNESS: The curious alignments on planet earth-- An introduction to Sacred Geometry
  3908. ABA report: Grit, growth bolster team performance
  3909. MY TURN: Solemn ceremony served to solidify lifelong friendship
  3910. Man sentenced for defrauding U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and MI Treasury
  3911. Quantifying lost profits in the COVID-19 world
  3912. First Black woman justice joins Illinois Supreme Court
  3913. Workshop to help small businesses focus on value of services
  3914. ABA: Grit, growth bolster team performance
  3915. Support: Attorney wellness a focus of new SBM leader's agenda
  3916. 3 reasons not to tap your home equity right now
  3917. Daily Briefs
  3918. September 14 seminar will outline succession planning best practices
  3919. 7 credit card moves to stretch your budget
  3920. Attorneys discuss ESG with in-house counsel June 13
  3921. Just how passive is passive income?
  3922. Parents are concerned about lack of financial ­education in school
  3923. Michigan Association for Justice conducting Winter Meeting, Jan. 14
  3925. How a sustainability index can keep Exxon but drop Tesla - and 3 ways to fix ESG ratings to meet investors? expectations
  3927. Helping hand: Attorney wellness is a feature of SBM leader's agenda
  3929. Integrity, innovation and risk-taking is a rare combination in CEOs, new research suggests
  3930. Seminar outlines succession planning best practices
  3931. Thrift store chain case was no bargain for state attorney general; legal fees top $4.2 million
  3932. EXPERT WITNESS: Sufficient affluence/sustainable economy: Economics for everyone (episode nineteen)--Talks with tribal elders
  3933. ESG for in-house counsel focus of ACC-MI online program June 13
  3934. Law school honored as a Best Value, recognized for innovation in social justice
  3935. Law school honored as a Best Value, recognized for innovation in social justice
  3936. Nation Coronavirus impacts the real estate market During standard recession, home prices may fall but that's not always the case
  3937. Levin Center announces Award for Excellence in Oversight Research
  3938. Levin Center announces Award for Excellence in Oversight Research
  3939. Wayne Law named Best Value Law School for 10th consecutive year
  3940. What do a Black scientist, nonprofit executive and filmmaker have in common? They all face racism in the 'gray areas' of workplace culture
  3941. Traumatic Brain Injury Seminar hosted by MAJ
  3945. In-house legal teams are 'more valued' due to pandemic
  3946. Grit, growth bolster team performance, says ABA
  3947. Law school and university end affiliation
  3948. Law school and university end affiliation
  3949. Attorneys discuss ESG with in-house counsel June 13
  3950. Reformed mobster went after ‘one last score’ when he stole Judy Garland’s ruby slippers from ‘Oz’
  3951. Michigan doesn't need its own college ROI calculator
  3952. Trump's defense at civil fraud trial zooms in on Mar-a-Lago, with broker calling it 'breathtaking'
  3953. Suspect who pled no contest to defrauding U.S. VA Administration and MI Treasury receives sentencing date
  3954. Law school and university end affiliation
  3955. Is Mar-a-Lago worth $1 billion? Trump?s winter home valuations are at the core of his fraud trial
  3956. Exxon Mobil doubles down on fossil fuels with $59.5 billion deal for Pioneer Natural as prices surge
  3957. Sellout! How political corruption shaped an American insult
  3958. ABA: Grit, growth bolster team performance
  3959. Michigan retailers report Dec. retail sales index up year-over-year
  3960. Ford Motor Company agrees to pay $365M to settle customs civil penalty claims relating to misclassified and under-valued vehicles
  3961. EXPERT WITNESS: A guide to human virtue--A holiday gift during our current pandemic
  3962. Lone Star Credit Union CEO on cryptocurrencies
  3963. ‘MIDC Standards’ explored by deputy director in webinar, April 19
  3965. Berkshire can?t use bribery allegations against Haslam in Pilot truck stop chain accounting dispute
  3966. Following 'parade' of IP protections, attorney sheds light on the distinction between trademarks and copyrights
  3967. COMMENTARY: Dobbs decision takes country to a dark age
  3970. Trade or sell your car? What’s best might surprise you New-car market rebounds from pandemic-induced shortages
  3971. ABA report shows that grit bolsters team performance
  3972. Law firm partners with foundation to double Kelsey’s Law scholarship
  3973. In court faceoff, Michael Cohen testifies against Trump in fraud trial Trump's attorneys seek to portray Cohen as a serial liar
  3974. Access to justice and attorney wellness top SBM leader's agenda
  3975. Attorney wellness is a focus for new SBM leader
  3976. Support: Attorney wellness is a focus for new SBM leader
  3977. Support: Attorney wellness is a focus for new SBM leader
  3978. Detroit considers a novel tax structure to spur development
  3979. Home values rising in Detroit, especially for Black homeowners, study shows
  3980. Is college worth it? Poll finds only 36% of Americans have confidence in higher education
  3981. JBAM offers law student scholarship
  3982. JBAM offers $1,500 law student scholarship: deadline Jan. 27
  3983. Sam Bankman-Fried was convicted of fraud following the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX. Here's what investors need to know
  3984. How cannabis and psilocybin might help some of the 50 million Americans who are experiencing chronic pain
  3985. Medicine doesn’t just have ‘conscientious objectors’ - there are ‘conscientious providers,’ too
  3986. Michigan Pipeline Standoff Could Affect Water Protection and Indigenous Rights Across the U.S.
  3987. Are luxury investments a good idea in this economy?
  3988. All eyes are on Nvidia’s stock, so what’s been going on?
  3990. Michigan retailers report low February sales, mirroring January
  3991. U.S. shoppers spent more at retailers last month in latest sign consumers are driving growth
  3992. After years, court hands tax win to Michael Jackson heirs
  3994. Grit bolsters team performance, ABA report shows
  3995. The importance of teaching personal finance in U.S. schools
  3996. Duly Noted
  3998. Meta Shift from Fact-Checking to Crowdsourcing Spotlights Competing Approaches to Fight Against Misinformation
  4000. ADR SPOTLIGHT: The blame-shame game in mediation
  4003. ADR SPOTLIGHT: The blame-shame game in mediation
  4004. ADR SPOTLIGHT: The blame-shame game in mediation
  4006. Local school named among Best Value Law Schools
  4007. EXPERT WITNESS: A curious case in troubled times
  4008. Law school and university end affiliation
  4009. EXPERT WITNESS: A curious case in troubled times
  4010. The First Amendment Will Likely Protect the Anonymity of Redditors Who Discussed GameStop Stock
  4013. 78% of millennials wrestle with home affordability, research reveals
  4014. How the Supreme Court Can Maintain its Legitimacy Amid Intensifying Partisanship
  4016. Report shows effectiveness of legal aid services in Michigan
  4017. Seminar outlines succession planning best practices
  4019. Mackinac Center files brief in Minnesota case of property seizure without compensation
  4020. Value-seekers drove 2024’s retail trends and dead ends
  4021. Grit bolsters team performance, ABA report shows
  4022. Storied U.S. Steel to be acquired for more than $14 billion by Nippon Steel
  4023. COMMENTARY: The American Bar Association rejects efforts to undermine the courts and the legal profession
  4025. Local man sentenced for defrauding U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and MI Treasury
  4026. Roasted orange delivers big flavor in this smoky ­chicken traybake
  4027. Americans agree more than they might think - not knowing this jeopardizes the nation’s shared values
  4028. Nonprofit attorney dedicated to supporting community groups joins Michigan Law faculty
  4029. Law firm accepting applications for inaugural Richard Rassel Butzel Core Values Scholarship
  4030. Law firm accepting applications for $15,000 1L student scholarship
  4031. Law firm accepting applications for $15,000 1L student scholarship
  4032. EXPERT WITNESS: A curious case in troubled times
  4033. U.S. shoppers spent more at retailers last month in latest sign consumers are driving growth
  4034. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Three ADR options in Michigan domestic relations cases
  4035. New Maker Creating Geodomes at Herrick District Library
  4036. State senator wanted late father’s ashes when she broke into stepmother’s home, charges say
  4037. Most Americans feel they pay too much in taxes, AP-NORC poll finds
  4038. ADR SPOTLIGHT: Three ADR options in Michigan domestic relations cases
  4039. EXPERT WITNESS: A curious case in troubled times
  4040. Law school and university end affiliation
  4041. EXPERT WITNESS: A curious case in troubled times
  4042. Law school and university end affiliation
  4043. COMMENTARY: The American Bar Association rejects efforts to undermine the courts and the legal profession
  4044. Ford Motor Company agrees to pay $365M to settle customs civil penalty claims relating to misclassified and under-valued vehicles
  4045. Ford Motor Company agrees to pay $365M to settle customs civil penalty claims relating to misclassified and under-valued vehicles
  4046. Why Trump’s meme coin is a cash grab
  4047. Donor-advised funds are drawing a lot of assets besides cash
  4048. Law firm accepting applications for inaugural Richard Rassel Scholarship
  4049. Butzel law firm is accepting applications for $15,000 scholarship
  4050. Joining NATO binds countries to defend each other – but this commitment is not set in stone
  4051. Law firm accepting applications for $15,000 scholarship
  4052. Are digital tools a way for companies to retain hourly workers?
  4053. Law firm accepting applications for $15,000 1L student scholarship
  4054. COMMENTARY: Lies mean little to those who go blindly to the polls
  4055. COMMENTARY: Lies mean little to those who go blindly to the polls
  4056. As OpenAI attracts billions in new investment, its goal of balancing profit with purpose is getting more challenging to pull off
  4057. Michigan Auto Law partners with The Kiefer Foundation to double scholarship awarded for The Kelsey’s Law Distracted Driving Awareness Scholarship
  4058. Bloomfield Township closes on sale of $4.27 million in special assessment bonds; AAA bond rating reaffirmed